Workflows and Lava

Workflows & Lava

Workflows and Lava goes together like peas and carrots.

Attribute Values

There may be a time when you'd like to retrieve the data identifier for an attribute. This would be helpful in creating links to pages that would need to know which person, group, etc. you are interested in. You can retrieve the unformatted attribute value by appending a RawValue to the attribute syntax. For example, using a merge field of {{ Workflow | Attribute:'Person','RawValue' }} would return a person alias GUID since that is how the Person type attribute stores its value.

It's important that you understand the internal types of many of the fields you'll be using. Below is an overview of the internal type for each field provided in Rock.

Field Types

Below is a listing of each field type available in your workflow, and how it's stored internally.

The last column indicates whether an attribute of a given type can be used to query for properties and attributes. For instance, you can use {{ Workflow | Attribute:'PersonAttribute','FirstName' }} since that attribute type represents a full entity. But you can't do something like
{{ Workflow | Attribute:'CampusesAttribute','Id' }} since that attribute type only contains a comma-separated list of GUIDs, and no full entities.

Field TypeStored ValueFull Entity?
Achievement Type The GUID of the Achievement Type Yes
Address The GUID of the location associated with the address Yes
Assessment Types A comma-delimited list of assessment type GUIDs Yes
Asset A string containing the properties of an asset No
Asset Storage Provider An asset storage provider's GUID No
Attendance An attendance record's GUID Yes
Attribute An attribute's GUID No
Audio File The audio file's GUID Yes
Audio URL The URL of the audio file No
Background Check This is the RecordKey value for Checkr (preceded by an identifier and comma), or the GUID of the file for the Protect My Ministry document No
Badges A comma-delimited list of badge GUIDs No
Benevolence Request A benevolence request's GUID Yes
Benevolence Type A benevolence type's GUID Yes
Binary File A binary file's GUID Yes
Binary File Type A binary file type's GUID Yes
Binary File Types A comma-delimited list of binary file type GUIDs No
Block Template If the default template is being used then the stored value is the block template's GUID followed by a bar. If a custom template is being used then the stored value is a placeholder GUID followed by a bar, with the content of the block (XAML/Lava) after the bar.No
Boolean 'True' or 'False' No
Campus A campus's GUID Yes
Campuses A comma-delimited list of campus GUIDs No
Captcha 'True' or 'False' depending on whether or not the person is verified No
Categories A comma-delimited list of category GUIDs No
Categorized Defined Value The Id of the selected Defined Value No
Category A category's GUID Yes
Check List The GUID for each selected item in the list No
Checkin Configuration Type The GUID of the Group Type for the selected Checkin Configuration Type No
Code Editor The text of the code editor No
Color The rgb string for the color, or the name of the named color No
Color Selector The hex string for the color (e.g. "#EE7725"). If multiple selection is allowed in the future, a pipe-delimited list of hex colors will be stored (e.g. "#EE7725|#F3F3F3"). No
Communication Preference The value of the communication preference (e.g. "1" for email, "2" for SMS) No
Communication Template A communication template's GUID Yes
Comparison '1' for Equal To, '2' for Not Equal To, '4' for Starts With, '8' for Contains, '16' for Does Not Contain, '32' for Is Blank, '64' for Is Not Blank, '128' for Greater Than, '256' for Greater Than or Equal To, '512' for Less Than, '1024' for Less Than Or Equal To, '2048' for Ends With, '4096' for Between, or '8192' for Regular Expression No
Component The GUID of the Entity Type for the selected component Yes
Components A pipe-delimited list of Entity Type GUIDs for the selected components No
Conditional Scale The value of the provided number No
Connection Activity Type A connection activity type's GUID Yes
Connection Opportunity A connection opportunity's GUID Yes
Connection Request A connection request's GUID Yes
Connection Request Activity A connection request activity's GUID Yes
Connection State'0' for Active, '1' for Inactive, '2' for Future Follow Up, or '3' for Connected No
Connection Status A connection status's GUID Yes
Connection Type A connection type's GUID Yes
Connection Types A comma-delimited list of connection type GUIDs No
Content Channel A content channel's GUID Yes
Content Channel Item A content channel item's GUID No
Content Channel Type A content channel type's GUID Yes
Content Channel Types A comma-delimited list of content channel type GUIDs No
Content Channels A comma-delimited list of content channel GUIDs No
Currency A decimal value No
Data Entry Requirement Level '1' for Optional, '2' for Required, or '3' for HiddenNo
Data View A data view's GUID Yes
Data Views A comma-delimited list of GUIDs for each selected data view No
Date The selected date formatted as 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS' or 'CURRENT:#' where # represents a day offset from the current day. To set this using Lava you can use the following: {{ 'Now' | Date:'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss' }} . No
Date Range Two comma-delimited dates where first date is lower value, and second date is upper value formatted as 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS,YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS' To set this using Lava you can use the following: {{ 'Now' | Date:'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss' }} No
Date Time The selected date formatted as 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS' or 'CURRENT:#' where # represents a minute offset from the current time. To set this using Lava you can use the following: {{ 'Now' | Date:'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss' }} No
Day of Week 0' for Sunday, '1' for Monday, '2' for Tuesday, '3' for Wednesday, '4' for Thursday, '5' for Friday, or '6' for Saturday No
Days of Week A comma-delimited list of Day of Week numbers (see previous) No
Decimal A decimal value No
Decimal Range Two comma-delimited decimal values where first number is lower value, and second number is upper value No
Defined Type A defined type's GUID Yes
Defined Value A comma-delimited list of defined value GUIDs (if attribute is not configured for multiple values, there should only be one GUID) No
Defined Value Range Two comma-delimited GUID values where first GUID is the lower defined value GUID, and second GUID is the upper defined value GUID No
Document TypeThe document type's Id. If multiple document types are selected, a comma-delimted list of document type Ids.No
Email An email address No
Email Template The value of the textbox No
Encrypted Text The text value encrypted using Rock's Encryption.EncryptString() static helper method No
Entity A pipe-delimited GUID and integer, where the GUID is an entity type's GUID, and the integer is the Id of the selected entity Yes
Entity Type An entity type's GUID Yes
Event Calendar An event calendar's GUID Yes
Event Item An event item's GUID Yes
File The file's GUID Yes
Filter Date The value of the textbox. This field type is intended to only be used for report filters when specifying date comparisons. No
Financial Account A financial account's GUID Yes
Financial Accounts A comma-delimited list of financial account GUIDs No
Financial Gateway A financial gateway's GUID Yes
Financial Statement Template A financial statement template's GUID Yes
Gender The value of a gender (e.g. Male returns "1") No
Group A group's GUID Yes
Group And Role Three pipe-delimited GUID values where first GUID is a group type's GUID, second GUID is a group's GUID, and third GUID is a group type role's GUID No
Group Location Type One of the configured group type's location type defined value's GUID No
Group Member A GroupMember Record's GUID Yes
Group Member Requirement A GroupMemberRequirement Record's GUID Yes
Group Role A group type role's GUID Yes
Group Type A group type's GUID Yes
Group Type Group Two pipe-delimited GUID values where first GUID is a group type's GUID, and second GUID is a group's GUID No
Group Types A comma-delimited list of group type GUIDs No
HTML The full HTML markup for the HTML provided No
Image The GUID of the image file Yes
Integer An integer value No
Integer Range The provided start and end values for the range, separated by a comma No
Interaction Channel An interaction channel's GUID Yes
Interaction Channel Interaction Component The GUID of the Interaction Channel and the GUID of the Interaction Component, separated by a pipe No
Interaction Channels A comma-delimited list of interaction channel GUIDs No
Key Value List A pipe-delimited list of two caret-delimited values where first is the selected key, and second is the selected value (ex: 'key1^value1|key2^value2|key3^value3'). If attribute is configured to use a defined type, the values should be the Ids of the selected defined values No
Label The label's GUID Yes
Lava The output/result of the provided Lava No
Lava Commands A comma-delimited list of the names of the selected Lava commands No
Location A location's GUID Yes
LocationList A location's GUID Yes
Markdown The markdown text No
Matrix A matrix's GUID No
Media Element A media element's GUID Yes
Media Selector A caret-delimited name^url value of the selected item. To get the Url using Lava, you can use the 'Url' option: {{ ... | Attribute:'<KEY>', 'Url' }} No
Media Watch A number representing the percentage of the Media Element that has been watched No
Memo The value of the textbox No
Merge Template A merge template's GUID No
Metric The metric's GUID Yes
Metric Categories A comma-delimited list of two pipe-delimited GUIDs where the first GUID is a metric's GUID, and the second is a category's GUID (ex: MetricGUID1|CategoryGUID1,MetricGUID2|CategoryGUID2) No
Metric Entity Five pipe-delimited values where first is the metric's GUID, second is the entity's Id, third is a 'True' or 'False' indicating if metric should be gotten from page context, fourth is a 'True' or 'False' indicating if multiple values should be combined, and final value is a metric category's GUID (ex: 'MetricGuid|EntityId|False|False|CategoryGuid') No
Metrics A comma-delimited list of metric GUIDs No
Mobile Navigation Action The action Type, the Pop Count and the Page Guid. Note that this field type is not meant to be used directly in places like workflows or person attributes, and is intended for use as a block setting. No
Month Day The selected month and day, formatted as: M/d No
Multi-Select A comma-delimited list of the values (e.g. 1,2,3) of the selected items No
Note Type A note type's GUID Yes
Note Types A comma-delimited list of GUIDs for each selected type of note No
Page Reference Value is in format 'Page.Guid,PageRoute.Guid' but only 'Page.Guid' is required. No
Persisted Dataset The persisted dataset's GUID No
Person A person alias GUID Yes
Person Badges A comma-delimited list of person badge GUIDs No
Phone Number A formatted phone number No
Prayer Request A prayer request's GUID No
Range Slider The integer value of the selected number No
Rating The integer value of the selected rating (e.g. four stars is stored as "4") No
Registration Instance The registration instance's GUID No
Registration Template A registration template's GUID No
Registration Templates A comma-delimited list of registration template GUIDs No
Registry Entry The values for the volume, page and line of the registry entry, separated by commas (e.g. "2,39,7") No
Reminder Type The GUID of the Reminder Type Yes
Reminder Types A comma-delimited list of the GUIDs of the Reminder Types No
Remote Auths A pipe-delimited list of entity type GUIDs (entity types should only be active authentication components that require remote authentication) No
Report A report's GUID Yes
Schedule A schedule's GUID Yes
Schedules A comma-delimited list of schedule GUIDs No
Secondary Auths A list of authentication method (e.g., Passwordless Authentication) GUIDs No
Security Role A security role (group) GUID Yes
Sequence The value of the textbox No
Signature Document Template A signature document template's GUID Yes
Single-Select The value (e.g. "1") of the selected item No
Site A site's Id Yes
Sliding Date Range Five pipe-delimited values where first value is the mode ('All', 'Last', 'Current', 'DateRange', 'Previous', 'Next', or 'Upcoming'), second value is number of time units (may be blank depending on mode), third value is the time units ('Hour', 'Day', 'Week', 'Month', or 'Year'), fourth value is start date if mode is Date Range, fifth value is end data if mode is Date Range (ex: 'DateRange|||5/22/2016 12:00:00 AM|5/24/2016 12:00:00 AM' or 'Previous|3|Week||' ) No
Social Media Account The URL or text string provided for the social media account No
SSN A string representing the encrypted value of a social security number No
Step A step's GUID Yes
Step Program A step program's GUID Yes
Step Program Step Status A step program's GUID and a step status GUID, pipe-delimited No
Step Program Step Type A step program's GUID and a step type's GUID, pipe-delimited No
Streak Type A streak type's GUID Yes
Structure Content Editor Code representing the contents of the editor No
System Communication A system communication's GUID No
System Email A system email's GUID Yes
System Phone Number A system phone number's GUID Yes
Text The value of the textbox No
Time A timespan value formatted as 'd.hh:mm:ss.fff' No
Time Zone The worded description of a time zone (e.g. "US Mountain Standard Time") No
Url Link The text of the Url No
Value Filter A string representing the expression type and filter conditions No
Value List A pipe-delimited list of values (ex: 'value1|value2|value3'). If attribute is configured to use a defined type, the values should be the ID of the selected defined values No
Video File A video file's GUID Yes
Video Url A video file's URL, or a text string provided No
Workflow A workflow's GUID Yes
Workflow Activity A workflow activity type's GUID Yes
Workflow Attribute The key of the selected attribute Yes
Workflow Text Or Attribute The contents of Text field or the GUID of selected attribute No
Workflow Type A workflow type's GUID Yes
Workflow Types A comma-delimited list of workflow type GUIDs No