
Photo of Aaron Hackett


Merge Template "Family Name"

Hello All, 

We have a report created that pulls in the field "Family Name". Is there a way to pull this same field into a mail merge, so that when we print address labels, they would use that "Family Name"? 

  • Photo of Aaron Hackett


    So, after a lot of lava testing, I finally found this answer. 

    Just to give clarification, our team has added a customized name to each family. If you edit the family, you can see there is a field for family name. They edited in an attempt to make mailing labels more personal and not just "Johnson Family" etc. But the Merge Template was not pulling that field in, it was just pulling in first and last name. 

    The Lava command for that family name is {{ CurrentPerson.PrimaryFamily.Name }} . Once I replaced first and last name lava with that, we were able to produce our mailing labels with the names our team desired. 

  • Photo of Luke Taylor


    It's going to depend on what lava is going on to pull a person record into your merge template, but, effectively, after that, you'll want to end up with something like {{ Person | FamilySalutation }}

    There are some values you can put in there to change what people are returned - the documentation is available at