
Photo of Marlon Dyce


Adding an additional Address Line


I am getting acquainted with Rock RMS and want to champion it for use by my church. Our country's addresses are very varied and I am looking at adding an additional address line to what is already available. Here is what I want to achieve:

Address 1

Address 2

(New Address Line) --> Label: Village or Suburb

City --> Label: Town or District

State --> Label: City, Borough or Region

Postal Code

I already saw how to re-label 'City' and 'State' how I want. But I getting a brand new address line is not as straightforward to me.

I went here:

Home --> General Settings --> Defined Types --> Countries

And I added a new attribute above where 'City', 'State' and 'Postal Code' was which I then labelled as 'Village or Suburb', but I can't figure out how to get it to display in the address editing or display fields in Rock itself.

Yes, I saw the message "Note: Because this defined type is used by Rock, editing is not enabled." but I still thought I would try.

I don't necessarily need it to be included in the mapping API (though that would be a plus), but I DO want to be able to have this as an editable and displayable field for an address.

Can I get some help/advice?

Kindest regards.

  • Photo of Nick Airdo


    Hi Tunapuna Dyce!

    Once you enable the "Support International Addresses" setting (found under Admin Tools > General Settings > Global Attributes) you should see the address labels adhere to the values specified in the Defined Types you were looking at.


  • Photo of Marlon Dyce


    Hi Nick.

    I appreciate you taking the time to respond to my question, however, this is not the answer I needed.

    What I want is another field in the address block in addition to the "CIty/Town" and "State/Province" fields.

    I saw how to relabel the already existing "CIty/Town" and "State/Province" fields (as well as add editable custom fields in other places).

    I realise the fields in the address block are also used with mapping/geocoding APIs and were probably not meant to be meddled with to that extent. So I will work within the parameters set by the RockRMS programmers.

    • Nick Airdo

      Unfortunately It's not currently possible to add new fields due to the way the underlying code (server address control) needs to be able to build and validate the associated user entry fields. I could see a possibility of adding a way to control the label on the Street Address 2 field, but that's about the extent of it.

  • Photo of Marlon Dyce


    Hello again Nick.

    I don't want to take for granted the time you took to respond again.

    Controlling the labels on the Street Address field(s) would make a good workaround for what I would like to achieve, so it would be great to see this implemented.

    Thanks again for the feedback.

    • Nick Airdo

      Great, the next step for you would be to submit the idea over into the Ideas system (currently on the left side bar). That's the place for community ideas to be considered and voted upon. Thanks for getting involved here!

  • Photo of Marlon Dyce


    So I am back on the system, working through some of the quirks between our potential data and what is available in RockRMS.
    I am going to head over to suggest adjusting the labels for both "Address Line 2" AND "County".
    Appreciate the help.