
Add Optional Follow Up Date & Assigned Staff Member to Timeline Notes

Add Optional Follow Up Date & Assigned Staff Member to Timeline Notes


When entering notes to the timeline, the information can be transactional (i.e., registered for this event), informational (i.e., mail returned), or relational. This feature would make notes of the relational type very powerful -- ensuring the information relevant to pastoring an individual is followed up on and that the individual doesn't fall through the cracks.

In this example, we are using a "Stewardship" Note Type to leave details about an interaction with a specific high-capacity donor. The notes we leave about this donor's relationship with the church are only as powerful as the degree to which we use them. This feature would turn the Timeline from a place to leave historical notes with little to no follow-up action into a powerful CRM tool.

What would this feature look like?

  • Adding a checkbox to the Note Entry dialog to Enable Follow Up Feature.
  • When enabled, a Person Picker and Date Picker for selecting the Assigned Person and the Follow-Up Date will appear.
  • Upon save, there would be a colored icon like a star or a flag indicating that there's a Follow-Up enabled with the details of who/when.
  • When that follow-up date arrives, the assigned person will automatically get a system email with a link to the note requesting their action.

Why add?

This feature ensures that the right eyes see the information they need to do their job in Rock, while integrating the follow-up process and pastoral pipeline into Rock in a place of high visibility and accountability for the administrators responsible for managing these relationships.


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Note View.jpg

Photo of Shelby SubiaSubmitted by Shelby Subia, The Father's House  ·   ·  CRM
Photo of Jon EdmistonJon Edmiston, Spark!  · 
Ministry Strength 5 / 5
Feature Size Medium
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  • Cover the WHY: Clearly articulate the rationale behind your idea, explaining why it's essential and how it aligns with the organization's goals and mission. Oftentimes a clear "why" sheds light into other possible options.