
Getting more out of WiFi Presence Interactions

Getting more out of WiFi Presence Interactions

10.0 CRM Complete

So I misunderstood when we setup Wifi presence the difference between interactions and attendance. In my head, if someone was connected to the auditorium AP during a scheduled service time we could mark them as attending that service. Although I now understand that's not what happens I would love to be able to either: 

  1. setup a job that turns interactions into attendance at the appropriate service.  or
  2. See Wifi interactions tied into the eRA criteria. 

Photo of DJ GrickSubmitted by DJ Grick, Moving Communities to Christ  ·   ·  CRM
Photo of Jon EdmistonComplete Jon Edmiston, Spark!  · 

We're working with FrontPorch to help them to be able to pull the configuration needed to determine services from Rock and then push attendance records into Rock.

Planned Version 10.0
Ministry Strength 4 / 5
Feature Size Medium
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