Other Filters

These filters provide various utility roles in creating your Lava.



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Server: v7.0

Adds a CSS link to the page. If the link has already been previously registered (by a block or other Lava) it will not be duplicated.



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Server: v4.0

Adds a link to the HTML head of the current page.



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Server: v4.0

Creates a meta tag that will be inserted into the HTML head. This is useful for adding social media links.



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Server: v12.0

Adds a header to the HTTP response. This allows you to set custom headers. Note that any headers already being set in Rock will overwrite the values you provide. These should only be used to add custom headers.



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Server: v7.0

Adds a script link to the page. If the link has already been previously registered (by a block or other Lava) it will not be duplicated.



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Server: v16.2

Allows you to add a new item to the provided Lava merge fields.



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Server: v10.0

Returns the following status for the currently logged in user to the results of an entity command or Persisted Dataset.



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Server: v17.0

Adds personalization segment information for the currently logged in user to the results of an entity command or Persisted Dataset.



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Server: v16.0

Returns information about whether the current person has watched various media files provided. This filter is highly customizable to work in various different scenarios.



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Server: v7.0 Mobile: v1.0

Converts the input to a Boolean (true/false) value.



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Server: v7.0 Mobile: v1.0

Converts the input to a DateTime value.



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Server: v7.0 Mobile: v1.0

Converts the input to a decimal value.



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Server: v7.0 Mobile: v1.0

Converts the input to a double value (which has less precision than a decimal).



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Server: v16.5

Converts the input to a Guid value.



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Server: v7.0 Mobile: v1.0

Converts the input to an integer value.



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Server: v7.0 Mobile: v1.0

Converts the input to a string value.



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Server: v7.0

Converts a binary file to a base-64 encoded string.



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Server: v7.0

Returns information about the client browser.



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Server: v16.3

Creates a new EntitySet from a list of entity identifiers of the specified type.



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Server: v8.0

Creates a URL short link for the provided URL.



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Server: v7.0

The debug filter provides you with a ton of information on the variables you have access to in your Lava.



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Server: v11.0

Returns a full entity object loaded from the database from its cached counterpart.



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Server: v10.0

Returns a subset of followed entities for the current user from either a Persisted Dataset or an entity command.



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Server: v10.0

Returns a subset of entities that have not been followed by the current user from either a Persisted Dataset or an entity command.



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Server: v13.0

Decodes the base 64 encoded string and returns the resulting data.



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Server: v7.0

Reads objects from the Rock cache which will reduce the number of database reads your Lava produces.



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Server: v16.0

Returns a Rock Entity Id from an IdHash string generated by the ToIdHash filter.



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Server: v5.0 Mobile: v1.0

Takes a JSON string and makes a Lava object from it.



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Server: v7.0

Returns a full Group object from the Guid of the group.



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Server: v7.0

Provides a full Group object by providing an Id of the group.



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Server: v17.0

Converts one or more entity Guid identifiers to corresponding Id values for the specified entity type.



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Server: v6.0

This filter helps you check the security of the model you pass it.



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Server: v10.0 Mobile: v1.0

Converts a string into a SHA-1 hash using a hash message authentication code (HMAC).



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Server: v10.0 Mobile: v1.0

Converts a string into a SHA-256 hash using a hash message authentication code (HMAC).



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Server: v12.0

Simplifies making an image URL with a fallback.



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Server: v10.0

Takes an entity object as input and tests if it is being followed by the current person. Returns a boolean value of either true or false.



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Server: v14.1

Takes the given Entity or Entity Id and returns a boolean that indicates whether the entity is in the data view or not.



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Server: v10.0 Mobile: v1.0

Converts a string into an MD5 hash.



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Server: v7.0

Retrieves notes for the provided entity.



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Server: v4.0

Returns information about the current page.



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Server: v7.0

Returns the value of a specified page parameter.



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Server: v4.0

Will redirect the page to the provided URL.



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Server: v13.0

Converts a page identifier into a URL string.



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Server: v10.0

Returns data contained in a Persisted Dataset as a Lava object.



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Server: v3.0

This is a very specialized Lava filter that helps to wire-up ASP.Net postbacks. This is only available on specific blocks that provide 'Postback Commands'. The 'Group Details Lava' is an example of a block that provides these hooks.



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Server: v5.0 Mobile: v1.0

Returns the property of a provided object. This often saves you from having to assign an object to a variable to get just one of its properties.



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Server: v4.0

Takes a property and returns it as a key/value pair. This is helpful for iterating over a list of properties.



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Server: v12.1

Gets the value of a HTTP cookie for the current user session.



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Server: v15.0

Takes the given structured content and renders it as HTML.



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Server: v7.0

This filter helps to resolve the application path in Rock using ~/ for the application home and ~~/ for the theme home. This is helpful when writing Lava that may be used by several organizations.



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Server: v12.0

Shows configuration values for the current Rock instance.



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Server: v13.0

Executes Lava that is inside a string.



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Server: v4.0

Takes a string as input and sets the page's title.



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Server: v14.0

Sets a parameter in the input URL string and returns the updated URL.



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Server: v10.0 Mobile: v1.0

Converts a string into a SHA-1 hash.



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Server: v10.0 Mobile: v1.0

Converts a string into a SHA-256 hash.



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Server: v16.0

Returns an alphanumeric string that can be used to uniquely identify a Rock Entity.



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Server: v4.0 Mobile: v1.0

Returns a JSON representation of the object. This is useful if you are wanting to return the object for use in JavaScript.



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Server: v7.0

Generates a new GUID (UUID) string. These are generally considered to be globally unique. This makes them ideal to use inside a shortcode where you need to identifier an HTML element by id but know the shortcode may be used twice on the same page.



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Server: v7.0 Mobile: v1.0

The Url filter allows you to easily get access to parts of a URL without a ton of string manipulation.



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Server: v12.1

Sets a HTTP cookie for the current user session. Cookies provide a means of storing information about the current user's session that can be accessed in subsequent requests.



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Server: v10.0 Mobile: v1.0

Wraps XAML in CDATA tags to make it XML compliant.