
Photo of Aaron Hackett


SQL Time Out

Rock is kicking out this exception when trying run Rock Cleanup Job. 

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Execution Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. 

We are hosted on Azure, the Database is Standard SO 10 DTU. 

Virtual Server is Standard D4s v3 (4 vcpus, 16 GB memory)

Any reason this would be so slow? Any way to speed things up?

  • Photo of Nick Airdo


    Regarding the Legacy Lava Syntax Detected issue, and based on the screenshot of your Lava...

    A content channel item has a "Title", "Content", "StartDateTime", "Id", etc. which are properties, so the lava references such as {{ item.Id }} are fine, but the other ones -- such as {{ item.Audio }} and {{ item.AudioLength }} are the older legacy syntax for referencing attributes.  So, those should be changed to the format of:

    {{ item | Attribute:'Audio' }}

    ...or perhaps (depending on what's going on with that attribute):

    {{ item | Attribute:'Audio' | StripHtml }}

    See the Lava Attributes filter documentation for the full details.

  • Photo of Chris Green


    Others may be able to speak to further Rock-Specific issues, but from a provisioning perspective I'd say you're backwards. You can significantly reduce the horsepower you've given to the virtual server and switch that spend to the SQL side where it will make a bigger performance difference.

    • Aaron Hackett

      This did make a really big difference in the response of our website. Much quicker. Thank You! Although, I believe the underlying issue goes much deeper, will post more bellow.

  • Photo of Aaron Hackett


    So after doing some research in the exceptions log, it seems I have 2 exceptions that are filling up the log on a regular basis. So temporarily I've created a job the just clears the log each hour. But bellow are the two exceptions that are happening most regular. 

    1. Warning: Legacy Lava Syntax Detected: Content Channel Item.Audio

    2. Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined.

    I am on Rock 8.3, 

    As far as the exception regarding lava code Item.Audio, I am not sure what to do. This lava code generates our xml for podcasting, so I must need to update the lava code. I can submit my code if needed. 

    As far as Invalid URI, I'm not even sure what that means... Stack trace references like 1261 of Global.asax.cs which reads    

                                            WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create( keepAliveUrl );

    Any help on these would be great. Between the two, the log piles up over 1000 exceptions an hour! So it would be great to resolve these. 

    • Nick Airdo

      Regarding the Invalid URI exception, verify that your Global Attribute called "Public Application Root" is a valid URL that reaches your site. It is used by the keep alive system to keep the site hot/running.

  • Photo of Aaron Hackett


    The public application root is a valid URL. I have it set as the public domain. Https://

    attached is a pic of my audio podcast lava, from which the audio exception is being triggered. For some reason on my phone I can’t select the code, so it’s a screenshot; sorry for that. 


  • Photo of Aaron Hackett


    I got back to this issue a few days ago. And ha e resolved the “Invalid URI issue. The answer was, as Nick stated, in the Public Application Root.

    I populated the public application root with our web address not including the www, simply  

    That is a valid URL. However, once I added the www. The exceptions stopped coming.  

    I’m not sure why this is, but because all issues related to what I was talking about here are resolved, I’ll mark this as answered. Hopefully this helps someone in the future. And thank you Nick for your help!!