
Add Per-Person Workflow Type to Family Pre-Registration block

Add Per-Person Workflow Type to Family Pre-Registration block

13.0 CMS Complete

The Family Pre-Registration block has only the ability to launch a single "New Family" workflow type, which passes the Family as the entity. By contrast, the Kiosk Registration Mode supports two workflow types: Per Family, and Per-Person.


We would like to see the per-person workflow type added to the Family Pre-Registration block as well.

Currently, using the Family Pre-Reg block, if you want to launch a workflow that "does things" (like set Person Attributes) per person in the new family, this is very cumbersome due to the single WF type that, while passing a Family Entiity and giving you a list of adult and child PersonIds, is much more difficult to work with (you have to loop, etc) vs.the way Kiosk Registration Mode lets you choose an alternate workflow type that launches per person.

Photo of Jim MichaelSubmitted by Jim Michael, The Crossing  ·   ·  CMS

This is possible now with workflows being able to be launched for each parent and child.

Planned Version 13.0
Ministry Strength 1 / 5
Feature Size Medium
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