
Photo of Teresa Bice


Group Security

We have a specific structure that we want to maintain in our Group Viewer (Campus > Ministry > Group Type) so I would like to limit staff to only adding Child groups to the 'Group Type' level that we have set up, and not letting them add groups at the other levels.  Thanks in advance for any help getting me started with security!

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    This should be doable by giving staff role View rights at the top of the tree and then Edit rights at the Group Type level. The assumption/gotcha here is that staff role doesn't need to edit people in the other groups. Unlike other systems, Rock doesn't have separate Edit / Edit People rights on groups... it's all or nothing, so if a role needs to add/edit _people_ in a group, they need Edit rights which gives them the ability to edit/delete the group itself as well as any child groups, unless you block the inheritance with a deny.