
Photo of Kenneth Roach


Does Rock cater for international (non-US) phone numbers?

The phone numbers in the sample data do not include an international country prefix.  The screen display of phone numbers does not display or allow for the maintenance of country code.  There is no Country Code Global Attribute (possible there shouldn't be).

A problem with SMS messages to international phone numbers using Twilio has been identified (issue #403).

Does Rock assume that phone numbers are US numbers?  Does Rock use or store country code prefixes for phone numbers?

How can we enter/maintain other country phone numbers?  How can we specify the country code in import data? 

I'm in New Zealand, where our phone numbers are of the following format: +64 x xxx-xxxx, or +64 xx xxx-xxxx. e.g. +64 4 237-0451, or +64 25 2778800, where +64 is our country code.


Person Attributes
  • Photo of David Turner


    Ken, Currently Rock isn't formatting or handling international phone number very well, but we're working to fix that.  We're adding a country code field to the phone number table, and a defined type that can be used to specify how a particular country code's phone number should be formatted if different than (###) ###-####.  This should address the issue with Twillio also.  Look for this change in the next update.