
Photo of Andrew Lee


Beta Install of ROCK in subdirectory

We have successfully installed ROCK on our primary webserver.  We would like to also put in a developer's install in a sub directory (wwwroot/dev).  When we try to launch the installer from the subdirectory (start.aspx) it begins to load but eventually gives a 500 Internal Server Error.  Is this a known issue?  Or is there a way inside of the ROCK gui to point it to a different, test database?

Thank you,


  • Photo of Jon Edmiston


    I did some additional research on this with our Arvixe install.  Looks like you can't run two application pools on a single website. You'll need to run each Rock instance in a separate website. Even with the cheapest $5/month package you get 6 websites so this shouldn't be too much of an issue.  We recommend though running Rock in at least a Business Plan.

  • Photo of Andrew Lee


    I am attempting to get this to work.  I have created a virtual directory but am getting a 500 Internal Server Error.  I am currently working with our hosting provider (Arvixe).  I will keep you posted.

    • Jon Edmiston

      I've seen the same thing. I think this is happening because the Arvixe is creating a Virtual Directory but it's using the same AppPool as the root. I'm not 100% certain of this but that's my thought. I'm going to keep looking at this, but in the meantime I'd recommend creating a separate website within your Arvixe account.

  • Photo of Jon Edmiston


    I would ensure that your subdirectory set as a virtual directory with a separate application pool. If it's just a regular directory it will use the web.config of the root folder which would cause issues.