
Photo of Jackie Powers


Website loading speed

My website pages are taking a long time (~30 sec) to load. Does anyone have any tips on how to speed this up?

I have reduced the picture sizes to be as low as possible without losing a ton of quality. Our Rock installation is currently being hosted on an internal server that is fairy old and will have more RAM added to it soon, will this help? I was also reading about compression while searching how to increase speed on Google, is this something that can be done with Rock? 

  • Photo of Gladson Jacob


    What's the spec of the server? Also, are you trying to access from within the same office, where the server is hosted? 

  • Photo of Jackie Powers


    +It's a Dell PowerShell SD430 with 3 VMs on it. One is dedicated solely to the rock install and has 3Gb RAM. The homepage I'm trying to switch over to is if this helps. I am not accessing it from withing the same office where the server is.-


    • Michael Garrison

      Jackie, where is the SQL server installed? On another VM, on the same server as IIS, or elsewhere? Possibly the connection and transfer between those servers is too slow, or possibly the SQL server is underpowered (the SQL server should be spec'd higher than the IIS server, I believe)

      Sometimes the bandwidth to your hard drive can get maxed out as well- depending on how many of your VMs are sharing the same storage and what all they're doing. Try checking Performance Monitor on the host OS to see which of your stats are getting pegged...