
Mobile Onboard Person Dialog Campus Constraint

Mobile Onboard Person Dialog Campus Constraint

Mobile Complete

The Rock Mobile Onboard Person block has a required parameter of "Display Campus Types" that is a single select of the defined type Campus Type. This is functional in the narrow case where you only have two campus types--physical and online.

We have four: Physical English, Online English, Physical Spanish, Online Spanish. We are currently only able to make the Physical English campuses available for selection in the app because the parameter is a single select and a required value (so you can't leave it unset to make all campuses available). This creates a problem when someone already in our database and associated with one of our Spanish-language campuses creates a user profile using the mobile app. Since they have to select a campus to complete the process and only English-language campuses are available, they usually select the English-language campus that is co-located with their Spanish-language campus. Rock matches the existing person and changes their campus.

Ideally, this parameter would be a multi-select allowing us to select an arbitrary list of campus types to be included in the list. Alternatively, allowing this to be left blank and making all active campuses available would also meet our requirements.

Photo of Steve SwaringenSubmitted by Steve Swaringen, Lakepointe Church  ·   ·  Mobile
Ministry Strength 1 / 5
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