
New Workflow Action to update Values for Single/Multi Select attributes

New Workflow Action to update Values for Single/Multi Select attributes


For certain scenarios, it would be very helpful to be able to wait to specify the Values for Single-Select & Multi-Select attributes in a workflow based on information that isn't available when the workflow instance it activated.

For example - a workflow that is triggered from a connection request. Being able to present the user with a list of options to select from based on details pulled from the connection request ... maybe the parents of the teenager who signed up to serve. This is similar to an existing idea ... but my suggestion is to approach it a different (maybe more flexible?) way.

I propose a new Workflow Action type similar to "Attribute Set Value" ... but instead of updating the value of the Attribute - this action would update the allowed Values for the Attribute (limited to Single/Multi-Select types). Maybe using the same input type for the Values as the edit attribute dialog ... allowing Text, Lava, SQL.


Photo of Stan YoderSubmitted by Stan Yoder, The Crossing  ·   ·  Workflow
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