
Photo of Jeremy Turgeon


Communication Sender Address

When sending emails the From email address and name show up as "Info" (the account in Rock for sending SMTP) rather than the name in the "From  Name" and "From Address".  The reply to shows up correctly as the address in the From field.

  • Photo of David Turner


    The SMTP communications will check the from domain against a "SafeSenderDomains" global attribute, and if that global attribute does not include the from domain, it will use the OrganizationEmail address instead.  However, looks like we (I) forgot to add a migration to get that attribute added.  We'll add it in the next update if it's not already there.  You can add the global attribute manually for now though if you'd like...


    • Jim Michael

      Thanks David! I actually have the Safe Sender Domains setting (in 0.9) but I just wasn't noticing it and of course it wasn't populated. I also (after the fact) remember reading about it in the Communications guide, but then promptly forgot :-)

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    Yeah, that's curious. Just tested here and see the same. Not sure if it's always been that way and I just didn't notice, or if something changed along the way. It's acting as if they are making the from: address a known address on your domain (the Organization Email in this case) to mitigate the recent problems with sending to and other from an IP that doesn't belong to the sender's domain... but if that's the case, a better way to handle it would be to check the from: address on the way out and IF it is from your own domain, preserve the requested from: address, but if it is NOT from your domain (eg. a lay person is sending an email through a group leader toolbox or similar, and they have a address), THEN change the from: address to the Organization Address for proper delivery and make the reply-to address the requested from: address.

    All that said, I could be completely off here and not understanding what I'm seeing... but in the end, you are right: The from address is being changed to the Org Address, which seems wrong.