
Photo of Brandon Fuchs


Integrating Mogiv for Giving.

We are currently using mogiv for our giving and by the looks of it they are not one of the supported platforms. I have contacted Mogiv on trying to get them to extend service in this way and know am wondering what that process would look like for me and for them in order to make this happen. Is it even possible? What other giving solutions are out there and do all of them require merchant accounts?
  • Photo of Jim Michael


    Brandon- in order to get a giving platform that isn't integrated with Rock supported, you have basically two paths: 1. Convince the giving platform to write a plug-in to Rock and put it in the Rock Shop. This is an unlikely scenario unless there are enough customers of the platform asking for the integration. 2. Hire a Rock development partner to write the integration for you, but even if you have the funds to go this route, the giving platform still has to *have* the capabilities to integrate with Rock (have their own API, or be able to call Rock's API, etc).

    As for what giving partners Rock currently supports, they are: Payflow Pro, NMI, Pushpay, PDS, SecureGive, PayFast, and Online Giving. A couple are in Rock out of the box, the rest can be seen (and installed) via your Rock Shop link under Administration in your own instance of Rock.