
Photo of Morgan Woods-Leshe


Job That Imports Transactions from MyWell

Okay so we are operating two gateways and the job that imports transactions is importing the two gateways together into the rock in the same batch. This is causing issues with our finance team for reconciling. Is there a way to create a second job that imports one of the gateways and then they won't get imported together? Or is there some other way like changing batch names?

I have gotten it so that one time transactions import in different batches now so they aren't combined. It's just the scheduled ones now. 

Would it be possible to duplicate the job, create different batch names for each job and then somehow specify which gateways each job downloads from? 

  • Photo of Daniel Hazelbaker


    Unfortunately there is no way to currently automate this.  For the time being, what your finance team would need to do is split the batches - assuming there is any way for them to know which transaction is from which gateway.

    The Download Payments job currently has no feature to let you pick which gateways it imports for. It imports for all of them. If you want you could add a feature request to the black book and/or github.