
Photo of Robert Fuller III


Attended Check-in Class/location Assignment

Has anyone done a fix to make Attended Check-in auto-assign the child to a class/location like the stock checkin service does? My instance keeps sending everyone to the nursery. I can manually edit it, but I would rather it read the ability/age/grade inherit preferences of the configuration. Also, when manually selecting the class to go to, has anyone changed to page to show the group rather than the location of the group?

  • Photo of Robert Fuller III


    Solution found for the second part! "showing group rather than location"--

    After reading through the code in Visual Studio, I saw a note in the rock block configuration that there may be a setting option for this. And sure enough there was. Go to the Page Manager and in both the "Confirmation" and "Activity Select" page you can adjust the Block Properties to display the Group.