
Photo of Amber McCoy


New Lava badge for Missionaries

We have quite a few missionaries we support and I added a "Missionary" bar tag (where the Member, Visitor bar tag is under their name). While that is neat and helpful, I also wanted to make a new lava badge with a globe and if they are a missionary then it show up colored and if not, it would be grayed out, similar to the baptism water drop badge. I also added a Missionary spot to the membership area (under the baptism area). I am having trouble getting the badge to work properly, it either shows everyone as a missionary or no one as a missionary. Here is what I have in the lava part:
{% assign ConnectionStatusValue = Person | Attribute:'Missionary' %}

{% if ConnectionStatusValue == 'Missionary' -%}
<div class="badge badge-missionary" data-toggle="tooltip" data-original-title="{{ Person.NickName }} is a missionary.">
<i class="badge-icon fa fa-globe"></i>
{% else -%}
<div class="badge badge-missionary" data-toggle="tooltip" data-original-title="{{ Person.NickName }} is not a missionary.">
<i class="badge-icon badge-disabled fa fa-globe"></i>
{% endif -%}

I copied the baptism lava coding and modified it to missionary and changed the icon. I've even tried writing the "if-then" from scratch and that doesn't work either. Can anyone help? Thanks!

  • Photo of Michael Garrison


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