
Photo of Amber McCoy


Local businesses we support

We support a variety of people and organizations: Missionaries (individual people), local non-profit organizations, and global organizations.  I am looking for a way to mark the organizations as a business and have them show up in the same way as a family or person does.  The only place I see where I can add a business is under the finance area and then it only shows contributions they make to us, not what we give to them.  I've read the "shoulder the boulder" article about migrating people to businesses but that doesn't seem to do what I want it to do.  I have also added a connection status as "Partner Organization".  I also considered just putting them in as a family of their own but that gets a little tricky as we have church members who are part of the organizations we support and I don't want the contributions to get mixed up.  Am I missing something super simple or is this something Rock is even able to do?  Thanks in advance!

Defined TypesPerson Attributes
  • Photo of Michael Garrison


    I would recommend a different type of record for these, unless there's a reason you NEED them to have all the functionality of a person record.

    In this case, I would recommend making a content channel which allows you to create an entry for each of these organizations- you can take notes, names, contact info, pictures, link to people records in Rock... Basically you can create a place for any type of data you want to store on them.

    If you're not familiar with content channels, start at

  • Photo of Jon Edmiston


    I like Michael's idea about using content channels. It's definitely the simplest option. Another option, though quite a bit more difficult would be to create a new group type for these organizations. You could then map the individuals at those organizations to the groups (perhaps also adding a new Connection Status of 'Partner Contacts'). 

    With this setup you could create a new set of Group View pages that only show this new group type. Groups of this type could have all the custom attributes you'd like. 

    I'm not sure what you'd need to store the amounts you've supported. It could be an attribute on the group (perhaps a key/value with the key being the year and value being the amount), but this would not be available to report on.  Version 7 will have a matrix attribute type which would be better, but would also have limited report ability.