
Photo of Jim Michael


Has anyone gotten email to work?

I have so far been unable to get Rock to send communications via our Sendgrid account (port 587, SSL,, correct credentials). The communication says it has been "queued" but never arrives at SendGrid. What's curious is that Rock exceptions ARE being emailed via SendGrid, so the setup seems to be right... it's just that Tools | New Communication does not work for me.

Also, not sure if this is related but I don't understand the relationship between Admin Tools | Communication Settings | Communications Transport | SMTP settings (where my SendGrid info shows up) and Admin Tools | General Settings | Global Attributes (attributes 75-79) which appear to be SMTP-related but in my case are not set to my SendGrid credentials or port.

I DID try setting these to the correct SendGrid values without any effect. (I also discovered a repeatable exception... if you edit either SMTP User Name or SMTP Password here, then try to edit SMTP Use SSL attribute, it throws an exception)

  • Photo of Chris Funk


    The communciations email issue has been fixed and will be included in the next update to the beta release.  An announcement will be made via @TheRockRMS and the RockRMS facebook page when the update is available, and it will be listed in the Rock (internal) portal at Admin Tools | General Settings |  Rock Update when it becomes available.

    • Kenneth Roach

      Chris, can you please confirm which version of the beta this fix will be included in?

      I still have pending emails with version Rock McKinley 0.3 (beta).

    • David Turner

      With version 0.3, your new emails should be working. If you still have pending emails sent prior to updating to v 0.3, take a look under Admin Tools > System Settings > Jobs Administration and make sure the 'Send Communications' job is active and configured correctly.

    • Jim Michael

      My experience with this is that v0.3 fixed the issue and new communications go out fine, but the ones that had already been queued prior to 0.3 (about 10 messages) never went out and still say pending. I just chalked that up to them being "stuck" from the prior bug.

    • David Turner

      The "Send Communication" job does have an "Expiration Period" setting that determines how many days back a send will be attempted. By default that is 3 days, so if your communicaiton was created more than 3 days prior to the job starting to run (v0.3 update), those would not get sent.

  • Photo of Chris Funk


    David, I have been able to reproduce the Communcations issue myself.  I have attempted to send several emails from my beta site and they are still showing pending.  The only difference between what Jim and I are doing is that I am currently relaying to my internal SMTP server.'-

    This has been logged as issue #375 in GitHub.

  • Photo of David Turner


    Sorry, the Global Attributes aren't used anymore and will actually be removed in the next update.  If you're getting your exception emails, then you're right your settings must be correct. The difference between how Rock sends exception emails and how it sends communications is that the new communication uses our queued transaction method (so it doesn't bog down the UI).  Can you check your exception logs to see if there's any additional exceptions that are occurring that might shed some light on the issue: *Admin Tools > System Settings > Exception List*