
Photo of Nicole Zieniewicz


Print the Name and phone number of the person checking in a child

Is it possible to print the Name and phone number of the person who is checking in a child on that child's Note Label so we are contacting the person who is present that day with the child? For example, if Grandma is a known relationship and set to Can Checkin, and uses her phone number to check in her grandchild we want her Name and phone number to print on the label instead of the parents. 

  • Photo of Shawn Ross


    Nicole, it sounds like you're trying to understand how to communicate w/ the appropriate adults during a service/event.

    There's a 'soft' link between the phone number used at check-in and a person, but this isn't a certainty. Have you checked out Check-in Manager's features?

    My recommendations based on some assumptions I'm making:

    • If you have a 'number board' or 'alert' or 'buzzer' system, utilize that (an example could be putting the security code from the tag on the board, alerting the caregiver they need to come to the kids area)
    • Utilize Check-in Manager as much as possible for those 'investigate and get ahold of the right person' scenarios
    • Optionally implement this recipe from Leah Jennings to print the phone number that was used for search at Check-in
    • Optionally implement this recipe from Mark Wampler to get the parent name of the searched family