
Photo of Kay Carter-Corker


"First Time Donor" giving alert

I'm trying to set-up a "first time giver" alert in v13.7. Does anyone have a successful recipe for setting up the criteria that will trigger an alert for the "first time ever" donation?

  • Photo of Katherine French


    So I attempted to do that using the Giving Alerts feature but the issue I ran into was that the person has to be tied to a campus so it didn't work as intended. Instead, I used several data views to create a report and our donor coordinator looks at the report each week to see the list of first-time givers. I'm also able to use that data view to send an automated email to those givers. I'd be more than happy to share how I created those data views with you.

  • Photo of Sarah Proctor


    One of our executive pastors just asked for the same.  I made a data view & report that pull the information, and then made a workflow to auto-email him a link to the report once a week.

    I'm pretty new to this, so I used some help from here - - to build out the workflow.

  • Photo of Kay Carter-Corker


    Thank you for sharing your solutions. I and Lee Peterson of Triumph Tech created a similar solution. We created a data view of First Time Donors. We also created several workflows. One to send an email to the Executive Pastor to notify him of the giving alert. It contains a link to the profiles from the data view. A second workflow to create a connection request. The connection request is used like a "To Do" list to keep track of the follow-up contact with the donors. We are currently testing it in our sandbox. I'll be glad to share with others once it is working well in our production environment. It is a more involved set-up than I anticipated. It gave me the opportunity to learn so much more about Rock.