
Photo of Kenneth Roach


How or where can I edit the fields displayed in Data Views?

The default Data View lists Nick Name, Last Name, Gender, Email.

Where can I edit this list of fields, or how can I create different views?

Data ViewsReporting
  • Photo of DJ Grick


    Great Question. It took me some playing to be able to figure this out initally.

    As I understand it (and this is just from playing around not from Rock's developers) data view is just for compliling lists of people or informaiton. If you want to be able to export that information for another purpose you need to move over to reports. Create the search crieteria you want in data view then create a matching report. 

    An example would be that I work with teenagers and want a list of every 7th-12th grade student in my database. I create a dataview using graduation year or age as the filter.

    data view.png

    Then I move to reports and create a report with the feilds I want to include and I set my dataview field to the name I had given it: 


    There may be a way to do this with less steps or to chage the defult for dataview. But I am guessing this was the way it was intended to be used. 

    • Jon Edmiston

      DJ,you are right on. Sorry we're a little behind on getting the reporting docs completed. They'll help a lot.