
Photo of Kenneth Roach


Which SID should I use when setting up SMS, and why am I not receiving SMS messages?

In order to set up SMS with Twilio (Admin Tools/Communication Settings/Communication Transports/Twilio), you have to enter a SID and a token.

The help on the SID field is: "Your Twilio Account SID (find at "

In Twilio, however, if you have more than one number registered, there are multiple SIDs.

There is a SID for each number:

And there is the account SID:

Please confirm that it is, in fact, the ACCOUNT SID that should be entered in Rock?  I have tried both SIDs, but neither seem to work.

And that the AUTH TOKEN is the ACCOUNT AUTH TOKEN value?

I have created an SMS message to myself.  It is showing in the Communicaton List as approved, but I don't think the messages are being sent.

Is this for the same reason that emails were not being sent? (Issue #375)

I note that the number I am trying to send to is a New Zealand number, and that Twilio documentation states that international numbers must be prefixed by "+" to work.  Entering a + before a number in the Person Profile page does not save/display the +, so I presume that this is already being done.

I have also assumed that in order for SMS to work, the Twilio number must be a US number (and not a New Zealand number), so that the SMS is originating from within the US using a US Twilio number.



  • Photo of David Turner


    When configuring the Twillio SMS Transport, You should use the Account SID and Token (and make sure the transport is active)

    Then use Admin Tools > General Settings > Defined Types > SMS From Values to enter each of the phone numbers from your Twillio account...


    Also make sure that you've configured the SMS Communication Channel ( Admin Tools > Communication Settings ) to be active and to use the Twillio transport.

    Once you've done that, it should be configured correctly, but, not sure if sending to an international number will be an issue.  Let us know

  • Photo of Kenneth Roach


    Thanks for describing those settings, Dave.  Local US calls are being processed correctly.  International calls aren't.  Have raised an issue ticket.