
Photo of Arran France


Security: Limiting number/type of people a user can see

We're currently evaluating and discussing our security strategy for staff and volunteers. 

Is it possible to limit a user role so they are only able to see the person pages of a sub-section of the total number of people?

For example:

  • Group and serving team leaders would be able to see the full info on the people in their group
  • The Children and youth home visiting teams would be able to see the full info on their specific age groups but not wider than that
  • Pastoral volunteers would be able to see the info and follow the families in their specific remit but again not wider than that.
  • Photo of Arran France


    I believe these features will be in Rock 3.0 as part of the group toolbox.

    • Dillan Cagnetta

      Hi Arran. How exactly does this work. We also want people with certain security roles to only view a subset of people