
Photo of Kenneth Roach


How change the order of fields in blocks?

How can I change the order of new Person Attributes in the Person Extended Attributes blocks?  For example, how can I move First Steps Date down under GivingNumber?

There doesn't appear to be any option to change the sort order on the maintain Person Attributes page.



Click the sort button on the top right of the block, then re-order the attributes by drag and drop.


Person Attributes
  • Kenneth Roach

    You can number the fields: 1. First Steps Date, 2. Baptism Date, 3. etc. Functional, but not elegant. It seems the fields are sorted alphabetically, but I'm not sure why the above screen shot doesn't show the fields sorted this way.

  • Photo of David Turner


    We've added an issue to add sorting ability based on category (

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    I think you're right... Poked around on my system, and if there's a way to force their order (other than by manipulating the attribute name so that they sort the way you desire) I sure can't find it. I was unable to duplicate what you're seeing, though. My extended attributes seem to be sorting purely alphabetically:

    and if I make a change to one of the attributes, it sorts accordingly:

    At first I thought your issue might be that you're mixing default attributes with your own additional ones and the result is from some sort of interaction between the two, but then so are we... in fact we have our own attributes both "before" and "after" the default baptism ones. So it's a mystery! But as for an elegant way to manipulate the order without resorting to naming tricks, I think we'll have to ask for an enhancement. There needs to be an interface where you can drag the attributes in a particular category into any arbitrary order.