
Photo of Guy Maness


Liquid Error: Error - Illegal template path

I just installed RockRMS on a dev server from scratch. Installation seemed to go fine. However, once I logged in as the admin for the first time login, in place of the top nav, I get a worning block with the error "Liquid error: Error - Illegal template path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Rock RMS\Themes\Rock\Assets\Liquid\_PageNav.liquid'".

Has anyone else seen this? Any ideas on how to fix it?

Just to clarify, I have installed this on a local, self-hosted server. The IIS site is pointed to C:\Program Files(x86)\Rock RMS, and I have verified that the path in the error is in fact valid, and the _PageNav.liquid file does exist there.

  • Photo of David Turner


    It appears that the current version of dotliquid does not like round brackets in the template path:  As soon as the next official version of dotliquid is released we will update Rock to include it.  

    For now, I'd recommend re-installing to a differenct location that doesn't have parenthesis in the path.  If that is not an option and you need to use that directory, you can update the block's that use liquid to actually include the liquid text instead of referencing a template.  For example the top nav has a "Template" setting.  If you replace the {% include 'PageNav' %} value with the actual contents of that template file (referenced in the error message above) that should work also.  However, there's a lot of places in Rock that reference liquid template files, so I'd really recommend re-installing to a new location.  Sorry.



  • Photo of Guy Maness


    No worries, that makes sense. I'll move them for now. Thanks