
Photo of Bronson Witting


DataView that Shows All People in Sub-Groups in a Hierarchy

Based on the Rock Your Groups guide, we've used the "Group Folders" strategy to create a hierarchy of groups for serving teams.  That really helps to keep things organized, and gives ministry leaders some flexibility for their volunteer group structures.  

What I need to figure out now is how to create a Data View that shows all people in sub-groups in my hierarchy. Here's an example:

2014-11-30 09_31_02-Group Viewer _ Rock RMS.png

In this example, I would like a data view to be able to return all people serving in teams under adults, and another data view to return all people serving on any mentoring team.

I know I can set up a data view and select all groups that I want individually, but that doesn't scale correctly if another sub-group is added afterwards - the data view would have to be updated each time.  

Let me know if I'm missing something.  Thanks! 

Data ViewsGroups
  • Photo of Jeremy Turgeon


    Hey Bronson,

    I agree, it doesn't look like that functionality is currenty present in Rock.  This is something we'd use a lot, too.  It sounds like a good Feature Request to me. ;)

    • Bronson Witting

      Yup, I submitted that one. Wasn't sure if there was another way already built in to do what I was asking. I might write some SQL to put into a block to cover this in another way until this functionality is built in. I'll share it if I get it working. Thanks!

    • Arran France

      Yep this is a feature that is definitely missing, something we'd be using a lot. For example we have two youth groups -- we'd want a list of everyone attending those.

  • Photo of Arran France


    Bronson Witting, did you make any progress on this?