Watch our RX24 Keynotes!

Pre-Alpha Release Notes

Below are the changes for each week's pre-alpha releases. These are releases for organizations running on the latest from development. If you'd like to view the public releases see our Release Notes page.

Pre-Alpha Version Released October 3, 2024


  • Add support for building Roku applications.


  • Fixed an issue where mediaplayer shortcodes would disable captions and prevent them from being switched to any language besides the default language. Fixes: #6004


  • Added an indicator icon next to the mobile phone number on a person’s profile when they have opted out of SMS messaging using a "stop" keyword.


  • Event Registration Templates now inherit permissions from their assigned category. Event Registration Templates will automatically adopt the security settings of their parent category, streamlining permissions management.

Pre-Alpha Version Released September 19, 2024


  • Fixed an issue that prevented interactive experiences from working with a blank Enable Minutes Before value.


  • Fixed issue in Communication Entry Wizard block where unable to switch between asset to file for images. Fixes: #6002
  • Updated Communication Entry and Communication Entry Wizard to allow excluding duplicate recipient addresses.


  • Fixed Obsidian date picker to use the native date input on small devices to ensure better experience. Also made Obsidian Control Gallery more mobile friendly. Fixes: #5984


  • Added setting to move Child panel above Adult Information panel in Family Pre-Registration block.
  • Added a new feature to prayer which will optionally run several pre-configured AI completions on saved prayer requests.


  • Fixed issue of payments greater than a thousand dollar failing in Obsidian Registration Entry block. Fixes: #5997
  • Fixed an issue where the Event iCalendar feed sometimes fails to export recurring events correctly. Fixes: #5150
  • Fixed an issue with the Event Registration Block where a field was not being displayed as required. Fixes: #5992


  • Fixed an issue where the Obsidian Pledge Detail block was not honoring certain security roles. Fixes: #6001


  • Fixed an issue where the CurrentPerson merge field was not available in the Group Finder Block. Fixes: #6011
  • Improved the Obsidian Group Scheduler block to allow for the hiding of the "Clone Schedules" and "Auto Schedule" buttons via block settings.


  • Add My Notes and Quick Note blocks.

Pre-Alpha Version Released September 5, 2024


  • Fixed issue in Obsidian Communication Entry block where removed communication list recipients were re-added when sent. Fixes: #5829


  • Added the ability to pass a foreground and/or background color (RGBA) to the QR Code generator.
  • Improve query performance of HistoryLog block.
  • Added logic to Rock to strip out emoji characters from person first names, last names, nick names, and initials. # Conflicts: # Rock.JavaScript.Obsidian.Blocks/src/Finance/FinancialPledgeEntry/editPanel.partial.obs
  • Fixed an issue where the Page Parameter Filter Block cannot handle certain field type filters. Fixes: #5991
  • Added "Reject Authentication Cookies Issued Before" security setting to support expiring existing authentication cookies.


  • Fixed issue in Obsidian Registration Entry block where admin-applied discount is removed when payment is made. Fixes: #5885
  • Fixed issue in Obsidian Registration Entry block where fields with the Lock Existing Value option was not working for manually matched registrants. Fixes: #5964
  • Fixed issue in Obsidian Registration Entry block where the back button is hidden for existing registrations. Fixes: #5929
  • Fixed an issue in the Obsidian Registration Entry block where conditional group member attribute fields were not displayed for unauthenticated individuals. Fixes: #5547


  • Fixed accounting code value not displaying in new Batch List block.


  • Fixed an issue where the Group Scheduling block can sometimes allow individuals to be scheduled outside of their preference. Fixes: #5980


  • Update Mobile Applications to follow new styling patterns for .NET MAUI and advanced theme-ing.

Pre-Alpha Version Released August 22, 2024


  • Fixed a bug where ContentChannelView blocks with a DataViewFilter would delete DataViewFilter of copy/copied block. Fixes: #5897
  • Fixed sorting of sources in Content Collection View block.


  • Updated the Edit Family block (used with check-in registration on the kiosk) to only show the child's relationship to the adult. Fixes: #5982


  • Added additional email recipients to the Obsidian Communication Entry block.
  • Fixed email communications to show the Communication List's 'Public Name' in the email header (List-Id:) if set. Fixes: #5808
  • Updated the MailgunHttp transport to allow multiple 'sender' domains. This is useful for organizations that have multiple email domains they send from.


  • Fixed issue of Connection Request Badge Bar disappearing on page refresh. Fixes: #5983


  • Fixed an issue with the Webforms Account Picker Quick Find selection. Fixes: #5962
  • Fixed an issue where the Page Load Time option displays the wrong load time for blocks. Fixes: #5968
  • Fixed an issue where Inherited Permissions were not being displayed correctly for Attributes. Fixes: #5487
  • Fixed an issue where the Captcha control on the Workflow Entry block can cause some page content to disappear. Fixes: #5957
  • Fixed an issue where Obsidian pickers did not have the same "Click-to-Select" and "Scroll-to-Selection" features that the Webforms pickers had. Fixes: #5961


  • Updated the PersonEdit block to include a new feature to disable automatically checking the SMS checkbox for mobile numbers. This is useful for organizations that use the SMS Opt-in feature on other blocks. Fixes: #5977


  • Fixed an issue where the Transaction List block only displays refunds when filtering by account and sorting by Person. Fixes: #5960


  • Fixed an issue where the Group Scheduler does not show Group Members who have no preferences when selecting the "Group Members - Matching Assignment" filter option. Fixes: #5975
  • Fixed issue where Group Attribute Values were cleared in Group Detail Block when Security Role was enabled. Fixes: #5981


  • Fixed issue of Prayer Card View block not launching the "I prayed" workflow for logged out Individuals. Fixes: #5986


  • Fixed PhotoSelect issue with not loading SVG and profile images. Fixes: #5985


  • Fixed issue of Marital Status in Form Builder defaulting to married for a person with no spouse. Fixes: #5976

Pre-Alpha Version Released August 1, 2024


  • Added the new Communication Entry (Obsidian) block, featuring an enhanced user interface and additional functionalities for streamlined, simple communications.


  • Fixed an issue where connection requests on the connection board were extremely slow to drag. Fixes: #5854


  • Fix issue with Obsidian phone number box controls not showing the country codes in the correct order. Fixes: #5940
  • Fixed an issue where some Obsidian controls did not respect the browser locale's date format. Fixes: #5898
  • Fixed a word wrapping issue seen in some dropdown lists (in Obsidian blocks). Fixes: #5865
  • Fixed issue of Forgot Username Block showing incorrect error message on invalid input. Fixes: #5948
  • Fixed issue with FirstNameTextBox validation not working for special characters. Fixes: #5971
  • Fix an issue with Obsidian AccountPicker incorrectly rendering special characters in account names. Fixes: #5972
  • Fixed an issue where the Defined Value field type does not respect selectable values. Fixes: #5967
  • Fixed Max Width and Max Height validation in BinaryFileType when Preferred Settings Required is checked. Fixes: #5939
  • Fixed issue with Notes displaying time in days instead of months. Fixes: #5935
  • Updated Family Analytics Attendance and Family Analytics Giving procedures to update attributes during execution by inserting new records and updating existing records. Fixes: #5920
  • Adjusted the existing Open AI Provider.
  • Fixed an issue where the Obsidian Grid does not calculate the number of pages correctly. Fixes: #5958


  • Fixed issue with email address provided for passwordless login not being added to new profiles. Fixes: #5966
  • Fixed the Bio Summary block to take View Protection Profile security into consideration. Fixes: #5916


  • Fixed Registration Instance Group Placement block to only display 'No People Available' message when there are no person in the list. Fixes: #5912
  • Fixed Group Member Attributes Filtering in Registration Instance Registrant List block. Fixes: #5851


  • Fixed a bug in the Transaction Detail block's Avatar generation Fixes: #5970
  • Fixed an issue where refreshing one-time scheduled transactions past their payment date would display a message that the transaction was inactive but not save the refreshed value. Fixes: #5278
  • Improved the Rock Default Contribution Template to use the FormatAsCurrency lava filter instead of the deprecated CurrencySymbol Global Attribute Fixes: #5969


  • Fixed an issue where group members could be archived by staff members that did not have the correct security permissions. Fixes: #5963


  • Improved the "Processing Options" tooltip for the 'Redirect to Page' workflow action. Fixes: #5924
  • Fixed workflow copying issue Fixes: #5934
  • Added a new property that allows Workflows to complete if criteria is not met. Fixes: #5861

Pre-Alpha Version Released July 18, 2024


  • Fixed issue with Personalized Communication History not respecting System Phone Number view access. Fixes: #5886


  • Fixed Attribute Matrix Editor control to show the tooltip when added as attribute. Fixes: #5919
  • Fixed issue with Calculate Metrics job sometimes not updating values. Fixes: #5905
  • We reorganized a few items under the Admin Tools menu for improved usability. The new combined 'Settings' page offers a more streamlined experience. Additionally, several items previously located under 'CMS Configuration', such as Content Channels, Websites, Mobile Applications, etc., are now prominently featured in a new section called 'Digital Tools' under Admin Tools.
  • Fixed an issue with 'name' search on Android mobile browsers not working correctly. Fixes: #5925
  • Fixed the Send Note Notifications Job to notify for replies having a different Note Type. Fixes: #5790


  • Fixed issue with Family Pre Registration Block not allowing form submission if requried attributes are used and second person details are not provided. Fixes: #5922


  • Fixed an issue where the Contribution Statement Generator Helper can sometimes fail to hide refunded Transactions. Fixes: #5712


  • Fixed an issue where duplicate emails were being sent when declining a group schedule. Fixes: #5930
  • Fixed an issue where scheduled volunteers would still receive reminder emails when they are set to "Do Not Send Reminder". Fixes: #5926


  • Fixed an issue where the Chart Lava Shortcode did not work when used within the Obsidian Dynamic Data block. Fixes: #5944

Pre-Alpha Version Released July 5, 2024


  • Updated Rock ShortLinks to make setting UTM values easier.


  • Improved performance of the steps taken to prepare a Communication Recipient list in order to prevent SQL timeouts when sending the Communication. Fixes: #5651


  • Updated Bulk Update Request to allow selecting multiple campuses as a filter.


  • Fixed an issue where some components are initialized with incorrect culture settings. Fixes: #5899
  • Fixed the toggle control in Obsidian to make the label order consistent with web forms. Fixes: #5927
  • Fixed sorting in Signature Document List. Fixes: #5928
  • Updated list and detail blocks to work with standard keyboard shortcut keys (Alt+n, Alt+e, Alt+s, etc.). Some legacy keyboard shortcuts (such as Alt+m) will continue to work for for a few more versions.


  • Added new option to Request Filters to filter by GeoLocation (Country Code, Region Code, City, Postal Code) when available.


  • Fixed an Obsidian Registration Entry block issue where registrations included charges for wait-listed registrants. Fixes: #5831


  • Improved the Service Metrics Entry block by adding a new setting to bypass the date selection step. Additionally, the campus picker will now be hidden if only one campus is available.

Pre-Alpha Version Released June 20, 2024


  • Fixed a bug where monthly recurrence of "First" day of week was not being honored. Fixes: #5894


  • Fixed a bug in the LocationList control which made it too narrow to be readable. Fixes: #5884
  • Fixed issue with CalculateMetrics job not reporting exceptions. Fixes: #5904


  • Fixed the addQuickReturn function with the defensive check. Fixes: #5906
  • Fixed Duplicate Finder Detail block to correctly export correct data in all the fields. Fixes: #5895


  • Fixed issue with Check-in configuration Streak Type rebuild not including nested groups. Fixes: #5785


  • Fixed an issue where Group Requirements are not able to be overridden. Fixes: #5825
  • Fixed an issue where the Group Member Requirements Grid fails to export to Excel. Fixes: #5893
  • Updated the clean-up job to help keep group member inactive and archive dates accurate when changed outside of the normal business logic.
  • Fixed an issue where the Obsidian Group Schedule Toolbox block would show inactive Schedules when adding Group Preference Assignments. Fixes: #5294
  • Fixed the Group Attendance List block to correctly display custom columns. Fixes: #5917


  • Fixed template detection to correctly identify tags spanning multiple lines. Fixes: #5913
  • Fixed the behavior of 'null' comparisons with the Lava Fluid engine.

Pre-Alpha Version Released June 6, 2024

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

The NCOA block and job have been replaced with a new block found under Tools > Data Integrity.

The PostV12.4 Update Helper Job has been removed as the earliest available version doesn't require this to run.

The Rock.Web.HttpModules.Observability has moved to Rock.Web.HttpModules.RockGateway. Any code that was referencing the old class should reference the new class name.

The Rock.StatementGenerator has been removed and should no longer be used.

The Rock.ViewModels.Reporting.FieldFilterRuleBag and Rock.ViewModels.Reporting.FieldFilterGroupBag have been modified to use an enum instead of an int as their data type.

Removed classes and methods that were marked as Obsolete in v12 and older: See full list here.


  • Fixed issue where people were unsubscribed from email automatically without clicking the unsubscribe button in their email.


  • Fixed an issue where pressing "Enter" within the Obsidian grid's quick filter can cause row actions (i.e. Delete) to be accidentally triggered. Fixes: #5860
  • Improved IP Address Geocoding to save Interaction Session Locations on page load while no longer relying on a paid service.


  • Added a new NCOA Process Block that replaced the NCOA system with a more direct solution that provides greater service features at a lower cost.


  • Fixed issue of Group Schedule Notifications and Group Schedule Reminders not honoring the schedule exlusions. Fixes: #5880


  • Fixed an issue where Dynamic Data blocks cause cluttered Azure SQL logs when using temporary SQL tables in the dynamic query. Fixes: #5868


  • Fixed Form Builder to enable adding HTML in some text boxes. Fixes: #5887

Pre-Alpha Version Released May 23, 2024

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes
The values for the enum type AgeBracket in the Rock.Enums.dll have been modified so that values reflect the age in numeric order. Any specific references to an enum value that don't come from the database will need to be updated.


  • Added new PageSearch block that displays subpages and allows searching.
  • Fixed a compatibility issue with iOS devices prior to iOS 13.


  • Fixed the EmailPreferenceEntry block to display the "Public Name" value if it exists. Fixes: #5811


  • Fixed a problem with the financial "Test Gateway" so credit cards with 2 digit year expiration dates greater than 29 no longer appear to be expired. Fixes: #5859
  • Fixed issue with Following Events where new events were not showing up in the Event Subscription block and were sometimes displayed in the wrong order. Fixes: #5864
  • Fixed an issue where the Account Entry Block did not respect Inactive Campuses. Fixes: #5858
  • Fixed some email field validations to allow sub-addressing/plus-addressing. Fixes: #5817
  • Fixed issue with Rest Keys being inactivated by Data Automation Job. Fixes: #5879


  • Fixed a minor UI issue for the Family Pre-Registration Block. Fixes: #5863
  • Updated several blocks that selectively show campus pickers to allow campus filtering based on status and types via their block settings. Fixes: #5837
  • Fixed the age on the Edit Family Block from miscalculating. Fixes: #5849


  • Fixed Registration Registrant & Wait list Members to display in the list if No filter is applied and not the part of any target Group. Fixes: #5851
  • Fixed issue in Registration Entry block where a registrant person's email is set to the authenticated person's email. Fixes: #5853


  • Added new report that provides a tithing overview by campus.
  • Fixed Transaction Entry v2 block to prevent user from entering negative values in amount. Fixes: #5856
  • Fixed issue with Financial Batch Detail not showing attribute values for defined value fields. Fixes: #5872
  • Fixed an issue where business names were not passed to financial gateways in the correct field when using the Utility Payment Entry Block. Fixes: #5788
  • Fixed an issue that caused ACH donations to add credit card processing fees if the Transaction Entry V2 block was configured to add credit card fees by default. Fixes: #5792


  • Fixed the KPI Lava Shortcode for the icontype parameter. Fixes: #5869
  • Fixed MediaPlayer Lava Shortcode to not show the download button for YouTube embed, Vimeo embed and HLS. Fixes: #5839
  • Added a Weeks (w) option to the DateDiff Lava filter. Adds Weekly test methods for DateDiff filter.
  • Fixed the Google Map Lava Shortcode to set the zoom level correctly with multiple markers. Fixes: #5874


  • Fixed Prayer Request Lava block to honor "Show Expired" block setting. Fixes: #5866


  • Fixed group member list field to not include archived group members. Fixes: #5875

Pre-Alpha Version Released May 9, 2024


  • Fixed an issue that caused SMS Reply actions which were added to the pipeline but never configured to block processing additional actions. Fixes: #5773
  • Fixed issue of SMS Pipeline not ignoring leading or trailing whitespaces in the Messages. Fixes: #5857


  • Fixed issue where eRA status and eRA Start Date sometimes updated every time the Family Analytics job was executed. Fixes: #5845
  • Added Observability to the Update Personalization Data job. This will show details on the performance of each segment as it is being updated.
  • Fixed rare issue with internal data handling that could result in an exception. Fixes: #5852


  • Updated Business Detail block to support multiple previous addresses. Fixes: #5836


  • Fixed an issue with the ScheduleConfirmation block to send 'confirmation' emails in accordance with the block setting. Fixes: #5328


  • Fixed the default behavior of the ScheduledContent block 'showwhen' parameter. Fixes: #5843
  • Fixed an issue with the PageRoute Lava Filter throwing an Exception when used in a System Communication. Fixes: #5818


  • Fixed the Person Entry form to correctly align the Marital Status field. Fixes: #5844
  • Fixed the Workflow Action "Reminder Add" to correctly populate the Reminder Date and Notes fields. Fixes: #5777

Pre-Alpha Version Released April 25, 2024

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes
The enum type MobilePageType in Rock.Mobile.AdditionalPageSettings has moved to the namespace Rock.Enums.Cms. Any code referencing the old enum type needs to be changed.


  • Updated internal theme to support pages with very long names. Fixes: #5848
  • Fixed placement UI/UX issue with the campus picker on the Public Profile Edit page. Fixes: #5816


  • Fixed the Connection Request Detail Block so that it will not display inactive campuses. Fixes: #5815


  • Fixed Obsidian Grid to handle selections in a way that makes more sense to the individual. Fixes: #5838
  • Updated FirstNameTextBox control to prevent form submission when validation fails. Prior to this fix, Rock would create a person record even if the provided First Name was not valid (e.g., because it contains "and" or "&"). Fixes: #5810
  • Fixed the Obsidian DateTimePicker to correctly handle DST boundary dates. Fixes: #5801
  • Fixed issue of Cache storing entity before it is saved to the database. Fixes: #5823


  • Fixed issue of Transaction Matching block not going to the next transaction when pressing the enter key. Fixes: #5842
  • Improved Obsidian Financial Batch List block by adding Transaction Count and other minor improvements.


  • Fixed the Contains filter to return correct results for non-list collection types. Fixes: #5846
  • Fixed the WorkflowActivate command to correctly process the ActivityType parameter. Fixes: #5830
  • Fixed an issue where the Sum filter in Lava would cause an error when it can't find a needed value. Fixes: #5833


  • Fixed the Line Chart block to correctly process page context settings for Metric partitions with no Entity Type. Fixes: #5834


  • Fixed issue with Form Builder not updating the preview UI when editing fields. Fixes: #5835
  • Fixed issue of Incomplete Section Submission in Forms. Fixes: #5822

Pre-Alpha Version Released April 12, 2024


  • Added a new Theme model for storing information about themes. This initially will not be shown in the UI, but is being added now to support future features.


  • Fixed Issue of Send Test feature in System Communication Preview block failing to revert the test email back to the original email. Fixes: #5814


  • Fixed an issue where Connection Requests are sometimes unable to be deleted within List view mode. Fixes: #5720


  • Fixed the Location Picker to preserve the selected value on postback. Fixes: #5821


  • A bug was corrected involving correcting data for the SparkData/National Change of Address (NCOA) feature.


  • Fixed issue of Signature Document List throwing Null Reference Exception if Binary File happens to be deleted. Fixes: #5804


  • Fixed an issue that could result in users being able to attempt duplicate transactions using the Transaction Entry V2 block if recording the transaction in Rock takes a very long time.


  • Fixed Obsidian Group Attendance Detail block to properly display custom schedules with specific dates. Fixes: #5797
  • Fixed a formatting issue in the section header for Group History. Fixes: #5826


  • Added Content Collection View block, an intuitive, customizable and fast way to search across content sources.


  • Improved Security.

Pre-Alpha Version Released March 28, 2024

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

The GetBlockInitializationAsync() method of the Rock.Blocks.IRockBlockType interface has been updated to work asynchronously. Any code that implements this interface should be updated to run asynchronously.

The static BuildMobilePackage method was marked obsolete in v12 and removed from the Rock.Mobile.MobileHelper class in v17.0. the static BuildMobilePackageAsync method may be as an alternative.

The override of the Dictionary<string, string> GetPrivateConfigurationValues( Dictionary<string, string> publicConfigurationValues) method was removed from the Rock.Field.Types.SecurityRoleFieldType class.


  • Fixed Persisted Dataset Detail refresh interval unit save issue. Fixes: #5795


  • Fixed an issue where Group Scheduler SMS confirmations and reminders do not show in communication history. Fixes: #5799


  • Fixed issue where updating a system activity on a connection request resulted in an exception.


  • Fixed an issue where Defined Value Attributes are not saved within Obsidian blocks when configured for multiple values and enhanced for long lists. Fixes: #5798
  • Fixed an issue where the Max Documents Per Entity setting in the Document Type configuration was not being applied correctly. Fixes: #5793
  • Fixed issues with incomplete Obsidian Attributes block by migrating the new v17 version back to v16. Fixes: #5794


  • Updated and consolidated the Gender settings in the PublicProfileEdit block and changed "unknown" to an empty value in a drop-down list when a Gender value is not required.
  • Fixed a bug that would show an incorrect alert message when editing a family's Record Status even though there are no deceased people in the family. Fixes: #5802


  • Updated the Event Registration Email Templates to not send the Additional Confirmation Details if all the registrants are in wait list. Fixes: #5747


  • Fixed an issue where a financial statement's Pledge Percent Completed would try to divide by zero. Fixes: #5721


  • Added Smart Search, a refined search experience that allows switching of components.

Pre-Alpha Version Released March 14, 2024


  • Fixed Obsidian page Short Link Detail block to honor Token Length. Fixes: #5775
  • Fixed an issue where remote authorization prompt message could not be removed on Login Block. Fixes: #5423


  • Fixed an issue where an empty Mailgun webhook signing key can cause an excessive number of errors to be added to the Exception Log.
  • Improved the Mailgun integration to use the API Key for tracking opens, etc. if the HTTP Webhook Signing Key is not defined, as well as logging a single exception to alert Rock admins of this missing key value. Fixes: #5780


  • Fixed error in Obsidian blocks if script end tag was included in the block initialization data. Fixes: #5781
  • Updated Observability so it won't log full SQL query text unless enabled in settings.


  • Improved Sign-Ups Finder block to allow finer-grained control over the Campuses displayed within search filters, as well as the option to hide Campuses with no Sign-Up Opportunities.
  • Improved Sign-Ups to support Member Attributes and Member Opportunity Attributes that can be presented by the Sign-Up Register block when operating in "Anonymous" mode.


  • Fixed issue where a first time attendance might not be launched when checking into multiple schedules at the same time. Fixes: #5184
  • Updated Registration Entry Obsidian block to pass the Registration Registrant as the entity to the Workflow of type Registrant. Fixes: #5042


  • Fixed Utility Payment Entry to respect the Account Campus Context block setting. Fixes: #5782


  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Group Registration block's "Prevent Overcapacity Registrations" feature from working properly. Fixes: #5784
  • Added a Person filter to the Obsidian Group Scheduler's "Select Individuals" list, to enable searching for people by name.


  • Fixed the DynamicChart block to display the chart legend correctly. Fixes: #5779

Pre-Alpha Version Released March 7, 2024

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

The AdditionalSettingsExtensions class was moved from the Rock.Utility.ExtensionMethods namespace to Rock. Any third-party code using the class will need to be recompiled to use the updated namespace.


  • Fixed an issue where breadcrumbs would sometimes provide incorrect links to parent Pages. Fixes: #5765
  • Fixed an issue where the Media Player Lava Shortcode can fail to show a video's thumbnail on Apple devices. Fixes: #5753
  • Fixed issue where custom site icons on the internal portal would spill out of their container when on mobile with the main menu open.
  • Added option to GetImage.ashx that allows disabling resizing by added disableoptimizations=true to the query string. This allows a CDN or image optimization service to do the resizing. Without this the query string parameters for resizing will often conflict causing both Rock and the CDN to resize and optimize the file.
  • Fixed a bug where some legacy controls can unintentionally change the theme for the internal site. Fixes: #5206
  • Added styling helper classes for CSS grid and fixed aspect ratio elements.
  • Added the ability to add context filters to the Content Channel View block.
  • Added a new feature to provide Interaction intents.


  • Fixed an issue where Check-in Schedules can be processed out of order, causing Group and Location options to be skipped when "Use Same Service Options" is enabled within Check-in configuration. Fixes: #5202
  • Fixed an issue where the first Location is always preselected when a Group's Scheduling is set to "Pre-select Group if Scheduled," even when the Person is not scheduled for the first Location in the list. Fixes: #4966


  • Added the ability to filter the recipient detail's communication history by campus on the Communication Detail block.
  • Fixed issue with one-click unsubscribe where email clients may send an unsubscribe email instead of automatically unsubscribing. Fixes: #5770
  • Fixed an issue where the "Email Send" Workflow Action can attribute the wrong sender to a Communication History when multiple Person records in Rock share the same email address. Fixes: #5456
  • Fixed issue with permissions on Snippets not saving when set by the Snippet List block. Fixes: #5761
  • Fixed issue where Obsidian Email Preference Entry block incorrectly displayed unsubscribed message. Fixes: #5751
  • Fixes a bug with the SMS Conversations block's "Hide personal SMS numbers" block setting. Fixes: #5757


  • Fixed issue with Connection Request Detail block where the page had to be reloaded to reflect changes after clicking Connect. Fixes: #5762
  • Fixed an issue where the activities list of Connection Requests did not show activities from the requester's other aliases. Fixes: #5759
  • Fixed an issue where the Connections board was not showing configured completion statuses for completed workflows. Fixes: #5658


  • Added user function ROCKGETDATE() to return the current organization date/time in SQL Server. Fixes: #3546
  • Updated Family Analytics Giving and Family Analytics EraDataset to exclude archived groups and group members in their calculations. Fixes: #5766
  • Fixed issue where data in key value lists did not save. Fixes: #5743
  • Updated ResolveRockUrl in RockMasterPage to fix exception that encounters the illegal character in the path. Fixes: #4436
  • Fixed issue where the current menu item was not highlighted properly on the internal portal. Fixes: #5756
  • Fixed an issue where attempting to update missing Family details resulted in an exception for records without a Lastname. Fixes: #5754


  • Updated Data Automation job to not include family members of people in dataviews when reactivating them. Fixes: #5657
  • Fixed issue with the Bulk Update block that allowed users without the right authorization to a group type to edit groups belonging to that type. Fixes: #5749


  • Fixed an issue where the Sign-Up Detail block did not set the page title when the "Set Page Title" block setting was enabled. Fixes: #5717


  • Fixed an issue with the Registration Entry block where the 'Use a different card' option failed to display the credit card entry form. Fixes: #5760
  • Fixed issue where using a Matrix Field Type as a calendar event attribute resulted in an error when editing an event item. Fixes: #5305
  • Modified the calendar export to improve support for specific date schedules in Microsoft/Google/Apple calendar applications. Fixes: #5150
  • Fixed an issue with the Obsidian Registration Entry block where inactive Registration fees are not included for Registrants who were originally registered at a time when the fees were active. Fixes: #5776


  • Fixed an issue where the Transaction Matching block can present Transactions out of order. Fixes: #5676
  • Polished the response message to users when a Text to Give transaction fails to process. This response may be configured on the "Give" action in the SMS pipeline.
  • Fixed issue with Giving Overview block where data from custom accounts were not displayed. Fixes: #5690
  • Fixed issue with Transaction List block where it only showed total amounts for the current page. Fixes: #5752
  • Improved Text-to-Give to notify giver if their transaction fails due to a problem during the charge process. You must configure the Charge Future Transactions job to set the SMS From number you wish to use for these SMS notifications.


  • Fixed an issue where the Rapid Attendance Entry block does not fall back to using the selected Location's Campus for an Attendance record when the selected Group doesn't have a Campus assigned. Fixes: #5772
  • Fixed an issue where the legacy Group Scheduler block handles schedule exclusions unexpectedly. Fixes: #5692


  • Updated the Onboard Person block to validate usernames using the Valid Username Regular Expression global attribute. Prior to this fix, invalid usernames (e.g., usernames containing spaces) were allowed to be created. Fixes: #5767


  • Fixed a bug where DataView-dependent filters nested within filter groups were not being shown on parent DataView. Fixes: #5453
  • Fixed the Dashboard Widget Line Chart to correctly combine metric partitions. Fixes: #5732
  • Fixed a bug with the Grid that would cause SQL in the DynamicData block to not work correctly with the Grid's Workflow Launch and Merge Record/Template features due to case-sensitivity. Fixes: #5778
  • Added two new Post-filter Transformations for transforming a data view into a list of people who "can be checked-in" by the people in the Data View pre-transformation.
  • Fixed an issue where attempting to display the Metric Detail page for a Metric with a Location Partition caused an exception Fixes: #5758
  • Fixed an issue with the Page Parameter Filter block where the boolean toggle control did not update the page even when configured to do so. Fixes: #5764


  • Fixed issue where the required error message for field types was not displayed when the 'Hide Label' option was used in Workflow forms. This resolved an issue where the Media Watch attribute failed to display the customizable 'Validation Message'. Fixes: #5763
  • Fixed issue where the 'Process Target Workflow' option on the 'Workflow Set Status' action did not process the selected workflow to completion. Fixes: #5220

Pre-Alpha Version Released February 15, 2024


  • Fixed an issue where adding a new Group using the Groups API can crash IIS Server. Fixes: #5259


  • Added "PrimarySlug" and "ItemGlobalKey" properties of Content Channel Item to Lava fields.
  • Fixed an issue where indexable attributes were not searchable by Lucene search component.
  • Improved Universal Search to use ASCII-Folding when creating an index. ASCII-Folding ensures that search results are more accurate and inclusive by considering variations like accents or special characters. This means you'll get better search results, even if you don't type everything perfectly.
  • Updated to allow deleting content channels that have existing content channel items.


  • Added ability to copy which locations are enabled for a check-in configuration from one schedule to another.


  • Updated to allow deleting Communication Lists that are tied to a communication record.


  • Updated the Save button in Obsidian Detail blocks to show a loading indicator while waiting for the data to be saved. Fixes: #5661
  • Fixed issue with printing from Obsidian grids. Fixes: #5740
  • Fixed an issue with the 'Defined Value' Field Type not allowing multiple selections. Fixes: #5714
  • Updated Get Avatar handler to set person photo of any binary file type. Previously, when using a workflow to update a person's profile photo with a different file type, the default avatar continued to be displayed. Rock now correctly sets the person's photo, regardless of the file type used in the workflow. Fixes: #5698


  • Fixed a bug in Bulk Update where "Enhanced for Long Lists" dropdowns would not be enabled on selection. Fixes: #5491
  • Fixed issue with Family Pre-Registration where the address record was sometimes not saved as expected even if validation rules were met. Fixes: #5739
  • Fixed issue with Known Relationships block that caused it to misalign other blocks when displaying security alerts. Fixes: #5738


  • Updated Registration Entry obsidian block to pass the Registration Registrant as the entity to the Workflow of type Registrant. Fixes: #5042


  • Fixed an issue causing excessive Chromium processes and PDF generation failure when generating a high volume of contribution statements. Fixes: #5736


  • Fixed an issue where selecting a Root Group in the Group List block settings under Add Group caused unexpected behavior, filtering only to the selected group or one level below, instead of displaying all groups under the Root. Fixes: #5735
  • Fixed a bug with group scheduling not honoring group leader overrides of group requirements. Fixes: #5733
  • Fixed issue with the GroupList block that caused an error when sorting by Role. Fixes: #5734
  • Fixed an issue where the Obsidian Group Schedule Toolbox always enforces Group requirements for additional times sign-ups, even when the "Scheduling Must Meet Requirements" option is disabled for that Group.


  • Added a GuidToId filter to convert an entity Guid to an Id for the specified entity type.
  • Added a new CreateEntitySet filter.


  • Added the ability to specify a max number of characters allowed for SMS in the Communication Entry block.


  • Fixed an issue where "In Location Geofence" filter would display an error that prevented use. Fixes: #5744

Pre-Alpha Version Released February 1, 2024

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

The method public static object FilterNotFollowed( Context context, object dataObject ) in Rock.Lava.RockLiquid.RockFilters.cs has been renamed to public static object FilterUnfollowed( Context context, object dataObject ). Similarly, the method public static object FilterNotFollowed( ILavaRenderContext context, object dataObject ) in Rock.Lava.Filters.LavaFilters.cs has been renamed to public static object FilterUnfollowed( ILavaRenderContext context, object dataObject ). Any code referencing these two method would need to be recompiled.


  • Fixed issue with Content Component block that did not allow block editing for users with permission if it is the only block on the page. Fixes: #5702
  • Added new CSS utility classes for text-wrap, line-clamp and font-variants. See documentation for details.
  • Added page rate limiting to Obsidian block actions.
  • Fixed issue where ampersand ("&") in Content Channel title generates an error when editing security. (Fixes #5725)
  • Fixed issue of Block Type Details block linking to incorrect page. Fixes: #5667


  • Updated the logic that opens/closes room (locations) to write the changes to history.
  • Added the ability to change the terms "Adult" and "Child" on the Family Pre-Registration block.
  • Improved the Check-in Multi-Person Select block to show more specific reasons why a Person doesn't have any available check-in options.


  • Fixed issue where Communication Entry Wizard block becomes unusable when an SMS image attachment is auto-resized and uploaded to Azure Blob Storage. Fixes: #5719
  • Fixed an issue where an empty Mailgun webhook signing key can cause an excessive number of errors to be added to the Exception Log.


  • Fixed issue in PDF logic where the configured paper size was not being applied to the generate PDF request.
  • Fixed issue of Member Added to Group workflow failing when new members are added to the group. Fixes: #5669
  • Fixed mobile styling issue with side menubar on the internal theme. Scrolling now works correctly when you have 9+ menu items.
  • Fixed a problem where only the first value from a Multi-Select [person] attribute would be selected on a workflow form. Fixes: #5706


  • Fixed a bug where the Documents block would sometimes show a configuration error message when there really was no configuration error. Fixes: #5645
  • Improved Person Search block to show icons for the configured persisted data views.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the SparkData NCOA service from processing addresses with invalid data in various fields.
  • Fix a bug where phone numbers don't display for non-logged in users. Fixes: #5710
  • Updated the "Public Profile Edit" block to allow for being used in edit mode only.


  • Fixed issue that caused some step blocks to filter out steps without an associated campus by default. Fixes: #5716
  • Fixed an issue where the Sign-Up Register block didn't update an existing Person's "Allow SMS Messages" preference when operating in "Anonymous" mode. Fixes: #5722


  • Fixed an error that would occur in the RegistrationEntry block if the person registering (the registrar) had a NULL email address. Fixes: #5366


  • Updated text-to-give charge processing to prevent multiple attempts to charge a failed transaction.
  • Fixed an issue causing incorrect calculation of totals in the Person Profile Giving Overview. Fixes: #5713
  • Updated the Celero/TransNational NMI Gateway implementation to permit collection of alternate card name and billing address fields when using tokenized payments/hosted mode.
  • Updated Scheduled Transaction View and Giving Configuration blocks to avoid showing the "cancel" button for Scheduled Transactions that are associated with gateways that do not support updating Scheduled Transactions from Rock.


  • Fixed a bug that would prevent Group Member Requirements from being overridden by group leaders even if the group requirement was configured with the "Allow Leaders to Override" setting enabled. Fixes: #5731


  • Fixed an issue where Page and PageParameter Lava filters did not work in some Lava-enabled Obsidian block settings. Fixes: #5671
  • Added a new Lava filter, PersonByPersonActionIdentifier that takes an encrypted person action identifier and provides the person and action.


  • Added Microsoft Entra as a supported authentication provider.


  • Fixed issue of controls not rendering for Conditional Workflow Form Fields. Fixes: #5602
  • Fixed issue with Workflow List block that allowed users without view permission to view data. Fixes: #5709

Pre-Alpha Version Released January 18, 2024


  • Added the ability to refresh Persisted Datasets on a schedule (instead of only regular interval).
  • Updated the default and fallback fav icon.


  • Fixed an issue where age, grade and ability level requirements might be ignored for Groups with multiple Locations in certain situations.
  • Fixed a potential issue where age, grade and ability level requirements might be ignored for Groups with multiple Locations in certain situations.


  • Added status counts to the available Lava merge fields for the Connection Opportunity Select Block.


  • Added optional CAPTCHA to Forgot Username and Change Password blocks.
  • Added the ability to clone a schedule.


  • Fixed Group Placement block to display group attributes selected in configuration. Fixes: #5703
  • Fixed an issue where Registration Registrants who share an email address (i.e. twins) are incorrectly merged into the same Person record.


  • Fixed a bug where Contribution Statement Generator could throw a null reference error when no valid person passed via query string. Fixes: #5705
  • Added option for hiding Account Totals section in the Financial Batch Detail block.
  • Fixed an issue where the Statement Generator can time out when generating statements for people who have an excessive number of Person Alias records.
  • Fixed issue of transactions with no payment details causing errors in the Transaction List block. Fixes: #5499


  • Fixed issue of universal search pointing persons to groups which they are no longer a part of. Fixes: #5704


  • Added new Lava 'observe' command to allow wrapping fragments of Lava in an observability activity.
  • Added visibility of the Registration.DiscountCode property to be visible to Lava. Fixes: #5707


  • Fixed an issue within the Analytics Source Date logic where fiscal week numbers were incorrectly calculated due to a hard-coded 52 week per year assumption.

Pre-Alpha Version Released January 4, 2024


  • Updated the Attendance Detail block to correctly list Schedules, Locations and Groups available for moving checked-in individuals within the check-in manager.
  • Updated the En Route block to correctly list Schedules, Locations and Groups available for moving en-route individuals within the check-in manager.
  • Updated the Attendance Detail block to correctly list Schedules, Locations and Groups available for moving checked-in individuals within the check-in manager.
  • Updated the En Route block to correctly list Schedules, Locations and Groups available for moving en-route individuals within the check-in manager.


  • Updated Communication Entry and Wizard blocks to auto-hide the "Bulk" option if "Bulk Email Threshold" is exceeded.
  • Added one-click unsubscribe support for email clients.
  • Updated the Email Preference Entry block to auto-unsubscribe on load when performing a one-click unsubscribe.
  • Added support for separate "API key" and "HTTP webhook signing key" values within Mailgun integration. Fixes: #5694
  • Improved performance of the Communication Entry Wizard block and Communication sending processes when working with Communications having a large number of recipients. Fixes: #5651


  • Fixed a bug where an HTML comment inside a Connection Opportunity "summary" field would cause various UI and display problems. Fixes: #5688


  • Fixed issue where a discount applied to a registration from the internal registration details page would not be reflected on the Obsidian Registration Entry block. Fixes: #5691
  • Fixed Obsidian Registration Entry block to not automatically select "None of the above" on registrant family options. Fixes: #5695
  • Fixed issue with Obsidian Registration block and additional payments when using certain redirection gateways. Fixes: #5697


  • Added Account GL Code to Batch Detail block, when present.
  • Fixed an issue that caused incorrect control amounts to be set on batches when an event registration was added through an externally hosted financial gateway.
  • Fixed an issue where a recipient's address might not be included on a financial statement generated using the "FinancialGivingStatement" v1 API. Fixes: #5684
  • Fixed issue of attribute values not being populated in custom workflows triggered by Giving Automation Alert. Fixes: #5685


  • Fixed issue with Attendance Analytics where data is sometimes grouped by day even when group by week is selected. Fixes: #5362


  • Improved the Workflow FormBuilder and Notification Email 'EmailAddress' option to work with multiple email addresses as implied by the existing on-screen text. Fixes: #5700
  • Fixed a bug where the WorkflowEntry block was ignoring the form's 'Enable Person Entry' setting if the form was using a template and the template did not enable person entry. Fixes: #5699

Pre-Alpha Version Released December 14, 2023

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

The enum type ZeroToTwelve in the enum Rock.Enums.Crm.AgeBracket has been replaced by two other enum types namely ZeroToFive and SixToTwelve. The code referencing the old enum type needs to be changed.


  • Added support for separate "API key" and "HTTP webhook signing key" values within Mailgun integration. Fixes: #5694
  • Added support for separate "API key" and "HTTP webhook signing key" values within Mailgun integration. Fixes: #5694


  • Improved Connection Types by allowing attribute values to be set when editing the type. Entity Attributes must be added to the Connection Type first.


  • Modified the Attribute Matrix model to improve the performance of change history logging. Fixes: #5303
  • Fixed an issue where Obsidian blocks did not respect context cookies. Fixes: #5634
  • Updated age brackets to split 0-12 into two separate brackets.
  • Updated package references for Rock.JavaScript.Obsidian and Rock.JavaScript.Obsidian.Blocks projects. Fixes: #5605


  • Fixed an issue that could cause the NCOA update process to fail when someone moved more than 10,000 miles. Fixes: #5523


  • Fixed an issue where Group selections did not save to Person Preferences within the Group Schedule Status Board block. Fixes: #5689


  • Added a setting to the Power BI Report Viewer that allows for passing in filters to the reports.

Pre-Alpha Version Released November 30, 2023

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

In the class Rock.Rest/v2/ControlsController.cs , the method public IHttpActionResult DefinedValuePickerGetAttributes( DefinedValuePickerGetAttributesOptionsBag options ) has been renamed to public IHttpActionResult DefinedValueEditorGetAttributes( DefinedValueEditorGetAttributesOptionsBag options ). Similarly, the method public IHttpActionResult DefinedValuePickerSaveNewValue( DefinedValuePickerSaveNewValueOptionsBag options ) in the same class has been renamed to public IHttpActionResult DefinedValueEditorSaveNewValue( DefinedValueEditorSaveNewValueOptionsBag options ). Any code referencing these two method would need to be recompiled.


  • Fixed issue where copying a page did not honor block security settings on the copied page. Fixes: #5673
  • Fixed an issue where the Rock tree control incorrectly removes the leading "C" character from non-category identifiers. Fixes: #5340
  • Improved time to save changes on large Personalization Segments.
  • Updated the Campus Context Setter block to have settings to provide a default Campus and to optionally update the individual's primary family Campus on change.


  • Updated the Check-in Manager AttendanceDetail block with a block setting to allow editing the start/end date time of an attendance record.


  • Fixed an issue that prevented datetime values from being passed through the login page URL redirection. Fixes: #5615
  • Updated real-time system to ignore remote host closed connection errors.
  • Fixed Schedule Builder to display Schedule exclusions. Fixes: #5674
  • Fixed group tree error with inactive items and their descendants were incorrectly shown as inactive. Fixes: #5678


  • Fixed issue of Giving Overview block crashing when person has batch with only tax excluded contributions. Fixes: #5680
  • Fixed a problem where viewing a reminder for a deleted entity would cause an error. Fixes: #5681
  • Fixed Person Profile page to hide edit button if current user does not have edit rights. Fixes: #5318


  • Fixed Utility Payment block to allow non-public accounts when provided in the URL.
  • Fixed an issue where the Rock Check Scanner requires a Campus when adding a new Batch. Fixes: #5646
  • Fixed issue with Batch Detail page where the Transaction List block was not updated to reflect the Batch status after an update.
  • Fixed issue where Transaction List block timed out for large data sets. Fixes: #5642


  • Fixed the PluralizeForQuantity filter to follow grammar rules when deciding what is pluralized. Instead of treating all numbers greater than one as plural, it treats all numbers as plural except for 1 and -1. Fixes: #5682


  • Fixed an issue where Group sync would ignore a Data View's "Disable Use of Read Only Context" setting when syncing a Group's members with a source Data View. Fixes: #5672

Pre-Alpha Version Released November 16, 2023


  • Added support to edit Obsidian block custom settings from the internal page configurator page. Fixes: #5412
  • Fixed the Event Calendar Item Personalized Registration block to prevent an error when the selected Event does not have registration linkages configured. Fixes: #3287


  • Updated Live Metrics to handle if a group had a non-checkin parent group. Fixes: #5659
  • Updated Live Metrics to handle if a group had a non-checkin parent group. Fixes: #5659
  • Improved performance of check-in cache after a change such as closing a location. Fixes: #5036


  • Fixed the issue of Connection Request Board Block encountering an error (throwing Null Reference Exception) if the Assigned Badge is deleted. Fixes: #5352


  • Updated History Log to honor Group security. Fixes: #5332
  • Fixed issue in the Rock theme where the page menu would not display if the sidebar was scrolled in Safari. Fixes: #5668
  • Improved block setting configuration to make it easier to distinguish settings between different categories.
  • Fixed Dynamic Data Grid Filters displaying incorrectly when all the Grid Actions are disabled. Fixes: #3279


  • Fixed an issue in the Sign-Up Register block that would cause a Group Member to appear multiple times in the list of people, once for each role they belong to within the specified Group. Fixes: #5675


  • Fixed the GivingAutomation job to set the same-transaction window to 24 hours. Fixes: #5187
  • Fixed an issue with the Transaction Entity Matching block that required reloading the page after saving to make a new selection. Fixes: #5406
  • Fixed issue with Transaction Matching Block that did not allow clearing previously matched transactions. Fixes: #5636
  • Fixed issue with Account Picker not closing after selection is made from search. Fixes: #5652
  • Added BreadCrumbs to Finance Batch Detail Obsidian Block. Fixes: #5664


  • Updated Obsidian Group Scheduler block to show minimum/desired/maximum capacity progress bar markers to the right of the spot that satisfies a given value. Fixes: #5662
  • Added additional insights into the Obsidian Group Scheduler block to show details on the desired number of volunteers as well as the current state of invites.
  • Fixed issue where Group Scheduler blocks (Obsidian and Web Forms) fail to display a helpful warning message when a Group Type doesn't have a system communication specified for sending confirmations.


  • Fixed the WorkflowActivate block to restore case-insensitivity for Attribute parameters. Fixes: #3003


  • Added support for attributes on mobile pages.


  • Fixed issue with Metrics List block's Defined Value filters that auto-filled other filters when a defined value is selected.


  • Fixed issue of Person Entry in Form Builder not saving the Spouse GUID. Fixes: #5654

Pre-Alpha Version Released November 2, 2023


  • Added Adaptive Message.


  • Fixed the Checkin Group List to correctly identify circular references in the Group Type inheritance chain. Fixes: #5637


  • Added the Adaptive Message feature.


  • Fixed issue with Connection Request Board that caused an error when merging templates in list mode. Fixes: #5633


  • Fixed Account Entry to pre-fill User details when provided. Fixes: #5320
  • Fixed the Tag Report block issue where selecting an item from the grid would not redirect to the tagged item. Fixes: #5648
  • Updated Obsidian Login block error message when passwordless code fails to send to mobile phone. Fixes: #5649
  • Fixed issue with Signature Document blocks not honoring the Template's Security. Fixes: #5599
  • Added the ability to pin Notes to the top of the list.
  • Fixed Obsidian Login block issue where external authentication did not work with custom page routes. Fixes: #5641
  • Updated avatar caching logic to reduce the number of avatars cached.
  • Fixed Google authentication button not displaying icon. Fixes: #5653
  • Fixed issue in Obsidian Login block where unconfirmed passwordless accounts could not log in and no error displayed for locked out passwordless accounts. Fixes: #5614
  • Fixed the LocationPicker to correctly validate content when set to required. Fixes: #5561


  • Fixed a bug where the Documents block would sometimes show a configuration error message when there really was no configuration error. Fixes: #5645
  • Added the ability to use existing signed documents for event registrations if one already exists for the registrant.
  • Fixed the My Account page's PublicProfile.lava to use configuration settings so the Title can be optionally shown on the view screen. Fixes: #5504


  • Fixed various issues related to fees with Obsidian Registration Entry block.
  • Fixed issue with discount codes ending 1 day early in Obsidian Registration Entry block.


  • Fixed an issue where the selected Connection Status was not being saved when the "Create Record From Fields" button was used when creating a new Benevolence Request. Fixes: #5643
  • Fixed issue of Giving Alerts not Providing the Connection Request Attribute. Fixes: #5570
  • Fixed an issue that caused some reversed transactions to be incorrectly calculated as positive transaction amounts in the Giving Overview.
  • Fixed the Transaction List block filter to show the correct attributes based on the current mode. Fixes: #5282
  • Updated the ScheduledTransactionEditV2 block with more options for allowing/changing which accounts the transaction can be used with the transaction.
  • Fixed issue of Giving Alerts creating Connection Requests with missing fields. Fixes: #5650
  • Fixed issue of history entries not being created for Financial Batch Detail Obsidian Block. Fixes: #5660
  • Fixed an issue causing transactions entered in the Transaction Entry V2 block to overwrite existing phone numbers. Fixes: #5524


  • Updated the Group Schedule Toolbox with the new Obsidian framework. Also, added features to allow displaying immediate needs.
  • Improved the wording of a few requirement related settings in the Group Member Detail block. Fixes: #5454
  • Fixed an issue where the 'Send Group Requirements Notification' job would still send notifications to members of the AccountabilityGroup even if they were not active. Fixes: #5638


  • Fixed the Schedule StartTimeOfDay property to correctly return a time value rather than a UTC date/time. Fixes: #5632
  • Fixed the Entity Command encountering an error when filtering on some Attribute Fields. Fixes: #5640
  • Resolved an issue where there were problems handling single-line notes (comments) written within the code. Fixes: #5656


  • Added the 'Add Connection Request' block.


  • Fixed issue with Dynamic Reports that allowed filters to be changed. Fixes: #5586
  • Fixed Report to show correct member counts for group. Fixes: #5509

Pre-Alpha Version Released October 19, 2023


  • Fixed the content channel item's status from being 'de-selected' when editing and interacting with a Matrix Attribute. Fixes: #3565
  • Fixed media player download button not working on some browsers. Fixes: #5426


  • Fixed a problem with the new Schedule Detail block where changing a schedule did not flush the KioskDevice cache.
  • Updated Aero theme to inset navigation buttons when using the windows check-in client. Fixes: #5475
  • Added an Area filter to the Schedule Builder block to make it easier to edit schedules for particular check-in areas.
  • Added the GroupType's "Schedule Exclusions" feature to Check-In. Fixes: #3712
  • Added an Area filter to the Schedule Builder block to make it easier to edit schedules for particular check-in areas.


  • Fixed issue where inactive System Phone Numbers were available for communications. Fixes: #5597
  • Fixed Communication List Subscribe block to allow assigning empty values to the 'Communication List Categories' block setting. Fixes: #5540
  • Fixed issue with Lava not working in From Name or From Address Fields in Scheduling Confirmation Email. Fixes: #5527


  • Fixed a situation with the Connection Request Board where an error would show if you had no viewable opportunity types. Fixes: #5517


  • Added Scope Approval Expiration setting to the Auth Client Detail block.
  • Fixed issue of Note Type Field Type not showing up in Following Event Type Detail Obsidian block. Fixes: #5605
  • Fixed issue with Field Types where advanced grid filter controls would get an error and prevent the page from loading. Also fixes the DefinedValuesPicker with the required property. Fixes: #4176 #5609
  • Fix Obsidian MetricItemPicker using the wrong GUIDs.
  • Fixed issue where Obsidian Page Picker control could not open the route picker.
  • Added the ability to require two-factor authentication (2FA) for specified account protection profiles. This requires the use of the new Obsidian login block.
  • Fixed an issue where the "View Reminders" links used the public external site as the base URL instead of the private internal site. Fixes: #5476


  • Fixed issue with Person Attribute Forms block that did not allow editing Matrix attributes. Fixes: #3710


  • Fixed issue where Sign-Ups administrative blocks did not respect "Edit" and "Schedule" permissions set at the Group and GroupType levels. Fixes: #5622
  • Fixed the Sign-up Finder block to only show active schedules when the Display Named Schedule Filter is enabled. Fixes: #5631


  • Fixed the iCalendar generator to add a sequence number to updated events. Fixes: #5629


  • Fixed the Grid control to prevent an error when merging custom column data to a template. Fixes: #5623
  • Fixed filename overlap problem in the Related Documents section of the Benevolence Request Detail block. Fixes: #5434
  • Fixed issue with Transaction Detail block where after saving the transactions the batch navigation buttons would disappear. Fixes: #5286


  • Fixed issue in the Calculate Group Requirements and Send Group Requirement Notifications jobs where the Age Classification of the Requirement were not being considered. Fixes: #5564
  • Fixed issue in the Group Requirements Notification Job where persons previously in a warning state still showed as a warning after the requirement has been met. Fixes: #5565
  • Fixed GroupFinder to properly display Custom Schedules with multiple dates. Fixes: #5559
  • Added the ability to configure Group Scheduler Communication Block for a single group passed in through the query string and an additional block setting to allow for specifying a page for sending communications.


  • Fixed the Schedule StartTimeOfDay property to correctly return a time value rather than a UTC date/time. Fixes: #5632
  • Updated entity commands "count" parameter to take into account groupby, select, selectmany and securityenabled when performing count.
  • Fixed the Business Tag to process correctly in Fluid. Fixes: #5628


  • Fixed empty DateTime and Integer attributes values incorrectly being included in LessThan and LessThanOrEqualTo data view filters. Fixes: #1808


  • Fixed Workflow Type Detail block to copy Person, Group and Spouse attributes when copying a workflow. Fixes: #5309

Pre-Alpha Version Released October 5, 2023

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

The property GetLegacyGlobalMergeFields in the class Rock.Lava.CommonMergeFieldsOptions which was marked obsolete in v16 has been removed.

The enum class LavaSupportLevel in Rock.Lava which was marked obsolete in v16 has been removed.

Similarly, the property LavaSupportLevel in the class Rock.Web.Cache.GlobalAttributesCache has been removed

The method public static bool CheckSqlServerVersion(int majorVersionNumber) in the class Rock.Update.Helpers.VersionValidationHelper has been removed. The code referencing that method needs to be rewritten to use the new method public static bool CheckSqlServerCompatibilityLevel(int compatibiltyLevel)


  • Fixed an issue with the File Browser where an ampersand in the file name would get an "A potentially dangerous Request.Path" error. Fixes: #4733


  • Fixed performance issue in the Rapid Attendance Entry block. Fixes: #5277
  • Added the ability to send templated SMS messages from the check-in manager that include images.


  • Updated email communications to allow special characters, like fancy quotes and em dashes, in emails. These were originally stripped out to prevent older email clients, servers and code from having issues with their Unicode characters. Fixes: #2818


  • Fixed an issue where a schedule that went past midnight was not considered active for some checks. Fixes: #3131
  • Fixed the display of help text to move it to the top when the control label is hidden. Fixes: #3018
  • Fixed the Phone Number Field Type to correctly handle non-default country codes. Fixes: #3760
  • Fixed issue where the file uploader would override the pasting of text on a page. Fixes: #2994
  • Fixed issue where if both adults in a family are deceased their giving leaders ids would become incorrect. Fixes: #2848
  • Fixed block configuration menus becoming unselectable on person profile pages. Fixes: #5142
  • Added system metrics to the Observability Platform.
  • Added system metrics to the Observability Platform.
  • Fixed issue with AccountEntry where Gender and Campus picker visibility did not match the block settings configuration. Fixes: #5616


  • Fixed issue where "Search" and "Clear" buttons remain visible on the Sign-Ups Finder block even if all filters are turned off in block settings. Fixes: #5621


  • Fixed issue causing common registrant values to be cleared when selecting a family member. Fixes: #5610
  • Fixed exception with Event Registration and other Obsidian blocks when no USER_AGENT header is provided. Fixes: #5387
  • Fixed error when submitting an event registration using "First Registrant" as the registrar option. Fixes: #5624
  • Fixed an issue where the Event Registration progress bar was not honoring the Display Progress Bar block setting. Fixes: #5425
  • Updated Registration Template Detail block to not allow adding duplicate form fields. Fixes: #5372
  • Fixed Defined Value field type to default to blank on forms, even when it's a required field. Prior to this fix, the field would default to one of the values, rather than forcing the person to select a value. Fixes: #5604
  • Fixed issue where Address attributes defined on Registration were not saved correctly. Fixes: #5532
  • Fixed NMI gateway when browser language set to certain locales. Fixes: #5461
  • Fixed missing images in Obsidian Event Registration confirmation e-mails. Fixes: #3632
  • Fixed issue where the Obsidian Event Registration Next/Previous buttons would not always trigger the page to scroll to the top. Fixes: #5612
  • Fixed an issue where the Obsidian Event Registration Next/Previous buttons would not always trigger the page to scroll to the top. Fixes: #5612
  • Fixed issue where person Address field on Event Registration did not populate with default country/state values. Fixes: #5607
  • Fixed issue in the Obsidian RegistrationEntry block that prevented the display of default values for Person and Registrant attributes for all registrants when not logged in, or past the first Registrant when logged in. Fixes: #5547


  • Fixed UtilityPayment entry to display Campus dropdown when required and use CampusId from URL when provided. Fixes: #5539
  • Fixed issue with the sorting of accounts on the Transaction Matching block. Fixes: #5371


  • Improved Group Schedule Toolbox "Cancel Confirmation" behavior to decline a schedule instead of setting the row back to a pending state.


  • Fixed a variable scoping issue inside some Lava command blocks. Fixes: #5102
  • Added the ability to provide options on how objects are returned from the FromJSON filter. Before this was always returned as an ExpandoObject. You can now optionally have it returned as a Dictionary.
  • Fixed an issue where some Lava comments are incorrectly rendered to output. Fixes: #5560
  • Fixed Lava Webhook to support all HTTP verbs, such as PUT and PATCH. Fixes: #3277


  • Fixed incorrect help text to document the attribute keys used when launching a workflow from the Prayer Card View block. Fixes: #5500


  • Updated the Set Property Entity action to allow for setting properties of type Guid. Fixes: #3183
  • Fixed issue in the WorkflowEntry block where a delay action didn't prevent the next action from being activated. This was only an issue on the block and not in the process workflow job. Fixes: #5363

Pre-Alpha Version Released September 21, 2023

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

The public virtual List GetBreadCrumbs( PageReference ) method in the Rock.Web.UI.RockBlock class is no longer called before a block is initialized. Therefore if you were using the method to initialize block data it will no longer work as expected.

The type of the property PersonEntrySmsOptInEntryOption in the class Rock.Model.WorkflowActionForm has been changed from Rock.Model.WorkflowActionFormPersonEntryOption to Rock.Model.WorkflowActionFormShowHideOption. The code making use of this property will need to be adjusted to the new type and recompiled.

A similar change has been made with the PersonEntrySmsOptInEntryOption property in the class Rock.Web.Cache.WorkflowActionFormCache. The property was of type Rock.Model.WorkflowActionFormPersonEntryOption but now it has been changed to Rock.Model.WorkflowActionFormShowHideOption. The code making use of this property will need to be adjusted to the new type and recompiled.

The type of the property SmsOptIn has been changed from to Rock.Model.WorkflowActionFormShowHideOption. The code making use of this property will need to be adjusted to the new type and recompiled.


  • Fixed HTML editor to not misspell CurrentPerson when using a merge field. Fixes: #5340
  • Fixed media player short code not entering full screen on iOS devices. Fixes: #5071
  • Fixed issue where editing the block settings on a Dynamic Data block would update the page name of the internal page editor page. Fixes: #5542


  • Updated styles to remove color overrides of btn-danger style, except when the button is a column command (delete, archive, etc) on a Rock Grid. Fixes: #5533
  • Fixed the Process BI Analytics job to not timeout so quickly. Fixes: #5572
  • Fixed names that had more than once space between words. This will be corrected when a person is saved as well as by the nightly clean-up job. Processing the nightly clean-up step takes ~1,400 ms on a very large database. Fixes: #2990
  • Fix Obsidian Address Control's validation.
  • Fix missing red dot indicating Obsidian AddressControl value is required.
  • Updated the UI to keep the Reminder Modal from disappearing on small screens. Fixes: #5531
  • Fixed an issue causing an error when viewing Reminders attached to certain entities. Fixes: #5550
  • Updated the Date picker to show the current date using Rock time, instead of the date of the local machine. Fixes: #2543
  • Fixed issue with invalid Confirm Account URL sent from new Login block. Fixes: #5580


  • Fixed attribute ordering on the Add Group block to respect the order defined. Fixes: #2223
  • Fixed issue where the Family Pre-Registration block did not show updated profile photos. Fixes: #5579
  • Fixed issue of hidden phone numbers getting deleted on profile update in Public Profile Edit block. Fixes: #5598


  • Fixed the display of Group Member attributes on the registrant list grid. Fixes: #4448
  • Added a registration instance status to help display whether the registration is currently open or not.


  • Fixed the Utility Payment Entry block to order the financial accounts properly and to not show the campus picker when appropriate.
  • Fixed an issue causing payment detail information to get lost when modifying a scheduled transaction using the new V2 block for hosted gateways. Fixes: #5585


  • Modified the Security Role delete process to correctly remove all associated audit entries. Fixes: #5482
  • Fixed Group Scheduler from incorrectly collapsing groups. Fixes: #5600


  • Fixed an issue with the AddQuickReturn filter where quotes were not properly escaped. Fixes: #5595
  • Modified the ContentChannel entity to allow access to the ChildContentChannels property. Fixes: #5389
  • Added the ability to access EntityTypes from the FromCache Lava filter.


  • Fixed the Data View filter for Attributes to improve performance. Fixes: #5575
  • Fixed issue where Metric blocks malfunction when MetricCategoryId parameter is missing. Fixes: #5343


  • Fixed the Form Builder Detail Block to get the authentication from the category. This resolves an issue where users could create a new form, but could not edit it or add fields to it. Fixes: #5537
  • Fixed Signature Document Templates filtering to not show inactive templates in Workflow Actions. Fixes: #5511

Pre-Alpha Version Released September 7, 2023

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

CheckedSecurityActions property in Rock.Web.Cache.BlockTypeCache which was marked obsolete in v11.0 has been removed. Similarly, the methods public void SetSecurityActions(RockBlock blockControl) and public void SetSecurityActions(Type blockType) in the same class have also been removed as they too were marked obsolete in v11.0.

The method public method Rock.Model.ExceptionLogService.TruncateLog has been made static. The code using this method would need to be recompiled.

The ValueAsPerson property has been removed from Rock.Model.AttributeValue.cs. The code using the property needs to be changed to use the ValueAsPersonId property instead.


  • Optimized Sql query for Short Link Click List Block. Fixes: #5551


  • Added new Color selector field type.
  • Modified the Grid to correctly include Lava field values when merging to a document template. Fixes: #3480
  • Fixed issue of "Remote Host Closed Connection" error that would appear, related to Rock avatars (GetAvatar handler). Fixes: #5521
  • Fixed passwordless SMS code autofill issue for iOS browsers. Fixes: #5556
  • Fixed Obsidian Address Control's validation with autocomplete.
  • Fixed issue with the Person Link Control where tooltips would not automatically hide Fixes: #5577


  • Fixed issue where adult birth dates always required a year in the Family Pre-Registration block. Fixes: #5470
  • Fixed issue where Family Pre-Registration block did not include the PlannedVisitDate merge field. Fixes: #5562
  • Fixed issue where the family navigation drop-down appears on the Person Profile when there is no other family member to navigate to. Fixes: #5544
  • Fixed errors caused by Reminders that were attached to entities that were deleted or merged. Fixes: #5552


  • Fixed an issue on the RegistrationTemplateDetail block when creating registration form fields where it was allowed to create Registrant attributes with the same key. Fixes: #5472
  • Added support for Obsidian Event Registration block to update page title. Fixes: #5234
  • Fixed an issue where registrant attributes and person phone numbers weren't available to signature documents. Fixes: #5518
  • Fixed issue on the Obsidian Event Registration block where limited fee items were not being calculated between registrants in a registration and could exceed the set limit. Fixes: #5408


  • Fixed an issue on the Group Member List block that would continue to show the 'add' (+) button when it should not be showing. Fixes: #5545
  • Fixed an issue with long group names in the legacy Group Scheduler when showing multiple groups. Fixes: #5571
  • Added the ability to display all group member roles for individuals in the Group Schedule Roster block.
  • Added the ability to group individuals by group member role in the Group Attendance Detail block.


  • Added 'AppendWatches' Lava filter: Adding watch information for specified media files. Check Lava documentation for implementation specifics.


  • Fixed issue with Insights block displaying an error when Person Record data is missing. Fixes: #5490


  • Added the ability to configure SMS opt-in for workflow forms.

Pre-Alpha Version Released August 24, 2023

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

Rock has stopped supporting legacy Lava. With that the following classes have been removed

  • public class Rock.Lava.EntityAttribute
  • public class Rock.Lava.LegacyLavaSyntaxDetectedException
  • public class Rock.Lava.LegacyLavaUpdater


  • Updated the SignUpFinder block to return the Schedule name and available date range for Schedules with multiple dates when displaying the Schedule filter. Fixes: #5513


  • Added a new option to the Event Registration Wizard block to allow selecting an existing group or creating a new group.
  • Updated Calendar Item Occurrence List By Audience Lava block to display the List Title as the Block title. Fixes: #5296
  • Added the ability to configure SMS opt-in for Obsidian RegistrationEntry block.


  • Added the ability to configure SMS opt-in for the Obsidian GroupRegistration block.


  • Rock no longer supports "legacy" Lava.


  • Fixed issue where newly-added DataView Filters are not initially enhanced for long lists. Fixes: #5543


  • Fixed issue with Obsidian Login block where Facebook and OIDC (OpenID Connect) client authentication were not working. Fixes: #5528


  • Fixed Form Builder to send Confirmation Email even when it is not set on the Form Builder Template. Fixes: #5529

Pre-Alpha Version Released August 10, 2023

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

The property UsagesRemaining has been renamed to RegistrationUsagesRemaining in the class Rock.Model.RegistrationTemplateDiscountWithUsage. The code referencing this property must be modified to use the new name.

The method public static string GetValue( string key, string defaultValue ) in the Rock.Web.SystemSettings class, which was originally added in v15.0, has been removed in v15.2. Nothing other than core should have been using that method, but any code using the old method needs to be changed to use the public static string GetValue( string key ) method.


  • Added Content Library feature.


  • Fixed the Connections Board Bulk Update button to inherit security settings from the Connection Request Bulk Update page. Fixes: #5525


  • Updated to correctly show when a model property is not a 'database property'. Fixes: #5522
  • Updated JS to fix Safari/Webkit showing loading animation incorrectly. Fixes: #5507
  • Added Obsidian Communication Preference Field Type. Fixes: #5501
  • Fix Obsidian Address Control's validation.
  • Fixed UI of notes block to make it easier to distinguish private notes. Fixes: #5311


  • Fixed issue with Age Classification not updating to Adult when a person's age changes from an adult's age range to a child's age range. Fixes: #5505
  • Fixed the Person Merge to remove Mailing and Mapped flags from previous addresses. Fixes: #5503


  • Fixed issue in Obsidian RegistrationEntry where the MaxRegistrants and MinRegistrants values were not being used or displayed. Fixes: #5535
  • Fixed error preventing moving to document signing when "Use First Registrant" option is being used. Fixes: #5506
  • Fixed an issue in the Obsidian Registration Entry block causing registrant costs to be updated if the cost was changed on the registration instance/template. Fixes: #5519
  • Fixed issue in Obsidian Event registration where a discount amount was being used on a fee after the remaining discount amount had been used up by other fees. Fixes: #5290
  • Fixed issue where email was not saved when registering a family member for an event. Fixes: #5497
  • Updated options on the Registration List Lava (a.k.a. Recent Registrations) block where many settings have changed. Please review the settings on the block and set to meet your needs Fixes: #5467 #5351
  • Fixed issue in Obsidian EventRegistration where a discount code could not be used if the user was not logged in. Fixes: #5514
  • Fixed inactive signature document template from being selected in event registration. Fixes: #5510
  • Fixed a routing error that caused a 404 when selecting an Event Occurrence after selecting a followed event from your dashboard. Fixes: #5338


  • Fixed bulk update not adding people to groups. Fixes: #5526


  • Updated Rock so that Person Attributes of type Address are available for selection in reports. Fixes: #5280


  • Improved Security.


  • Fixed an issue in the WorkflowEntry block were a Delay action in one activity prevented the actions in subsequent activities from running until the delay succeeds. The actions without the delay will now run as expected and the action with the delay will not run until the delay succeeds. Fixes: #5512

Pre-Alpha Version Released July 13, 2023


  • Added the ability to configure SMS opt-in for the FamilyPreRegistration block.


  • Updated the process of moving a child in check-in manager to reduce confusion when selecting the new schedule, location and group for the child.


  • Fixed issue with querying the Schedules API sometimes resulting in an exception. Fixes: #5458
  • Fixed Issue of Send Groups Attendance Reminders Job failing for groups with multiple leaders. Fixes: #5462
  • Added a system setting to enter in the SMS Messaging Opt-In label.
  • Added new Observability feature to Rock that allows Rock to send open telemetry data to an application monitoring service like NewRelic.


  • Fixed issue where conditional fields being hidden doesn't hide the Pre- and Post-HTML for that field. Fixes: #5399
  • Fixed Registration Attributes not displaying Pre-HTML or Post-HTML in Obsidian Registration Entry block. Fixes: #5449


  • Fixed an issue with the transaction list block occasionally showing back of check instead of the front. Fixes: #5108
  • Added the ability to configure SMS opt-in for the Utility Payment Entry block.


  • Added the ability to configure SMS opt-in for Group Registration block.
  • Added Group List block with block setting Hide Inactive/Archived Group defaulted to false to hide inactive and archived groups. Fixes: #5410
  • Fixed Group Schedule Toolbox block displaying sign ups for inactive and non-public schedules. Fixes: #5459


  • Added new ToIdHash and FromIdHash Lava filters.


  • Fixed misspelled 'ProcessSendRegistrationNotification' class. Fixes: #5485
  • Updated the ModelMap to show table names when they do not match the model's name. This is useful for plugins that use a different table naming convention.


  • Fixes issue with Custom Columns in Prayer Request List Block. Fixes: #5327


  • Updated the Workflow's WorkflowId database property to no longer compute the value using a database function. This should increase performance in certain situations.

Pre-Alpha Version Released June 29, 2023

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

The class RockMobileBlockType has been marked obsolete in v16.0. The code using the class need to be changed to use the RockBlockType


  • Increased the length of the Content Channel Item Slug from 75 to 200 characters.


  • Added aggregate capacity metrics to the check-in manager.


  • Updated the OIDC (OpenID Connect) authentication to remember an individual's scope approval, so they won't have to get re-approved on each authentication.
  • Fixed an issue where the media player would sometimes buffer endlessly when streaming Vimeo videos. Fixes: #5445
  • Updated Captcha control to re-render after a partial postback occurs before it is solved. Fixes: #5489
  • Fixed an issue where an HTML Content block's backdrop would not cover the side navbar, if the edited block is located on the top navbar. Fixes: #5486


  • Fixed an issue where a first time attendance workflow could be launched multiple times, or not at all, when checking into multiple schedules at the same time. Fixes: #5184


  • Fixed Pledge List to always display the scheduled transaction even if no 'Date Range' entered. Fixes: #3423


  • Fixed an issue where the group schedule calendar feed would create duplicate calendar entries for the same scheduled occurrence.


  • Added Obsidian Service Metrics Entry block to format numeric numbers to not have a decimal unless needed. Also added roll-up totals based on the metric categories.

Pre-Alpha Version Released June 15, 2023

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

The method public IEntity GetEntity(Guid entityTypeGuid, Guid entityGuid) has been removed from the class Rock.Model.EntityTypeService. The code using this method must be re-written to use the public IEntity GetEntity( int entityTypeId, int entityId ) method in the same class.

The setters of the following properties in the Rock.Model.Person has been set to private:

  • Age
  • AgeBracket
The code using these setters needs to be changes to update the BirthDay, BirthMonth and BirthYear.


  • Fixed issue with media player not tracking progress of YouTube videos.
  • Added the result size to the persisted dataset list block.
  • Fixed issue where Google Sign In did not work in Obsidian Login block. Fixes: #5478


  • Updated Rock to work with Twilio's upcoming HTTP Auth requirement which affects SMS Conversations that have attachments.
  • Updated Rock to work with Twilio's upcoming HTTP Auth requirement which affects SMS Conversations that have attachments.
  • Updated Rock to work with Twilio's upcoming HTTP Auth requirement which affects SMS Conversations that have attachments.


  • Updated error message when a Rock Shop package install fails because no actions were taken (usually due to an invalid package file). Fixes: #5316
  • Fixed issue with Named Locations not inheriting their Parent Location's security settings. Fixes: #5439


  • Fixed an issue in the Giving To Account achievement where giving to child accounts was not counted automatically when a transaction was saved.


  • Fixed issue in Obsidian and webforms RegistrationEntry where single required fees were not being required. Fixes: #5464
  • Fixed issue where persons from ancillary family groups the logged in person is a member of were not included in the family selection drop down list. Fixes: #5367
  • Fixed issue in Obsidian Registration Entry where making a later payment with an expired or deleted discount code would get an error. Fixes: #5430


  • Fixed issue with the CampusAccountAmountPicker where setting certain properties caused the selected campus values to be lost.
  • Fixed errors on the TransactionEntryV2 block that can occur when being used by a user that is not logged in. Fixes: #5474
  • Added additional properties related to refunds to the Financial Transaction List block.


  • Fixed issue where attendance taken with Obsidian Group Attendance Detail block shows 100% attendance regardless of how many people were marked as having attended. Fixes: #5473


  • Added Person Profile, Attribute Values and Group Members block.


  • Fixed issue where child Group Types are never included in the "Attendance in Group Types" Data View filter. Fixes: #5479
  • Fixed the Dynamic Chart block to correctly handle time-series or category data sets for line charts. Fixes: #5319
  • Fixed issue on the "Metric Detail" block when using "Flot" style charts. Fixes: #5463


  • Added workflow actions to create sign-up project opportunities as well as new Schedules.
  • Fixed issue on the WorkflowEntryBlock where a default message was displayed instead of the form's submit button text on form submission. Fixes: #5477

Pre-Alpha Version Released June 1, 2023

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes


  • api/Badges/FamilyAttendance/{personId}/{monthCount}
  • api/PersonBadges/FamilyAttendance/{personId}/{monthCount}
have been modified to include an optional parameter showAsIndividual
The updated endpoints are
  • api/Badges/FamilyAttendance/{personId}/{monthCount}/{showAsIndividual?}
  • api/PersonBadges/FamilyAttendance/{personId}/{monthCount}/{showAsIndividual?}


  • Updated the link to the Windows Check-in installer to the latest version 13.8. This version of Windows check-in improves the "Check-in Address" textbox to use "" as placeholder text. This will prevent the Check-in app from pointing to an incorrect address.
  • Fixed an issue on the Time Select block where an error could occur under certain conditions if there were no time slots available. Fixes: #5446


  • Updated Account Entry Legacy block to redirect user to same page after a new user registers. Fixes: #5427
  • Fixed Lava typo Login Block "Locked Out Caption" field. Fixes: #5438


  • Updated the Attendance Badge with new option to only display attendance specific to the individual, even when the individual is an adult with family members.


  • Fixed issue of inactive account being set as the default account when new Registrations Instances are created. Fixes: #5443
  • Updated the RegistrantWaitListMove block to provide the link in the email that goes to the registrant form if there are any fees that can be selected. Previously this link would only be created if there was registration form fields that were not displayed in the wait list. Fixes: #5429


  • Updated Utility Payment Entry to render Accounts in the order they are added. Fixes: #5448


  • Fixed the Group Attendance Roster merge data source to include the Group details. Fixes: #2726
  • Modified the AddToDictionary filter to update existing key values rather than showing an error.


  • Added mobile reminder blocks.


  • Fixed including archived Group Members from Post Filter Transformation. Fixes: #5344


  • Fixed Workflow processing intervals over 999 minutes getting erased. Fixes: #5444

Pre-Alpha Version Released May 18, 2023


  • Fixed the Page Zone Blocks Editor move block action to select the correct target block. Fixes: #5315


  • Fixed the Communication Entry block to correctly apply Bulk Communication settings when launched from a grid action. Fixes: #5330


  • Added the ability for person attributes to select businesses.
  • Improved Security.
  • Improved Security.
  • Improved Security.


  • Added a deceased notification to the Relationships block.
  • Fixed an issue with badges of type "In Group With Purpose", where the badge would disappear (show as white) rather than be greyed out when the person is not in a group with that purpose. Fixes: #5441


  • Added the ability to sync a group immediately on the Group Member List block.
  • Fixed issue of Group Attendance Detail block not downloading attendance rosters from certain Storage Providers. Fixes: #5424


  • Fixed some Lava blocks to correctly process parameter values containing embedded Lava. Fixes: #5242


  • Fixed issue of some Person Data View filters not honoring the "Include Deceased" toggle. Fixes: #5428


  • Updated the Group Member Add workflow action to return the newly added group member object back to the workflow as an attribute.

Pre-Alpha Version Released May 4, 2023

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes
The Group Location Historical Schedule entity has been deprecated. Use the History entity instead. The code that uses the former entity need to be changed.


  • Fixed Connection Request to always get displayed, sorted by Order. Fixes: #5322


  • Fixed the RockCleanup job so 65-year-olds are placed in the correct age bracket. Fixes: #5388


  • Fixed issue in Person History to correctly identify the person who deleted a user login. Fixes: #5407


  • Fixed issue with group placement so that registrants can be placed in groups of the same type. Fixes: #5051
  • Fixed an issue where redirect gateways such as PushPay would lose linkage info after making a payment so registrants were not added to the group specified in the linkage. Fixes: #5409


  • Updated Group Member Requirement controls to only display requirements that are viewable by the current person. Fixes: #5358


  • Added Auth0 support for the mobile login block.
  • Added the ability to send a Communication when a Note is added.


  • Fixed bug in Attendance Analytics chart that was not showing individual lines in series.

Pre-Alpha Version Released April 21, 2023

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes
The Message parameter has been removed from the LavaRenderException and the LavaParseException. The code that uses those methods need to be rewritten to use either the GetUserMessage or the GetDiagnosticMessage method.


  • Fixed issue in the AbilityLevelSelect block where an exception could occur when clicking the back button and PreventDuplicateCheckin is configured, and there are no other GroupTypes the person can check into. Fixes: #5369
  • Fixed reprint labels with check-in by phone number so that people with the “can check-in" relationship appear. Fixes: #5096


  • Fixed the Personalized Communication History block to correctly apply view security for merged Person records. Fixes: #5379


  • Fixed Group List Block Root Group not being set. Fixes: #5331
  • Fixed issue where Obsidian Defined Value fields would show blank names or GUIDs when set to display descriptions and no descriptions exist. Fixes: #5395


  • Fixed attributes to not overflow the block on the Person Detail pages. Fixes: #5301


  • Fixed issue with Obsidian Registration Entry block where the Registration Template cost was used instead of the Registrant Cost on the Cost Summary for existing registrations. Fixes: #5373
  • Fixed an issue in Obsidian Registration Entry where group member attribute fields were not being resolved. Fixes: #5398
  • Added a delete confirmation modal to Event Occurrence. Fixes: #5336
  • Fixed an issue in Obsidian Registration Entry where the progress bar was using the wrong field for first name. Fixes: #5400


  • Updated NMI URLs to use to resolve "user not found" for Collect.js tokenization for non-transnational customers.
  • Updated NMI Gateway to include name fields when creating Customer Vault records for some event registrations. Fixes: #5378
  • Fixed a bug with data on the TransactionList block. Fixes: #5312
  • Added the ability to have actions on the Business Detail block.
  • Updated NMI URLs to use to resolve "user not found" for Collect.js tokenization for non-transnational customers.
  • Fixed issue with Saved accounts where they add "and Expires" after the account name even if the account didn't have an expiration date (e.g. a bank account). Fixes: #5317


  • Update AttendanceHistoryList to check for null Groups. Fixes: #5313
  • Fixed an issue causing group schedule decline notifications not to be sent to the assigned "Schedule Cancellation Person". Fixes: #5328
  • Fixed issue with Fundraising Participant block to allow individual goals for family participation. Fixes: #5346
  • Fixed the Group List block to improve performance when loading groups with a large number of members. Fixes: #5324
  • Added block settings to the GroupScheduleToolboxv2 block type to include or exclude specific GroupTypes in the displayed list of Groups.
  • Fixed issue in Group Detail block where a group requirement could not be added to an unsaved new group. Fixes: #5361
  • Fixed issue with Group Requirement applying age classification. Fixes: #5393


  • Fixed the IsInSecurityRole filter to correctly work with Groups specifically nominated as Security Roles. Fixes: #5326
  • Fixed the ResolveRockUrl filter failing when executed in the context of a workflow. Fixes: #5255

Pre-Alpha Version Released April 6, 2023

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

The following Enums have been moved to the Rock.Enum namespace. Code using these will need to be recompiled.

  • ScheduledAttendanceItemMatchesPreference
  • ScheduledAttendanceItemStatus
  • SchedulerResourceGroupMemberFilterType

The following Enums have been moved from Rock.Enums.Blocks.Groups to Rock.Enums.Blocks.Group. Code using these will need to be updated and recompiled.

  • GroupAttendanceDetailDateSelectionMode
  • GroupAttendanceDetailLocationSelectionMode
  • GroupAttendanceDetailScheduleSelectionMode


  • Added rate limiting functionality to CMS Pages.


  • Updated Connection Request Board to not modify the Modified Datetime of other connection requests where slight adjustment is made when order of any Connection request is changed. Fixes: #5335


  • Update to ensure the correct group is shown when the Group Tree View is loaded. Fixes: #5333
  • Fixed Group List Block's Root Group not being set. Fixes: #5331


  • Added registration instance details to financial transaction summary for registrations performed via the internal Rock site to help reconcile transactions. Fixes: #4996
  • Added the ability for financial accounts to be set to whether transactions within it are Shown in the Giving Overview Block.
  • Fixed Transaction Detail block to recheck for zero transaction in simple mode while Saving Transaction. Fixes: #5348


  • Updated the group attendance detail block to save in real-time with an updated user interface.
  • Updated the Group Schedule Toolbox V2 "Number of Future Weeks To Show" block setting into a sliding date range that allows finer control of which weeks to display.


  • Fixed the Parents and Children filters to exclude peers. Fixes: #5345


  • Fixed issue in the WorkflowEntry block where the "Cancel" button on a WorkflowForm doesn't do anything without an "Activate Activity" assigned to it. Fixes: #5357

Pre-Alpha Version Released March 23, 2023

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

The property Rock.Bulk.SampleData.SampleDataManager.CreatorPersonAliasId has been changed from int to int?. Code making use of this property will need to be adjusted for the nullable type and recompiled.


  • Fixed issue with AccountPicker "Select All" not selecting child accounts. Fixes: #5213
  • Update to work around invalid XML from NMI query API. Fixes: #5087


  • Added settings to the new "Send Group Attendance Reminders" job to allow for sending reminders closer to the time of the attendance occurrence.
  • Updated Group Member List block to show 'Met' requirements correctly. Fixes: #5075
  • Fixed issue from Group Member Detail block where starting a Group Requirement with a non-persisted workflow type causes an error. Fixes: #5347
  • Added new Sign-ups feature for managing and allowing people to sign up for various short-term serving projects, teams, etc. that may have space/slot constraints.


  • Improved the Search block by adding auto-search, scroll to load more, historical search items and performance improvements.


  • Added the ability to persist data views on a schedule to allow finer control over when they are run.

Pre-Alpha Version Released March 9, 2023

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

The enum Rock.Common.Mobile.Enums.CommunicationType.SMS has been renamed to Rock.Common.Mobile.Enums.CommunicationType.Sms. Code making use of this enum will need to be updated and recompiled.

The following static method had is signature changed by adding a new parameter with no default value Rock.Mobile.MobileHelper.GetEmailEditFieldXaml. Code using this method will need to be recompiled.

  • From: ListGetEmailEditFieldXaml(string name, string label, string value, bool isRequired, bool multiline = False, int maxLength = 0)
  • To: ListGetEmailEditFieldXaml(string name, string label, string value, bool isEnabled, bool isRequired, bool multiline = False)

The following static method had is signature changed by adding a new parameter with no default value Rock.Mobile.MobileHelper.GetTextEditFieldXaml. Code using this method will need to be recompiled.

  • From: ListGetTextEditFieldXaml(string name, string label, string value, bool isRequired, bool multiline = False, int maxLength = 0)
  • To: ListGetTextEditFieldXaml(string name, string label, string value, bool isEnabled, bool isRequired, bool multiline = False)


  • Added support for custom Lava fields in content collection sources.
  • Added support for some multi-value attributes to content collections.


  • Fixed an issue in the TwillioSendGrid web handler where a "Blocked" email was treated as "Bounced" for emails that were associated with a workflow. Fixes: #5193


  • Added new avatar feature to Rock to create more feature rich icons to represent individuals in the database. See: for details.
  • Fixed Image Upload to check for invalid '#' character. Fixes: #3184
  • Improved performance of loading cache items in bulk during Rock startup. Fixes: #5375


  • Fixed the Person Merge process to remove analytics data for merged records. Fixes: #5266
  • Updated Person Group History block to add the ability to switch views between Year and Month.
  • Fixed a bug where moving a phone number to a different phone type does not save.


  • Added Previous button to the last page of the Statement Generator, allowing an individual to generate more statements without restarting the app. Fixes: #5298
  • The UtilityPaymentEntry block has replaced the TransactionEntry (v1) block and now requires a "Tokenization Key". See for the announcement with link to instructions.


  • Fixed issue in the GroupAttendanceDetail block where printing the roster would get a 404 message if the BinaryFileType was configured to use the file system instead of the database. Fixes: #5283


  • Fixed the template cache to avoid re-parsing invalid templates. Fixes: #5325


  • Added the Communication Entry block, providing a way to send email and SMS communications to a list of recipients.
  • Improved the Group Member List block, added a variety of filters, new default template and the ability to generate entity sets.

Pre-Alpha Version Released February 24, 2023

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

The method Rock.Web.Cache.PersonalizationSegmentCache.GetActiveSegments had its signature changed to remove the boolean includeSegmentsWithNonPersistedDataViews since segments no longer require persisted datasets. Code making use of this method will need to be updated and recompiled.

We have replaced all legacy TransactionEntry block instances on all pages with the newer UtilityPaymentEntry block (NMI/MyWell compatible) and have attempted to preserve any custom block settings you might have configured. If you are still trying to use one of the legacy payment gateways, you will need to manually change back to the legacy TransactionEntry block, otherwise you will see an error when the block loads "Unsupported Gateway This block only supports Gateways that have a hosted payment interface." Also, the new block only supports one payment gateway per instance/configuration.


  • Updated Personalization Segment Detail block to allow filtering Page Views by URL or Referrer.


  • Updated the RockUpdate block and added an administrator checklist item to account for ending support of SQL Server 2014 and Legacy Lava in a future version of Rock.
  • Fixed Rock's API Docs page to work with Rock instances that exist behind a 'reverse proxy'. Fixes: #3893


  • Fixed issue with BioSummary block throwing an exception when retrieving ShowOnlyPrimaryGroupMembers attribute. Fixes: #5281
  • Fixed an issue where the person profile image clickable area extended beyond the image. Fixes: #5307
  • Fixed the Person Following List block to correctly show all followings linked to Person records. Fixes: #3012


  • Fixed issue in Obsidian Registration Entry where the amount charged to the person was the "Minimum Initial Payment" instead of the "Amount Due" if the "Minimum Initial Payment" was larger. Fixes: #5376


  • Updated GroupScheduleToolbox to not show inactive schedules. Fixes: #5294


  • Added a new Lava filter to render structured content (RenderStructuredContentAsHtml).


  • Updated the "Financial Scheduled Transaction View" data view filter to allow the inclusion of individuals in the same giving group.
  • Added new data view filters to allow finding people based on their first attendance in groups or group types.

Pre-Alpha Version Released February 10, 2023

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

The following methods were marked obsolete in v10 and removed from the Rock.Model.CommunicationResponseService class in v15.0:

  • GetCommunicationsAndResponseRecipients
  • GetConversation
  • GetResponseRecipients
  • UpdatePersonAliasByMessageKey
  • UpdateReadPropertyByMessageKey

The enum Rock.Model.PersonAliasType was marked obsolete in v10 and removed in v15.0:


  • Fixed an issue where the WebsiteLavaTemplateCache cannot be cleared in Cache Manager. Fixes: #5250
  • Added passwordless authentication block for use with websites.


  • Updated SMS Phone Numbers to use new model instead of Defined Values.


  • Fixed issue with GroupPicker select all stuck in perpetual loading for groups with nested children. Fixes: #3820
  • Fixed Account Entry Block to restrict user from making repetitive clicks when creating a new User. Fixes: #5133
  • Fixed Update Persisted Attribute Values job not correctly detecting volatile attributes. Fixes: #5299
  • Fixed Meeting Detail in Group Detail by updating GeoPicker Control to correctly look for qualified Ids. Fixes: #5256
  • Fixed issue where phone number lookup was not working for locked out individuals. Fixes: #5285


  • Fixed tooltip placement of Steps badge so it doesn't go off-screen. Fixes: #5237
  • Added a Reminders Feature. See the Reminders section in the Person & Family Field Guide for details:


  • Fixed RegistrationEntry block issue where expired saved credit cards were able to be selected. Fixes: #5261


  • Added the ability to have hierarchical account tree in the Utility Payment Entry Block.
  • Fixed some blocks not validating correctly with Firefox browser autofill enabled. Fixes: #5104


  • Added Self Selection To Person Picker in Group Selector.


  • Fixed some Lava blocks to correctly process parameter values containing embedded Lava. Fixes: #5242


  • Updated the Calculate Metric Job to replace only the Measure Metric on sourcing the data from SQL. Fixes: #5090
  • Fixed 'Group' Data Views to return Child Groups that are inactive. Fixes: #5088

Pre-Alpha Version Released January 26, 2023

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

The Enum CommunicationMessageFilter has been moved to the Rock.Enum namespace. Code use this will need to be recompiled.


  • Fixed issue for the GroupTypeSelect block setting "Select All and Skip" that caused a 'no available schedule' error message to appear instead of going on to the GroupSelect block. Fixes: #5215


  • Fixed Connection Board Opportunity Dropdown to respect the security. Fixes: #5274


  • Fixed issue with TagReport block not allowing sorting by TaggedDate. Fixes: #5247
  • Updated Rock's Lava syntax highlighting to support the latest filters.


  • Fixed issue in the EventItemOccurrenceList block where the "Next Start Date" showed "N/A" if the date range filter was not being used. Fixes: #5287
  • Fixed issue in Obsidian RegistrationEntry block where the Address in the form was missing the label "Address". Fixes: #5267
  • Fixed issue in Obsidian ImageUploader and FileUploader where the required field validation would be triggered regardless if the file/image had been uploaded or not. Fixes: #5359


  • Modified the GivingAutomation processor to consider same-day transactions as a single giving event when calculating giving frequency. Fixes: #5187


  • Fixed issue in the SendGroupAttendanceDigest job where inactive groups could appear on the email. Fixes: #5272


  • Fixed the Content Channel View block (and others) to correctly remove Lava shorthand comments from displayed content. Fixes: #5244
  • Fixed the Personalize block to correctly resolve embedded Lava.
  • Updated the Lava Fluid engine to fix issues where Fluid worked incorrectly with the Case statement and truncate ellipsis. Fixes: #5232 #5233


  • Fixed Report to show deceased people from data views that are marked to include deceased. Fixes: #5271
  • Added a Maximum Field setting for Report Fields that support long text values. Fixes: #3034


  • Fixed the Workflow cancel button. Restored the functionality that allows it to function as a "Save Form" button. Fixes: #5248

Pre-Alpha Version Released January 12, 2023


  • Fixed issue with row security button not working on LayoutBlockList's grid. Fixes: #5243


  • Fixed an issue in Communication List block filter to allow blank Recipient Counts. Fixes: #5190
  • Improved the SMS Conversations feature adding a new message filter option to the block.
  • Fixed an issue in Communication List block filter to allow blank Recipient Counts. Fixes: #5190


  • Updated Help Text for Number of Days Between Connection. Fixes: #5158
  • Added the ability to view connection request attributes on the cards when in board view.


  • Fixed issue preventing persisted entity ID attribute values from being referenced correctly.
  • Fixed issue preventing persisted attribute values from being saved to the database.
  • Fixed issue with TagReport block not allowing sorting by TaggedDate. Fixes: #5247
  • Updated SystemInfo block to show database CompatibilityVersion.
  • Updated theme files to include user added CSS after the files provided by the theme.


  • Update Obsidian badges block to display HTML in tooltips by default. Fixes: #5263
  • Updated Bulk Update block to make Single-Select Radio Buttons work when checked. Fixes: #3837


  • Fixed issue with AccountPicker select all not selecting child accounts. Fixes: #5213
  • Added new Text-to-Give SMS Pipeline action to enable giving via text message.
  • Improved spacing on Giving Overview block for Firefox. Fixes: #5240


  • Updated Group Schedule Toolbox to resolve an issue where Attendance Occurrences were getting created twice from the Group Schedule Toolbox. Fixes: #5246
  • Added the ability to auto-accept group schedule requests.
  • Updated preference labels on the group scheduler block to be more clear.
  • Added the ability to edit assignment preferences on the Group Member Detail block.
  • Fixed Group Scheduler to not throw any null exception error when occurrence does not have a future occurrence date. Fixes: #5241
  • Updated the location information shown on the Group Schedule Toolbox V2 block to always show the location name. Will only show the address if there is no name.


  • Fixed an issue in the Group Registration block where new Group Members were not correctly added to the Lava context. Fixes: #5224


  • Adjusted the views created by the Metric Detail (when Enable Analytics is enabled) so that they now include a column called IsGoal if the value represents a "Goal" metric-value-type. Fixes: #5228

Pre-Alpha Version Released December 14, 2022

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

REST call api/v2/Controls/LocationPickerGetActiveChildren has been changed to api/v2/Controls/LocationItemPickerGetActiveChildren.

The following properties in the POCO class Rock.IpAddress.Location have been made nullable to improve efficiency in situations where the IpRegistry lookup service is not available.

  • public double? Longitude
  • public double? Latitude


  • Fixed issue with ContentChannelItemDetail block where a content channel slug could not be set manually after the Title is set. Fixes: #5203
  • Fixed the issue of media folders not syncing with the content channel on Sync Media Job. Fixes: #5201


  • Fixed Connection Campaign Configuration block to allow the Opt Out Group to be blank in cases where an Opt Out Group had previously been selected and saved. Fixes: #5239


  • Fixed formatting issues when using 'Paste from Word'. Fixes: #5227
  • Updated Duplicate Finder procedure to include Persons matched by PhoneNumber but with unknown gender(s).
  • Added new security verbs to the profile blocks to allow who should see the account protection profiles. Also, added warnings to the "Edit Person" block to display account protection profile information to editors.


  • Updated profile page tags to allow tags to appear with the correct user defined color. Fixes: #4611
  • Fixed the Person Profile Tag List incorrectly reformatting the Person Profile. Fixes: #5238
  • Fixed issue in the FamilyPreRegistration block where the Adult names were not displayed when the adult was logged in and Allow Updates was set. Fixes: #5231


  • Fixed issue in Obsidian RegistrationEntry block where AutoApply discounts were not applied automatically. Fixes: #5222
  • Fixed the Calendar Feed to prevent offset event times in DST timezones. Fixes: #5229


  • Fixed an issue where genderless profile pictures would appear in the benevolence request filter block in cases where the person has a defined gender but no profile picture. Fixes: #5168


  • Fixed the Search command to remove error messages from the debug output. Fixes: #4518


  • Fixed issue with FormSubmissionList Block not showing the Person in the submissions grid. Fixes: #5209

Pre-Alpha Version Released December 1, 2022

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

The following properties related to RSVP Reminders have been removed since they will not be used in the Group Reminders feature:

  • Rock.Model.Group.RSVPReminderAdditionalDetails
  • Rock.Model.GroupLocationScheduleConfig.RSVPReminderAdditionalDetails
  • Rock.Model.GroupMemberAssignment.LastRSVPReminderSentDateTime
  • Rock.ViewModels.Entities.GroupBag.RSVPReminderAdditionalDetails
  • Rock.ViewModels.Entities.GroupMemberAssignmentBag.LastRSVPReminderSentDateTime

The class public property Rock.Transactions.IndexEntityTransaction was marked obsolete in 13.7 but has been moved back into the active code base with some changes. This was done to efficently process search indexing.


  • Fixed issue where CSS files were not updated during a Rock Update under certain conditions. Fixes: #5216


  • Updated communication mediums to support security. This allows restricting who can SMS, Push Notify and/or Email individuals.
  • Updated the Communication List Subscription block to allow filtering by a Campus Context.


  • Updated ConnectionWorkflow to allow filtering which manual workflows are displayed based on the current status of the connection request.


  • Fixed issue in the NoteEditor where the security button appeared for a new note and would get an error if it was clicked. Fixes: #5226
  • Updated spAnalytics ETL Family Stored Procedure to update AnalyticsSourceFamilyHistorical if a family CampusId changes from NULL to non-NULL. Fixes: #5214


  • Fixed issue of deceased person's married years aging. Fixes: #5204


  • Fixed issue with Obsidian Registration Entry block not always saving registrant attribute values.
  • Updated Registration Entry Obsidian block to ignore the validation check for closed event in case of existing registration. This resolves an issue where a payment could not be made for an existing registration after the registration end date had passed. Fixes: #5212
  • Fixed issue in the Obsidian RegistrationEntry block where the payment field still appeared if the discounted cost was $0. Fixes: #5221
  • Added audit history notes when moving an event registration from one registration instance to another. This change also allows you to provide a message as to why you made the move.
  • Fixed Obsidian RegistrationEntry issue where form data would be cleared when navigating back to the registrant from registration summary. Fixes: #5157


  • Updated the entity command to be more forgiving of incorrect Lava. When using the 'id' parameter it will ensure that the value is an integer before sending it to the database. Fixes: #5230
  • Fixed the Calendar Item Occurrence List block to filter the EventItem occurrences collection according to the block settings. Fixes: #5219


  • Updated the Communication List Subscription block to allow filtering by a Campus Context.


  • Fixed issue with WorkflowEntry block where Activity Attributes were not visible when workflow is not persisted. Fixes: #3914

Pre-Alpha Version Released November 17, 2022


  • Add UTM variable tracking to short link usage.


  • Added a new IsPublic property to named schedules to allow for showing and hiding schedules when shown to individuals external to the organization. All current named schedules have been marked to be shown publicly to ensure this is not a breaking change.


  • Fixed notes with Entity Attributes from displaying incorrectly inside the new Profile page. Fixes: #5208


  • Fixed Obsidian Registration Entry block not honoring conditional fields with specific configurations. Fixes: #5146


  • Fixed the issue of non Tax deductible and Inactive transactions not filtering out in Giving Analytics. Fixes: #5189
  • Updated Transaction Detail to allow transactions with $0. Fixes: #5205


  • Updated the "Scheduling Confirmation Email" system communication template to include new capability for the Accept All feature.
  • Fixed issue of Launch workflow security setting security on Communicate button on the Group Member List block. Fixes: #5207


  • Fixed the Achievement Attempt List block to correctly show custom columns. Fixes: #5218
  • Added a new Lava filter "AddSegment" to allow a person to be temporarily added to a personalization segment.
  • Added a new Lava filter "AsDateTimeUtc" to convert an input date/time to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).


  • Added new workflow action to enable adding new groups to Rock.
  • Added new workflow action to update a persisted dataset.
  • Fixed issue with the RockCleanup job sometimes not marking Workflows past the Maximum workflow age as completed. Fixes: #5167
  • Updated the Send Email (System Email) workflow action to allow processing Lava in the From Name and Email Address fields of the System Communication.
  • Updated the Send Email action to be able to provide a From Name on the email.

Pre-Alpha Version Released November 3, 2022


  • Updated the Pages administration block (PageZoneBlocksEditor) to allow passing a Zone name in order to automatically select a specific zone.
  • Fixed trending calculation in Content Collections.
  • For use with Personalization, updated the Request Filter block with a new Environment section, and updated the filter logic.


  • Fixed an issue where selecting the KioskStark check-in theme shows a blank screen and requires a browser cache reset. Fixes: #5196


  • Fixed issue with ConnectionRequestDetail not showing future follow-up date. Fixes: #5095


  • Fixed issue where the API power tool page could consume a large amount of memory. Fixes: #5210


  • Moved the "Electronic Signature Documents" to be under the "Documents" tab of the Person Profile.
  • Added new properties and defined types for capturing race and ethnicity as needed on person profiles.


  • Updated FieldVisibilityWrapper to rely on GetAttributeCache instead of GetFormField which returns the wrong Attribute. This corrected an error with event registration forms. Fixes: #5181
  • Fixed issue with attributes created for a specific event showing for all events. Fixes: #5089


  • Fixed issue where Check Scanner could confuse the check number as part of Account Number. If experiencing this issue, please download the updated Check Scanner app found under Power Tools > External Applications. Fixes: #4725
  • Updated the internal Registration Detail block so it only supports payments "hosted" gateways. If using the NMI Gateway the tokenizer key will need to be set.
  • Updated Transaction Detail to allow transactions with $0. Fixes: #5205


  • Fixed Group Types not showing up on the Archived Groups page. Fixes: #5195

Pre-Alpha Version Released October 19, 2022

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

Removed classes and methods that were marked as Obsolete in v9.1:

  • public method Rock.ExtensionMethods.AddPageRoute
  • public method Rock.ExtensionMethods.BindToDefinedType
  • public method Rock.ExtensionMethods.ToCacheAttributeList
  • public class Rock.Financial.ThreeStepGatewayComponent
  • public method Rock.Model.FeeInfo..ctor
  • public property Rock.Model.FeeInfo.Option
  • public method Rock.Model.GroupService.AllowsDuplicateMembers
  • public method Rock.Model.GroupService.GetAllDescendents
  • public method Rock.Model.RegistrationTemplateFeeService.GetParsedFeeOptionsWithCostAsNumber
  • public method Rock.Model.RegistrationTemplateFeeService.GetParsedFeeOptionsWithNameAndValueString
  • public method Rock.Model.RegistrationTemplateFeeService.GetParsedFeeOptionsWithoutCost
  • public method Rock.Model.RegistrationTemplateFeeService.MigrateFeeCostValueToFeeItems
  • public method Rock.Model.Schedule.GetCalenderEvent
  • public method Rock.Model.ScheduleICalHelper.GetCalenderEvent
  • public field Rock.SystemGuid.FieldType.AUDIO
  • public field Rock.SystemGuid.FieldType.VIDEO
  • public field Rock.SystemGuid.Page.SMS_FROM_VALUES
  • public class Rock.SystemGuid.SystemSetting
  • public field Rock.SystemKey.SystemSetting.DO_NOT_DISTURB_ACTIVE
  • public field Rock.SystemKey.SystemSetting.DO_NOT_DISTURB_END
  • public field Rock.SystemKey.SystemSetting.DO_NOT_DISTURB_START
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.InteractionChannelCache.InteractionComponents
  • public property Rock.Web.UI.Controls.NumberUpDownGroup.ControlGroup
  • public property Rock.Web.UI.Controls.PageBreadCrumbs.PreText
  • public class Rock.Web.UI.Controls.PersonMergeField
  • public class Rock.Web.UI.Controls.PersonMergeFieldHeaderTemplate
  • public interface Rock.Rest.IHasCustomRoutes
  • public method Rock.Rest.Controllers.ContentChannelItemSlugsController.GetUniqueContentSlug

In preperation to upgrade the version of Quartz use by RockJobs the architecture of the Rock Jobs has changed. Current compiled code will not be affected, however if compiling you will get a warning. The old Rock Job architecture will work through v15, but should be updated before v16.

The read-only property QuartzScheduler was removed from the static class Rock.WebStartup.RockApplicationStartupHelper. The QuartzScheduler property is now on Rock.Model.ServiceJobService.

The constructor for Rock.Lava.DotLiquid.DotLiquidTemplateProxy now requires a description along with the template.


  • Fixed personalization boosting in Content Collection View block.


  • Improved the ability to configure custom secured communication lists by applying security to the category. Fixes: #5109


  • Fixed an issue where an error would occur when adding Content Channel Items that have an attribute of type Defined Value, in cases where the attribute is configured a certain way. Fixes: #5191
  • Added a campus label to the Smart Search when searching for a person, group, financial account or business. Also, added a campus column to their search results grids.


  • Fixed the logic of the automatic age classification to not mark the person as child if the age is not known and the person is not in a family type group.
  • Fixed issue in the new person pages where security settings on blocks were not copied from the legacy person page blocks. Fixes: #5192


  • Updated the Group Placement feature to allow for additional filtering and showing more details during placement.
  • Fixed issue of Registration Entry Obsidian block pre validating forms. Fixes: #5178
  • Non-existent email addresses now default to an empty string in the Registration Entry block. Prior to this fix they were NULL, which caused errors during event registration. Fixes: #5174
  • Fixed an issue with Obsidian Event Registration block not showing CC validation errors correctly.
  • Fixed issue with Obsidian Event Registration not allowing Payment on free event with optional fees.
  • Fixed the Calendar Export to allow importing multiple specific dates to the Microsoft Outlook mail client. Fixes: #5150
  • Fixed issue with export calendar feed function not displaying Occurrences that are copied/edited from existing Occurrences. Fixes: #5097
  • Fixed an issue in the Obsidian Registration Entry block where an NMI gateway would get a "Billing Information Missing" error if the registration costs were only from fees. Fixes: #5245


  • Updated Giving Automation, Giving Overview and Alerts to exclude Giver Anonymous.


  • Fixed age computation for deceased infants. Fixes: #5194


  • Added new options to the Entity Command to prefetch (defaulted to on) attributes. This will significantly improve Lava templates using entity commands that then display attributes from those entities.


  • Fixed PhoneNumberIdentification block to paste in verification code correctly for mobile devices. Fixes: #5176


  • Added new "Personal Devices" Data View filter to allow for filtering people based on personal device data.
  • Updated the MetricDetail block to properly save attributes when creating a new metric. Fixes: #5079
  • Added new "Giving Alerts" Data View filter to allow for filtering people based on giving alerts.

Pre-Alpha Version Released October 4, 2022


  • Fixed an issue when searching content collections on an attribute with whitespace.
  • Fixed an issue when searching content collections on an attribute with whitespace.


  • Fixed an issue in the FilterLocationsByLocationSelectionStrategy check-in filter where a user was allowed to pick a location if one location was not available for all selected schedules. Fixes: #5067
  • Fixed issue where the Enforce Strict Location Threshold option would fail to enforce the threshold if more than 1 person in a family was checked in at the same time.


  • Fixed an issue with Safari browser back navigation sometimes incorrectly showing loading animation on a revisited page. Fixes: #5148


  • Updated PersonMerge to show alert for conflicting GroupMemberAttributes during merge. Fixes: #5171
  • Updated Documents block to always show 'Select DocumentType' notification if no DocumentType is selected. Fixes: #5177


  • Fixed Step Type Detail to maintain order on save. Fixes: #5152


  • Fixed Launch Workflow functionality from Registration Registrant List. Fixes: #5031
  • Added a button to make a 'copy' of a registration instance.


  • Updated Benevolence Request Detail block to respect attribute security on both view and edit. Fixes: #5161
  • Fix issue in Statement Generator where the selected individual isn't highlighted. Fixes: #5172
  • Modified the Benevolence Request campus badge to show the campus of the request rather than the requester. Fixes: #5180


  • Updated the Group Schedule Roster block to allow for changing the occurrence date in the configuration settings.
  • Fixed the Attendance History block to hide attendance for Groups where user does not have Group View permission. Fixes: #5155


  • Added a new filter "IsInDataView" that returns a flag indicating if the input entity exists in a specified Data View.
  • Fixed a threading issue when rendering multiple templates with the DotLiquid engine. Fixes: #5173


  • Fix misspelled word "choose" in CSV Import Tool. Fixes: #5170


  • Updated Transfer Connection Request Action to handle status update when the opportunity belongs to a different connection type. Fixes: #5162

Pre-Alpha Version Released September 20, 2022

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

The enum Rock.Model.CommunicationStatus has been moved from Rock.dll to Rock.Enums.dll. Code using this enum will need to be recompiled.

The following static method had is signature changed by adding a parameter with a default value Rock.Lava.Filters.TemplateFilters.Split. Code using this method will need to be recompiled.

  • From: List Split(string input, string pattern, object removeEmpty)
  • To: List Split(string input, string pattern, object removeEmpty, object count)


  • Fixed issue in LaunchWorkflow and Lava webhooks where a duplicate cookie name would cause an error. Fixes: #5084


  • Updated Connection Request Detail to enable the activity add and delete when user clicks Cancel after editing the request. Prior to this fix, the buttons to add and delete activities would disappear after clicking Cancel when editing the request. Fixes: #5130


  • Adjusted schedules to clear any EffectiveStartDate or EffectiveEndDate when they are changed from "Custom" recurring to "Weekly" schedules.
  • Fixed Schedule Type Dropdown not loading values on Campus Detail Block. Fixes: #5127


  • Updated Registration Template Detail to sort group type picker alphabetically. Fixes: #5151


  • Fixed issue where an orphaned FinancialPaymentDetail record could be left behind when the PaymentInfo on a scheduled transaction or saved account was changed.


  • Improved the capabilities of the Fundraising Opportunity feature and made some enhancements to the Group Requirements.
  • Updated Group Member to skip the group requirement check on unarchive of inactive group. Prior to this fix, some groups could not be restored from the archive due to members not currently meeting the group's requirements. Fixes: #5112 #4603


  • Fixed issue of View not being created for metrics with more than one define type partition. Fixes: #5117

Pre-Alpha Version Released September 6, 2022


  • Fixed issue with 12th grade not setting on Family Pre-Registration form. Fixes: #5126


  • Fixed missing Merge records and Communicate icons from connection request board. Fixes: #5140
  • Fixed issue with Connection Opportunity List reordering not working in some scenarios. Fixes: #5129


  • Updated Service Job to mark the non-database properties "CronDescription" and "LastStatusMessageAsHtml" with the NotMapped attribute. Fixes: #5111
  • Updated Rock.CheckIn.KioskDevice to be Lava parsable. Fixes: #5093
  • Updated DefinedValue attribute field type to not include Inactive values if "Include Inactive" is not checked. Fixes: #5116
  • Fixed issue with selected individuals in Tags not showing as communication recipients. Fixes: #5105


  • Updated BulkUpdateRequests to display success message when Connection Requests are updated successfully. Fixes: #5139


  • Updated Attendance Occurrence to mark the non-database property "AttendanceRate" with the NotMapped attribute. Fixes: #5098
  • Fixed issue with RegistrationInstanceWaitList block where Registrant information was not showing in waiting list Grid. Fixes: #5099
  • Fix Registration bugs: GenderDropdown default to "0" (#5132) and not being able to submit 0 as payment amount (#5237). Fixes: #5132
  • Fixed issue with validation being too loose on "Amount to pay now". Prior to this fix, if the Minimum Due Today option was set to $0.00, you were unable to proceed without paying at least $0.01. Fixes: #5137


  • Fixed issue where editing a scheduled transaction did not update the expiration date on the card. Fixes: #5106


  • Added support for requiring the capacity be set on groups of the configured group type.
  • Updated Group Registration to display an error message when the group's requirements are not met. Fixes: #5113


  • Fixed an issue with line graphs for Goal and Measure in metrics.

Pre-Alpha Version Released August 23, 2022


  • Updated the Content Channel View block to utilize the new personalization features which can allow content channel items to be filtered or prioritized (shown before the non-matching items) based on the content items and the individual's matching segments and/or request filters.


  • Fixed issue in Communication Entry and Communication Entry Wizard where an SMS Phone Number that a person wasn't authorized to view could be selected. Fixes: #4978


  • Updated the Lava webhook handler to Trim the returned content to remove additional whitespace.


  • Fixed an issue with rendering of Contact Information if Show Cell Phone Number First was changed.
  • Added new settings to the AccountEntry (New Account) block to allow attribute values to be supplied during new account registration.


  • Updated the RegistrationEntry block to check if the Registration is still active or has not expired before saving. Fixes: #5078
  • Fixed an issue in Registration Entry where an exception would be returned instead of a Credit Card message if invalid Credit Card info was entered on the summary page. Fixes: #4990


  • Updated the Transaction Matching block to not apply a campus filter on accounts if no Campus is found for the batch. Fixes: #5094
  • Fixed an issue where a Late Alert would not send alert notifications. Fixes: #5033

Pre-Alpha Version Released August 9, 2022

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

The following changes have been made to Rock.Chart:

  • Renamed class Rock.Chart.ChartJsCategoryValuesDataPoint to Rock.Chart.ChartJsCategorySeriesDataPoint
  • Renamed class Rock.Chart.ChartJsCategoryValuesDataset to Rock.Chart.ChartJsCategorySeriesDataset
  • Renamed interface Rock.Chart.IChartJsCategoryValuesDataPoint to IChartJsCategorySeriesDataPoint
  • Removed property Rock.Chart.ChartJsTimeSeriesDataFactory.GetJsonArgs.UnitType

The class Rock.Communication.Transport.MailgunSmtp has been removed. All Mailgun accounts need to use HTTP instead of SMTP.

Enum Rock.Web.UI.Controls.AccountTreeViewItem.GetCountsType removed vaue GroupMembers = 2


  • Fixed issue in the MultiPersonSelect box where preselected persons would become unchecked if the change button was clicked.


  • Fixed ability to edit/view security on Connection Request, under Entity Administration. Fixes: #5100
  • Updated Connection Request Detail and Connection Request Board block to hide the 'Connected' state from the option list when the request is not connected. Fixes: #3690


  • Fixed issue where XSS protections caused redirect_uri to not be correct. Fixes: #5081
  • Improved security.
  • Improved security.


  • Added the ability to filter steps by campus on the step program and step type pages.


  • Updated Registration Entry to pass the Registration Registrant as the entity to the Workflow of type Registrant. Fixes: #5042


  • Fixed issue that caused Group counts to not show in GroupTreeView when display counts option is selected. Fixes: #5077
  • Updated the Group Detail block to prioritize security on the Group over the GroupType when showing GroupSync. Fixes: #5041
  • Fixed Meeting Detail section from disappearing in group detail block. Fixes: #5061
  • Fixed the Group Detail Lava block to respect Attribute security settings in edit mode. Fixes: #3569 #4079 #5028
  • Fixed issue where an updated or deleted GroupScheduling Location did not reset GroupMember's scheduling preferences. Fixes: #5060

Pre-Alpha Version Released July 27, 2022


  • Added new Content Library feature. See documentation for details.
  • Updated Content Channel Item Detail block with Personalization Profile.


  • Improved the check-in system's behavior by allowing the Manager Override feature to override automatic location load balancing.


  • Fixed a timeout issue that would occur under certain situations involving saving the InteractionComponent entity. Fixes: #3464
  • Updated the ImageEditor to allow cropping of an existing image. Fixes: #5074
  • Fixed Content Channel Item field so its Field Attribute does not require a configuration value to edit. Fixes: #5083


  • Fixed an issue where the Family Analytics job was updating the eRA Start Date to the current date. Fixes: #5072


  • Fixed issue where Registrant attribute types sometimes don't display on the grid until after you save the template. Fixes: #5065


  • Fixed issue where transaction details were not displayed when the save button was clicked. Fixes: #5032


  • Added the ability to require a location in the Group Schedule Toolbox (v2) when an individual signs up to work extra times.


  • Fixed an issue with the Scripturize shortcode sometimes producing incorrect references for John's gospel. Fixes: #5053
  • Fixed the DateDiff filter returning incorrect results for daylight saving dates when processing some input formats. Fixes: #5070


  • Added Deep Linking, a way to externally link directly into your mobile application.


  • Fixed issue in the PMM & Checkr workflows where the invalid or missing email address error always occurs. Fixes: #4932

Pre-Alpha Version Released July 12, 2022

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

The parent class of the badge component Rock.Badge.Component.Campus has been changed. Previously it inherited from Rock.Badge.HighlightLabelBadge. This has been changed to Rock.Badge.BadgeComponent. This is to remove Web Forms dependency from the core Rock back end code. Plugins using the Campus badge component will need to use the Render() method instead of the GetLabel() method.


  • Fixed issue where a Lava template could sometimes generate incorrect results under heavy load when Lava short codes are used.
  • Added Visitor Tracking and Personalization features.


  • Added functionality to track spam reports for Mailgun and Sendgrid email transports.


  • Added a new Order property to Connection Status Automations. The automations will be processed in the provided order. Once an automation criterion is matched no further automations will be processed. This eliminates the possibility of circular logic within a single run.
  • Fixed the Connection Requests block to correctly show status icons in the list of requests when using the Fluid Lava engine. Fixes: #5048
  • Fixed a bug that prevented a second workflow from being added to a connection type. Fixes: #5059


  • Fixed Grade Picker to only show active grades. Fixes: #5069
  • Updated Summary in history to generate strings that are not confusing when old and new values are not provided. Prior to this fix, audit logs would say "Modified xxx value from to" where it appears the value changed from blank to blank. Fixes: #5039
  • Fixed HTML Editor image link not retaining value on first edit. Fixes: #3738
  • Fixed an issue with Checkr background check completions not being reported back to Rock.


  • Fixed a bug in the Registration Template detail block that was attempting to hide inactive gateways but ended up hiding other gateways as well.
  • Fixed the Event Calendar Feed export to use the configured Rock Time zone rather than the local system time. Fixes: #5029


  • Fixed issue in Transaction Entry V2 where making payment using an NMI Saved Payment account without a GatewayPersonIdentitier will fail. Fixes: #5052
  • Added PersonId to the Excel export of the Pledge Analytics block.
  • Added PersonId to the Excel export of the Pledge Analytics block.
  • Fixed issue where scheduled transactions default to "Contribution" instead of the transaction type determined by Transaction Entry block settings. Fixes: #4987


  • Updated Group Member Historical data to check authorization for view. Prior to this update, people could view groups for which they didn't have security when viewing group history from the Person Profile page. Fixes: #5043
  • Updated the Send Attendance Reminders Job to be able to limit processing to groups belonging to a specific campus or under a parent group. These settings are optional and the job will operate as normal without changes.


  • Fixed an issue with the HumanizeTimeSpan Lava filter which would report "no time" when the difference between two date/times was essentially zero. Fixes: #5054


  • Added new Business From Attributes action under the Finance category to search and add businesses.
  • Added Campus option in Group Member Attendance Add action.
  • Fixed "Benevolence Request Add" action to prompt for Benevolence Type. (#5049) Fixes: #5046

Pre-Alpha Version Released June 15, 2022

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

Removed classes and system GUIDs related to post migration jobs that are no longer needed. These should not be used by any third-party code and should not require any action.

  • Job Classes (Rock.Jobs):
    • MigrateAttendanceOccurrenceData
    • MigrateFamilyAlternateId
    • PostV100DataMigrationsSundayDate
    • PostV100DataMigrationsValueAsNumeric
    • PostV103DataMigrationsSpiritualGifts
    • PostV110DataMigrationsPopulateRelatedDataViewId
    • PostV110DataMigrationsResponseCodeIndex
    • PostV110DataMigrationsUpdateDateKeyValues
    • PostV74DataMigrations
    • PostV80DataMigrations
    • PostV84DataMigrations
    • PostV90DataMigrations
    • PostV90DataMigrationsForDISC
    • PostV90DataMigrationsScheduledTransactionNotesToHistory
  • System GUIDs (Rock.SystemGuid.ServiceJob):


  • Added a Campus selector to the Rapid Attendance Entry block.


  • Fixed the issue of multiple deletes occurring when a single group is deleted when there are multiple Group List Blocks on a page. Fixes: #3404
  • Added a maximum file size setting to File Types to allow prevention of uploading files greater than that size.
  • Updated the attribute editor to allow existing workflow attributes with the key of 'Campus' to be edited.
  • Updated Liquid to Lava in the Liquid Dashboard Widget. Fixes: #4999
  • Fixed styling issue with checkbox and radio controls displaying incorrectly when in a single column. Fixes: #5034
  • Fixed View State Error in the old Connections page. Fixes: #3867
  • Fixed issue in Grid where the provided "Communication Recipients Field" of the Dynamic Data block was not used as the Id field. Fixes: #3668
  • Fixed RockCodeEditor to not overwrite email text component content when switching focus in Code Editor mode. Fixes: #3648


  • Updated Rock Badge markup to simplify and standardize implementation.
  • Updated the person profile pages with new look and feel.


  • Updated RegistrationListLava to not display registrations without StartDate when date filter is set. Fixes: #3698
  • Fixed issue where the Send Following Event Notification Job execution would cause an error when the Person First Attended Group Type - Event Type was used. Fixes: #4943


  • Update benevolence requests to allow configuring the maximum number of documents you can attach to a single request.


  • Fixed Group Attendance Detail block to prevent the subscribing confirmation event from happening multiple times. This resolves an issue where multiple modals would appear when adding pending members to a group via the group leader toolbox. Fixes: #5024


  • Fixed an issue with the Campus filter failing if the input object is empty. Fixes: #4988
  • Added new SetUrlParameter Lava filter for modifying URLs.
  • Add a new Lava filter to determine if a date falls within a range.
  • Added the ability to group Lava shortcodes into categories.


  • Fixed an issue with "Step Completed" workflow sometimes failing to trigger and reporting an exception when a Step is completed. Fixes: #4995
  • Added semantic CSS classes to the person fields on Workflow Entry block to allow for styling by web developers.

Pre-Alpha Version Released May 31, 2022

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

The Render() method of the following Rock.Badge.BadgeComponent classes has been updated to include IEntity and use TextWriter instead of HtmlTextWriter. This was done to prevent a possible race condition with the Entity and for .net core compatiblity. The old method still exists in the parent class but is blank so it doesn't do anything. Custom code using Rock's BadgeComponent classes will need to use the new method.

  • Rock.Badge.Component.HighlightLabelBadge
  • Rock.Badge.Component.IconBadge
  • Rock.Badge.Component.Achievement
  • Rock.Badge.Component.AlertNote
  • Rock.Badge.Component.Assessment
  • Rock.Badge.Component.AttendingDuration
  • Rock.Badge.Component.DISC
  • Rock.Badge.Component.FamilyAttendance
  • Rock.Badge.Component.FamilyWeeksAttendedInDuration
  • Rock.Badge.Component.GeofencedByGroup
  • Rock.Badge.Component.Giving
  • Rock.Badge.Component.GroupTypeAttendance
  • Rock.Badge.Component.InDataView
  • Rock.Badge.Component.InGroupOfType
  • Rock.Badge.Component.InGroupWithPurpose
  • Rock.Badge.Component.InteractionsInRange
  • Rock.Badge.Component.LastVisitOnSite
  • Rock.Badge.Component.Liquid
  • Rock.Badge.Component.PersonalDevice
  • Rock.Badge.Component.Steps
  • Rock.Badge.Component.StreakEngagement
  • Rock.Badge.Component.TopPersonSignal

The method Rock.Lava.RockFilters.Trim(object) has moved from the Rock.dll to Rock.Lava.dll. Additionally an optional parameter string textToRemove was added. Code using this method will need to insure the Rock.Lava.dll is referenced in the project and then be recompiled.

The following methods have been changed to return the type Ical.Net.CalendarComponents.CalendarEvent instead of Ical.Net.Event. Some are obsolete as of v12.4 and should be updated regardless.

  • Rock.Model.InetCalendarHelper.CreateCalendarEvent
  • Rock.Model.InetCalendarHelper.GetCalendarEvent
  • Rock.Model.InetCalendarHelper.GetOccurrences (all overrides)
  • Rock.Model.Schedule.GetICalEvent


  • Added two new check-in type attributes to distinguish between allowing "check-out" on a kiosk versus the Check-in Manager app.
  • Added the ability to optionally enter birth dates to adults during the check-in registration on the kiosk. This is defaulted to not show.
  • Fixed check-in to always disable autocomplete. Fixes: #5021


  • Fixed the Html Editor component to correctly update when an existing image is replaced. Fixes: #4292


  • Fixed Connection Opportunity Signup block to handle current person if no email address is found. Fixes: #4993


  • Added Analytics Source Date to the model map utilizing a new IncludeForModelMapAttribute that's decorated on the model class. Fixes: #4826
  • Updated ElasticSearch to 8.1.2. See documentation for details on what you need to do to update.
  • Fixed issue where account protection profile settings would not get cached if the security settings were the default. This was causing several unneeded database calls per page when running in Impersonation mode. This fixes an issue where Checkin could have high-cpu usage.
  • Fixed matrix attributes with pickers to display correctly in bulk updates. Fixes: #5023
  • Fixed group pickers to show "Select Children" when hovered. Fixes: #4998
  • Fixed Excel data exported from grids to show correct value for dates without year value. Fixes: #4969
  • Fixed rockTree so that inactive items have the same behavior as 13.3. This fixes an issue where disabled items in rockTree type of control could not be selected or edited. Fixes: #5017


  • Fixed issue on the FamilyPreRegistration block where the PlannedDate picker was always optional. Fixes: #5022
  • Updated FamilyPreRegistration block to clear the form and remove children when the clear button is clicked. Fixes: #3909
  • Fixed bulk update incorrectly disabling inactive reason and inactive reason note. Fixes: #5027
  • Improved the Update Family Status of the Data Automation system with the ability to specify how many times a person should attend a campus before having their family campus updated.
  • Added new block settings to the PublicProfileEdit block to allow for showing/hiding address, gender, or email preference.
  • Fixed an issue with Social Media fields not correctly resolving some URL inputs. Fixes: #3896
  • Fixed issue with GroupScheduler that caused an exception when location was set to No Location Preference. Fixes: #5008


  • Fixed issue where the Giving Configuration block wouldn't show saved accounts from merged persons. Fixes: #5014


  • Fixed issue where a Group Type with "Scheduling Enabled" did not indicate "Group Schedule Options" was required. Fixes: #5012
  • Added block setting Override Hide from Toolbox that will show all schedule enabled groups when enabled. Fixes: #5020


  • Updated the workflow entry form to handle the "is required" error message in cases where the label for the required field is hidden. Fixes: #2080


  • Added new data view post-filter transformation to return the Giving Leader for the individual.


  • Added workflow action "Create Contribution Statement" to create a financial contribution statement as a PDF.
  • Updated CleanUpWorkflows method inside RockCleanup job to look for value in CompletedDateTime instead of Completed status for completed workflows. Fixes: #5015
  • Fixed an issue where inactive defined values would be displayed to users selecting a value from a defined type for a Key Value List. Fixes: #5019
  • Additional fix for issue in Workflow Entry block where canceling a form creates a new Person record when Person Entry is enabled. Additional change was to also not save any other form values when Cancel is clicked. Fixes: #4983

Pre-Alpha Version Released May 17, 2022

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

The following 'Location Services' have been removed in Rock v14. SmartyStreets and Bing should be used instead.

  • MelissaData

    Class Rock.Address.MelissaData and interface Rock.MelissaData.AddressCheck have been removed.

  • ServiceObjects

    Classes Rock.Address.ServiceObjects and Rock.ServiceObjects.GeoCoder have been removed.


  • Added new Data View Filters for finding people based on website session interaction and website page view data.
  • Added watch counts to media grids.
  • Updated ContentChannelItemDetail block to not use block-level permissions to edit item content.
  • Added a block setting to hide gender on Account Entry block.
  • Fixed issue where RestController records could be deleted on a multi-server environment.
  • Updated BinaryFile image resizing to occur when either the file type's MaxHeight or MaxWidth is set. Previously it would perform the resize only if both were set.


  • Updated the registration settings to allow birth date and/or grade to be hidden, optional, or required when registering child family members during check-in.
  • Updated the Rock Windows Check-in Client application to allow it to put focus on the first page even when the configuration screen is skipped due to passing configuration parameter values into the URL.


  • Fixed an issue with the email field validation in the Communication Wizard if both Lava and multiple addresses are enabled on the control. With this change, Lava can now be used in the Reply To, CC and BCC fields. Fixes: #4049
  • Added Prayer Request Comment Digest Notification to SystemCommunications.
  • Added a new block setting (Save Communication History) in the AccountEntry and ForgotUserName blocks to control whether or not a communication history entry should be written to the individual's profile. Fixes: #4953


  • Updated Connection Opportunity Search block to update results when campus context changes. Fixes: #4985
  • Fixed issue where the Connection Status Automation Feature could have performance issues if there were a large number of statuses and automations.
  • Fixed an issue where non-admin Persons with correctly assigned roles could not delete requests from the connection request board. Fixes: #5009


  • Fixed styling of action buttons to wrap onto new lines. Fixes: #5007
  • Updated ufnCrm_GetAddress to return the correct Address. Fixes: #4994
  • Fixed issue where saving indexed Entities will get (and log) an exception and prevent other actions from occurring related to that Entity, such as triggered workflows. Fixes: #4920 #5005
  • Fixed Grid to export to Excel without causing an exception in cases where there are duplicate header names. Fixes: #3862
  • Updated KeyValueList Field Type to correctly display the custom values. Fixes: #4708
  • Fixed Tree Viewers breaking when PIN authentication is disabled. Fixes: #4977
  • Fixed issue in Page Parameter Filter block where field types with cascading dropdown lists would not allow selection. Fixes: #4451
  • Fixed issue where exception emails were being sent if enabled when a SignalR\web-socket client was disconnected through a tab or browser closure during a response write and caused a false positive exception. Fixes: #4652
  • Fixed Age Calculation to also consider Deceased Date. Fixes: #4852
  • Updated CalculateFamilyAnalytics procedure to update eRA for new family members. Fixes: #4941


  • Updated Edit Person with Block Setting to mark Year on Birth Date as required if day or month is selected.
  • Updated Location Services to mark Melissa Data and Service Objects as obsolete.
  • Updated "location services" to remove MelissaData and ServiceObjects.
  • Fixed an issue with the Grade validation message missing the control label. Fixes: #4960


  • Fixed issue in the RegistrationEntry block where an exception could occur when using a saved credit card for payment.
  • Updated the RegistrationEntry block to automatically select the current user as the first registrant in the family options radio-button list and in the family members drop-down list if there is a logged in person. This will match the rest of the form being pre-populated with the current user info. Fixes: #4942
  • Fixed issue in the RegistrationEntry block where invalid values for some field types (e.g. phone number) would let the user continue with the registration instead of showing an error. Fixes: #4638


  • Fixed issue with Benevolence Request List block where a person's requests were not included on their family's Person Profile pages. Fixes: #4992
  • Fixed an issue with using sub-accounts in the giving automation configuration settings. Fixes: #5004
  • Fixed an issue with Benevolence Request List block filters for last name or government ID. Fixes: #4974
  • Fixed an issue with adding a new family without an address during transaction matching. Fixes: #5010


  • Fixed issue with GroupDetail block that allowed Group Requirements to be added to the group when the Group Type had "Enable Specific Group Requirements" disabled. Fixes: #4986
  • Added to GroupScheduleToolboxV2 block the ability to customize the text of the action buttons.
  • Fixed bad Lava in default template when creating a new group type. Fixes: #5000
  • Added the ability to customize the message shown when an individual declines a group scheduling assignment on the Group Schedule Confirmation block.
  • Updated Group Viewer to show a warning for duplicate people in a group with different roles and updated Group Scheduler cards to show the roles of the person scheduled. Fixes: #4981


  • Fixed Structured Content attributes to render HTML when using the Attribute Lava filter. Fixes: #4997
  • Added a new "IsInSecurityRole" Lava filter for quickly checking if a person is a member of a security role.


  • Added Group Scheduling blocks to mobile.
  • Added Toast functionality, accessible through the ShowToast command.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the Onboarding block to erase the push token if Show Notification Request was false.


  • Added the ability to enable sticky headers to grids produced by the Dynamic Data block.
  • Updated ReportingHelper to show time component of DateTime fields in reports. Fixes: #4230
  • Fixed issue in Dynamic Chart block where parameters from a route were not being passed to the SQL. Fixes: #4954


  • Fixed issue in Workflow Entry block where canceling a form creates a new Person record when Person Entry is enabled. Fixes: #4983

Pre-Alpha Version Released April 26, 2022

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

Rock.Model.EntityTypeService.Get(string name, bool createIfNotFound) has been renamed to Rock.Model.EntityTypeService.GetByName(string name, bool createIfNotFound)


  • Updated the Content Channel Navigation block.


  • Added a new Preview button on the System Communications List in order to view the template using the new System Communication Preview block.
  • Fixed and issue with using person alias properties in the email communication service. Fixes: #5013


  • Updated Web.config with binding policy and assembly location for Microsoft.SqlServer.Types. Fixes: #4495
  • Added a new service capability to allow performing region/geocoding lookups for new IP addresses in the Interaction Session tables.


  • Added new properties (Highlight Color and Alternate Image) to the Achievement Type for custom use.


  • Fixed the Export Calendar Feed to allow events with a specific dates pattern to be correctly imported to Microsoft Outlook. Fixes: #4112


  • Fixed an issue with Scheduled Transactions not showing correctly on ScheduledTransactionView if the Page Parameter was an Id instead of a Guid. Fixes: #4984
  • Fixed an issue with the Rock Cleanup job deleting Benevolence Requests that were not associated with an existing Rock Person.
  • Added a new Financial Account search component.


  • Fixed RSVP Response block to display decline options for RSVP. Fixes: #4937


  • Fixed the Group/Location DataSelect field to prevent an error when attempting to use it as a sort field. Fixes: #3941
  • Fixed the PageParameterFilter block to respect the 'Show Reset Filters Button' setting. In doing this there was some refactoring of the block settings. The 'Hide Filter Actions' block setting was removed and replaced with 'Show Filter Button'. The previous settings were confusing and did not match Rock's typical logic pattern. This could mean that if one had the 'Hide Filter Actions' set to true that the filter buttons would now show. This would be a bit of an edge case (but possible), but in the effort to improve the logic of the settings the change was made. Also, fixed an issue where the filter settings default values were not being shown. Finally, adjusted the initial load logic to keep child blocks from loading twice on initial loads. Since these child blocks are often querying and loading a lot of data it's important that they are only loaded once.


  • Updated the "Write to Interactions" workflow action to allow for setting the datetime of the interaction and for capturing the Id of the created Interaction record.

Pre-Alpha Version Released April 12, 2022

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

The namespace Rock.ViewModel has been renamed to Rock.ViewModels. Any code referencing this namespace will need to be recompiled.

The signature for method Rock.Lava.RockFilters.AppendFollowing changed by adding a parameter with a default value. Code that uses this method will need to be recompiled.

  • From: public static object AppendFollowing(Context context, object dataObject)
  • To: public static object AppendFollowing(Context context, object dataObject, string purposeKey)

The signature for method Rock.Lava.RockFilters.Format changed by renaming an existing parameter and adding an additional one. Code that uses this method will need to be recompiled.

  • From: public static bool IsFollowed(Context context, object input, object personObject)
  • To: public static bool IsFollowed(Context context, object input, object parameter1, object parameter2)

The constructor for Rock.Model.CampusTopicService now uses the type RockContext instead of DbContext. This matches the implementation of other Rock classes.

The enum Rock.Model.Gender has moved from the Rock project to the Rock.Enums project, the namespace remains the same. Code using this enum will need to reference the new dll and be recompiled.

The method public method Rock.Model.SignatureDocument.CalculateSignatureVerificationHash has been removed from the SignatureDocument model. It is now a static method in SignatureDocumentService.

  • From: public string CalculateSignatureVerificationHash()
  • To: public static string CalculateSignatureVerificationHash( SignatureDocument document )

The constant Rock.SystemGuid.ConnectionActivityType.FUTURE_FOLLOWUP_COMPLETE has been renamed to Rock.SystemGuid.ConnectionActivityType.FOLLOWUP_DATE_REACHED to better reflect its meaning. Code that references this field will need to be recompiled.


  • Migrated all existing Content Channel View Detail blocks to Content Channel Item View blocks (they were basically identical). Fixes: #4223
  • Added a block setting to the HTML block that will disable the check for valid markup. Sometimes your markup has a valid reason why it's invalid and this allows you a way to disable the check and warning on every save.


  • Updated family check-in auto selection to sort the GroupTypes, Groups, Locations, and Schedules by the Order property before auto selecting a value. This ensures that the auto selection of these follows the ordered preference.


  • Added a new feature to the Connection Request Board's 'List' mode to be able to perform a 'bulk update' on many requests of the same opportunity.
  • Added Campus Filter to Connection Opportunity Select block. Fixes: #4669
  • Updated Connection Activity Type name to "Follow-up Date Reached". Fixes: #4699
  • Fixed issue where some Bus messages were attempting to query data that hadn't been committed to the database yet. This fixes an issue where an exception could occur when using Connection Request Workflow Triggers . Fixes: #4920


  • Fixed Login to restrict user returning to reset password page after the password change. Fixes: #4948
  • Fixed typo in the EmailLogo attribute description. Fixes: #4344
  • Fixed the spelling of 'whose' on the Members and Attendees Data View. Fixes: #4965
  • Fixed overlapping blocks when using the 'wizard' style. Fixes: #4949
  • Added option to System Configuration so that Rock's "Keep Alive" process only runs if enabled. It is now disabled by default. Enable this setting to have Rock poll itself to keep it alive during times of inactivity. This setting is not needed if your AppPool's Idle Time-out is set to 0 (Highly Recommended). See the Rock Solid Internal Hosting guide for recommended AppPool settings.
  • Removed Background Check Result Duplicate Auth. Prior to this fix, the same role would be listed multiple times in the permissions for the Background Check Result attribute. Fixes: #1914


  • You must have 'administrate' permission on the note type to be able to edit someone else's note. (NO CHANGE)


  • Updated Registrant List communication button to include all rows when none are selected. Fixes: #4933
  • Added new Rock based Electronic Signatures in the new Obsidian event registration block.


  • Fixed a page parameter on the Pledge Detail to properly select the passed-in person as expected. Fixes: #4962
  • Fixed TransactionEntryV2 block to show calculated amount in Fee coverage message. Fixes: #4947
  • Fixed issue in Transaction Entry V2 where changing the selected campus didn't pick the associated campus account correctly when in single account mode. Fixes: #4882


  • Added to Group Member List block the ability to include inactive group members in communications. Fixes: #4710
  • Fixed an issue with the Group Scheduler block showing half the number of set weeks. Fixes: #4961


  • Added support for following purpose keys to the AppendFollowing and IsFollowed Lava filters.
  • Fixed the Format filter to correctly handle a decimal format string. Fixes: #4958
  • Added new filter 'DateRangeFromSlidingFormat' that will parse the format of the Sliding Date Ranger control and provide a Start and End date from it.


  • Added 'Optional', 'Required' and 'Hidden' options for gender in the profile details block.


  • Fixed "Person Note Add" workflow action to set NoteUrl when Note is created. Fixes: #4857

Pre-Alpha Version Released March 29, 2022

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

The type of property Rock.Blocks.Types.Mobile.Connection.ConnectionRequestDetail.RequestViewModel.Attributes has been changed from List to List.


  • Fixed issue where SMS Conversation block sometimes fails to load conversations due to a database timeout. Fixes: #4919


  • Fixed an issue where Attribute values may be shown from unrelated entities of different types for inherited Attributes. Fixes: #4931
  • Fixed enter key clearing search results from any Person Picker. Fixes: #4915


  • Modified the Group Member Detail block to allow Group Administrators to edit Member Attribute values. Fixes: #4799
  • Fixed issue with Person Profile photo cropping. Fixes: #4409
  • Fixed the Public Profile Lava template to correctly display Marital Status and Phone Number. Fixes: #4930
  • Updated Bulk Update block to support Attribute Matrix Attribute. Fixes: #4419


  • Updated the Registration Entry block to show user-friendly messages when event has not yet started or has ended. Fixes: #4111
  • Fixed issue in the EventItemDetail block where unqualified Attributes for the Entity EventCalendarItem would cause an error if more than one calendar for the EventItem was selected. Fixes: #4878
  • The RegistrationEntry block will now update the Campus of the Family Group to the selected campus if it is being used in the registration form and has a value. Fixes: #4587


  • Fixed Giving Analytics block to Export Selected Individual Rows. Fixes: #3880


  • Fixed an issue with the Select filter not correctly returning fields from a SQL result set. Fixes: #4938


  • Added Head of Household Post-Transformation Filter.


  • Fixed issue where a partially filled out Address would throw an exception instead of showing a friendly validation message. Fixes: #4945

Pre-Alpha Version Released March 15, 2022


  • Fixed hidden "insert link" button on HTML Editor. Fixes: #4935


  • Fixed the HtmlEditor of the Email control to add the correct mergeFields when add mergeField is selected. Fixes: #4387
  • Fixed Simple Editor to display correct sender on edit. Prior to this fix the sender would be changed to the current person in some scenarios. Fixes: #4677


  • Updated Connection Request block to handle authorization for edit when only single campus is added. Fixes: #4470
  • Fixed an issue with Connection Request workflow triggers failing.
  • Added block setting to the connection opportunity sign-up block to allow for changing the label text on the Comments field.


  • Updated file upload to alert user if StorageProvider is inactive. Fixes: #4377 #4959
  • Fixed typo in Universal Search Control Panel. Fixes: #4609
  • Updated web.config with relaxedUrlToFileSystemMapping = false for improved security and fixes the Server.MapPath from returning NOT_A_VALID_FILESYSTEM_PATH. Fixes: #4436
  • Updated the Structured Content Editor Class References to fix a JavaScript error. Fixes: #4916


  • Fixed Step Program Detail Chart enabled Day and Hour as Date Range Unit. Fixes: #4936


  • Fixed EventRegistration to honor Maximum Available 'fee' if set. Fixes: #4781
  • Updated the URL Slug validation message to indicate that lowercase is required. Fixes: #4940


  • Removed the Gateway Migration Utility block. Fixes: #4310
  • Fixed PledgeEntry block to only show active giving frequencies. Fixes: #4904


  • Fixed mobile group attendance entry when using named or custom schedules.
  • Improved the performance of the available placement groups in the connection request board.
  • Updated the GroupScheduleToolboxV2 to have options for signing up family members for their serving teams.


  • Fixed render errors in included templates with Output Cache enabled. Fixes: #4564
  • Fixed an issue with scoping of variables in Lava shortcodes. Fixes: #4923
  • Fixed the InteractionWrite block to target the correct channel and component when specified by name. Fixes: #4602


  • Added parent NickName to "Parents' Phone Numbers" field type.


  • Updated Launch workflows method for entity set to set the Initiator Person Alias. Fixes: #4427
  • Added an optional "Reply To" field to the Email Send workflow action.

Pre-Alpha Version Released March 1, 2022

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

public method Rock.Rest.Jwt.JwtHelper.GetPerson was renamed to Rock.Rest.Jwt.JwtHelper.GetPersonFromJWTPersonSearchKey. This method should only be used by Rock REST calls and so should not effect any third-party code.

The following objects were moved from the "Rock" namespace to "Rock.Utility"

  • CampaignItem
  • CreateConnectionRequestOptions
  • FamilyLimits

The public methods below use the class CampaignItem as a parameter. Any third-party code using the class will need to be recompiled to use the updated namespace.

  • Rock.Utility.CampaignConnectionHelper.GetPendingConnectionCount
  • Rock.Utility.CampaignConnectionHelper.GetEntitySet
  • Rock.Utility.CampaignConnectionHelper.GetConnectorCampusIds
  • Rock.Utility.CampaignConnectionHelper.GetConnectionRequestsWithoutConnectorQuery
  • Rock.Utility.CampaignConnectionHelper.GetCampaignConfiguration
  • Rock.Utility.CampaignConnectionHelper.AddOrUpdateCampaignConfiguration
  • Rock.Utility.CampaignConnectionHelper.AddConnectionRequestsForPerson


  • Improved GetByPersonAliasId call to include phone numbers. Fixes: #4610


  • Fixed PageZoneBlocksEditor to properly dismiss edit block dialogs. Prior to this fix, editing the block settings of one block would cause another block's settings to also appear in certain scenarios. Fixes: #4777


  • Fixed an issue where a file exception occurs in Communication Wizard. Fixes: #4929


  • Fixed issue in Connection Type to allow disabling "Future Follow Up" as a connection state. Prior to this fix, turning off "Enable Future Follow-up" on the Connection Type had no effect. Fixes: #4921
  • Fixed the Connection Opportunity List block to correctly display filter values for the current Connection Type. Fixes: #4782
  • Updated Connection Request Grid to include "Show In Grid" Attributes. Fixes: #4594
  • Fixed Connection Opportunity Signup block to format correctly when home phone is removed. Fixes: #4597


  • Updated Entity Framework to v6.4.4.
  • Fixed the RockBlock GetCacheItem method to prevent incorrect null values. Fixes: #4853


  • Fixed Documents block where security on document throws an error.


  • Fixed issue in Registration where automatically applied discounts from the Registration Template could override manual Registration discounts. Fixes: #4922
  • Fixed the Event Registration Template to correctly validate the Fee Name field length. Fixes: #4641


  • Fixed issue where the Transaction Entry block does not maintain Fluid layout setting when certain input values are changed. Fixes: #4512
  • Updated the TransactionEntryV2 block to be a bit more compatible to the v1 block.
  • Added ability to customize the 'Cover the Fees' message in Transaction Entry V2 and fixed issue where Transaction Source couldn't be configured.


  • Fixed Logout failure when editing the Group Details Lava block. Fixes: #4717


  • Fixed comments in include files being incorrectly rendered to output. Fixes: #4736
  • Fixed issue in the Lava "Where" filter that caused it to fail if the options were separated by just commas instead of a comma and a space. Fixes: #4253
  • Fixed Lava for Scheduling Confirmation Fixes: #4914
  • Fixed Lava Syntax for System Communications Fixes: #4911


  • Updated the Prayer Request Entry block to only display attributes marked as Public on external site. Fixes: #4928


  • Fixed Date Filter in Dynamic Data block to work with dates formatted as dd/mm/yyyy. This mainly impacts Rock instances outside the US. Fixes: #4410


  • Fixed workflow action issue where Encrypted Text and SSN field types were not being saved correctly. Note: This means data put into these fields are automatically encrypted when stored. Fixes: #3159

Pre-Alpha Version Released February 15, 2022


  • Added support for tracking session information in media watch interactions.
  • Fixed issue with Universal Search query when using Smart Search block. Fixes: #4872


  • Fixed CheckinTypeDetail block to show only active schedules under "Scheduled Times". Fixes: #4906
  • Fixed an issue that would cause check-in to fail on iOS versions older than 13.4. Fixes: #4918
  • Fixed an issue in Check-in Manager where the Room List would show the same count for the present and checked-out values. Fixes: #4925


  • Fixed an issue with Communication Wizard where merge fields were not visible in previews. Fixes: #4861


  • Fixed some Connection Request workflow triggers failing with an exception. Fixes: #4920


  • Fixed issue where invalid person tokens would cause an exception when legacy fallback was disabled. Fixes: #4912 #4913
  • Added new Categorized Defined Value field type for allowing Defined Values to be selected based on a category selection.
  • Fixed issue in Attribute Matrix where HTML fields were not formatted correctly. Fixes: #4326
  • Added CampusTopic model.
  • Switched the Connections Board, SMS Conversations, and Group Scheduler pages to the Full Worksurface layout.


  • Fixed the Person Merge to prevent an error when merging people with group scheduling preferences. Fixes: #4881
  • Updated Bulk Update block to successfully launch workflow when none of the other options are selected. Fixes: #4337


  • Fixed photos not saving to events when using EventRegistrationWizard. Fixes: #4863
  • Added a 'Communicate to Registrars' button to the Registration Instance list of Registrants.


  • Fixed an issue in Statement Generator where transactions with partial refunds were not included on the statement.
  • Fixed issue where Giving Overview might show incorrect totals if any transactions had partial refunds. Also fixed issue where transactions with partial refunds might not be included in giving alerts.


  • Added an additional way to filter list of group members during group scheduling.
  • Fixed Group RSVP Detail page columns shrinking incorrectly. Fixes: #4876
  • Resolved Group Requirement warning not being cleared when changing a Group Member to a different role within a group which does not have the requirement. Fixes: #4800


  • Fixed Enum comparisons for Fluid to align with DotLiquid. Fixes: #4910
  • Resolved JavaScript error caused by AddQuickReturn Lava Filter when the Personal Links block is not present. Fixes: #4877


  • Improved tracking of push notification enabled state.
  • Fixed push notifications to not send to inactive devices.
  • Added tracking for when a mobile application was last launched.


  • Added attributes defined at the Connection Type to Dataview Filters and Report Fields for Dataviews and Reports that apply to Connection Requests. Fixes: #4739


  • Fixed Push Notification Send action to allow mobile page URLs.
  • Added a new 'Electronic Signature' Workflow Action.

Pre-Alpha Version Released February 1, 2022


  • Added new communication REST endpoint for recording communications that were sent by external systems (not originating from Rock).


  • Updated Site's Google Analytics Code to support newer "G-" code prefix and support having multiple analytic codes.


  • Added 'Disable Location Services' block setting to the Mobile Check-in Launcher. If disabled, the mobile device’s location services will not be used and instead a list of active campuses will be shown.


  • Fixed 'Paste From Word' function to no longer reverse text when bold is enabled. Fixes: #4751
  • Fixed an issue where a newly added text item could not be immediately deleted from the email template layout. Fixes: #4862
  • Updated the Simple Communication editor to filter out the new Email Wizard templates. Fixes: #4888
  • Updated the email address regular expression on the Person model to match the UI validation. Fixes: #4867


  • Updated instances of Login to use the Log In verb form. Fixes: #4400
  • Fixed an issue with passing transparent color values to the Tag background color. Fixes: #4523
  • Fixed an error that would occur when downloading documents with special characters in the file name. Fixes: #4902
  • Fixed the Attribute Editor control not validating some fields correctly. Fixes: #4757
  • Fixed an issue in Workflow Forms where default values were not being assigned when visibility is controlled by a logic filter. Fixes: #4874


  • Fixed the Address Control showing an incorrect value in the State field. Fixes: #4883
  • Added new "Exclude Schedules" option in the Update Family Campus section of the Data Automation Settings.


  • Fixed missing person fields on Obsidian Event Registration block. Fixes: #4885


  • Updated Statement Generator so that Formal Names are used and Inactive people are optionally included. This restores the previous behavior. Fixes: #4865


  • Fixed an issue with combined person data getting double encoded in the merge template process. Prior to the fix, when doing a mail merge and selecting Combine Family Members, '&amp;' instead of '&' was appearing in the combined name. Fixes: #4884


  • Added a Run Now button on the Metric Detail block to allow for running a metric manually.

Pre-Alpha Version Released January 18, 2022

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

The following properties where changed from public to private:

  • Rock.Model.ConnectionRequest.HistoryChangeList
  • Rock.Model.ConnectionRequest.PersonHistoryChangeList


  • Fixed an issue with the Summernote toolbar buttons disappearing. Fixes: #4456
  • Updated whitespace on _icons.less to address broken compile when updating Rock and FontAwesome Pro is installed. Fixes: #4869


  • Added a Delete Attendance security setting on the Check-In Roster.


  • Fixed an XSS injection issue on the Connection Opportunity Search.
  • Added new externally facing mobile friendly blocks for allowing non-staff to view connection requests under connection types and opportunities.


  • Added new type of text box control for handling specialized 'first name' input validation.
  • Fixed an issue preventing horizontal scrolling on Rock tree views. Fixes: #4870
  • Fix issue where the OpenID /UserInfo endpoint doesn't return any user claims. Fixes: #4854
  • Updated Summernote to 0.8.20.
  • Fixed an issue preventing horizontal scrolling on Rock tree views. Fixes: #4870
  • Updated Rock Image Link to correctly callback when adding any link to image. Fixes: #4851
  • Updated Rock Image Link to correctly callback when adding any link to image. Fixes: #4851
  • Fixed Combine Family Members in Merge Template Entry. Fixes: #4849
  • Added the RockGuid attribute to allow defined APIs to maintain their security settings even after method signature changes.


  • Updated the giving configuration to allow editing of inactive scheduled transactions. Improved the performance of toggling between Show Active and Show Inactive lists. Fixes: #4871
  • Updated the statement generator to work with individuals that have more that one associated mailing address. Fixes: #4866


  • Added support for requiring the capacity be set on groups of the configured group type.
  • Added the Group Type parent authority authorization pre-check to Group Members. Prior to this fix, the GroupMember model did not respect GroupType security through Lava entity commands. Fixes: #4855
  • Fixed FamilySalutation Lava filter returning error (Fixes #4849) (#4860) (cherry picked from commit 03934aef02eb7e55717281fcfb570d515e4ebcf3) (Applied manually since git couldn't resolve the change since the GroupService.Partial core model change move from 12.8 to 13.0) Fixes: #4858


  • Fixed issue where .ics files were downloaded as .txt files on Safari Mobile. Fixes: #4776
  • Fixed the FamilySalutation filter to prevent a Liquid error message. Fixes: #4858
  • Added new TimeOfDay Lava filter.


  • Updated prayer request entry and session to allow for filtering by group.


  • Added PersistedDataViewList block to display a list of Data Views that have persistence enabled.
  • Added a new data view filter to allow matching people who have a document of a particular type.


  • Added a new CampusId property to Workflow and added a new workflow action, SetWorkflowCampus, to allow setting the workflow's Campus. NOTE: This will mean you will need to adjust any workflow types that have an attribute with a key of "Campus" when you edit that workflow type.

Pre-Alpha Version Released January 4, 2022


  • Updated Check-in Manager blocks with additional functionality such as sortable columns, new Present/Checked-out Time columns, and attendance change history.


  • Updated the Benevolence block with some new UI enhancements.


  • Added features to allow for giving achievements and streaks.


  • Fixed an error that could occur when editing an existing linkage on an event occurrence. Fixes: #4907


  • Fixed issue where editing a scheduled transaction on the recurrence date could lead to an orphaned transaction due to a gateway scheduleId mismatch (NMI). Fixes: #4526
  • Fixed issue where changing the account designation of a scheduled transaction could generate an error. Fixes: #4821
  • Updated the Statement Generator to include run duration information on the summary screen. The summary screen information will now be saved to a @Summary of Results.txt file in the report directory when complete. Added a new option to persist the Statement Generator settings globally in the database.


  • Updated Group Type and Group Types Picker with new IsSortedByName property to sort the list items by name.

Pre-Alpha Version Released December 14, 2021


  • Updated Check-In to always show room count when show location option is checked. Fixes: #4671
  • Fixed Lava in Registration Template to replace the old ContactName with ContactPersonAlias. Fixes: #4845
  • Fixed an issue where circular group references would cause the Check-in Manager to crash.
  • Changed the family check-in so that only family members are preselected. Persons with the "Can Check-in" relationship will not be preselected.
  • Added "Don't Ask If There Is No Ability Level" Ability Level Determination option to the Checkin Type. This will allow a person with an ability level set the opportunity to update it. A person without an ability level set will not be asked to select one.


  • Updated the Connection Board block to open manually launched workflows into a new browser tab instead of the current tab.


  • Updated RockCleanup job and moved "Process Elevated Security" on Person records to a new job.
  • Added a Follow Event to allow notifications when a note is added to a followed person.
  • Fixed an issue with cascading drop-downs in the Group Type and Group picker that would result in the Group value being blanked out when making changes. Also fixed in the Group and Role picker. Fixes: #4162
  • Fixed the note security so that assigning individuals to view/edit/etc a specific note will work as expected. Fixes: #2551


  • The NCOA system has been updated to use the v2 API. The service provider is planning on removing their v1 API in 2022.


  • Fixed issue where Step Program List and Step Type List blocks include/count inactive step types. Fixes: #4842


  • Added options to use child financial accounts and giving analytic tables to the Giving Amount data filter.


  • Updated the Group Scheduler block to show a 'worship week' using the "Starting Day of Week" system setting (if it is set). For example if the "Starting Day of Week" is set to Tuesday then the Group Scheduler's week drop-down list will show week date ranges that start on Tuesday and end on Monday. Fixes: #4807


  • Added an option to the Expiring Credit Card Notices job to enable sending a bus event, and made the selection of a email template optional.


  • Added Week of Year, Week Counter, Leap Year Indicator, and Sunday Date Year to the AnalyticsSourceDate table.
  • Fixed misspelling of CalendarMonthAbbreviated and FiscalMonthAbbreviated columns on the AnalyticsSourceDate table. Fixes: #4827

Pre-Alpha Version Released November 30, 2021

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

Moved the sealed class Rock.Jobs.TransactionView into the Rock.Jobs.GivingAutomation class.

  • Before Rock.Jobs.TransactionView
  • After Rock.Jobs.GivingAutomation.TransactionView

Moved the sealed class Rock.Jobs.AlertView into the Rock.Jobs.GivingAutomation class.

  • Before Rock.Jobs.AlertView
  • After Rock.Jobs.GivingAutomation.AlertView

Changed the type of property Rock.Jobs.GivingAutomation.GivingAutomationContext.DataViewPersonQueries to return the person object instead of just the Person ID

  • Before public Dictionary> DataViewPersonQueries
  • After public Dictionary> DataViewPersonQueries

/Replaced the property Rock.Common.Mobile.DeviceData.VersionString with Rock.Common.Mobile.DeviceData.ApplicationVersion. This was to allow the inclusion of a new property Rock.Common.Mobile.DeviceData.ShellVersion.


  • Fixed Attendance Self-Entry Block to handle invalid locations set in the Block Settings or as a Url Parameter. Fixes: #4661


  • Updated the email address validation to allow for multiple '+', '-', or '.' symbols back to back. Fixes: #4829


  • Updated Connection Opportunities as well as Connection Type to delete the related attributes. Fixes: #4738
  • Fixed issue where group member role and group member status were not showing on ConnectionRequestBoard Block.


  • Updated Data Automation Job with new Command Timeout Attribute to tackle timeout issue.


  • Fixed discrepancy between Birthdate and Birth Date on Family Pre-Registration by changing all labels marking date of birth textboxes to "Birth Date". Fixes: #4735
  • Fixed issue where the history was not showing who removed a known relationship . Fixes: #4737
  • Updated the Family Pre-Registration Address to include Hide, Optional, and Required attributes. The default is Optional.


  • Fixed Streak List error EnrollmentViewModel is invalid because it is neither a built-in type nor implements ILiquidizable. Fixes: #4662


  • Fixed issue that caused Event Registration Entry block to ignore fields flagged with "Show Current Value" in some configurations. Fixes: #3900


  • Added the ability to filter Giving Alerts by Financial Account and to get an alert when a gift amount is over a specified amount.


  • Fixed Group RSVP not allowing check-in after the group member clicks accept in the email. Fixes: #4814


  • Added Search block to enable searching for people or groups (requires Mobile Shell v3.0).


  • Fixed issue in the PageParameterFilter block where deselected values were not removed from the query string. Fixes: #4816


  • Fixed issue where Workflow Entry would display a Workflow Form and Person Entry if the Workflow immediately becomes inactive and the 'Show Summary' option is enabled on the Workflow Entry block. Fixes: #4824

Pre-Alpha Version Released November 16, 2021

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

Added an additional parameter with a default value to method Rock.Blocks.Types.Mobile.Groups.GroupAttendanceEntry.SaveAttendance. Code making use of this method will need to be recompiled.

  • Before public BlockActionResult SaveAttendance(Guid groupGuid, DateTimeOffset date, List attendees, bool didNotMeet)
  • After public BlockActionResult SaveAttendance(Guid groupGuid, DateTimeOffset date, List attendees, bool didNotMeet, string notes)


  • Changed the effective end date on a recurring schedule that has no end to use "null" instead of the arbitrary max date.
  • Fixed issue with multiple Notes blocks on the same page all opening the edit control when the add button is clicked on one of the blocks. Fixes: #4803


  • Added approval status filter to the Calendar Lava block. This allows the block to be used for approval and planning calendars.
  • Fixed issue on the EventItemOccurrenceDetail block where inactive templates and instances were displayed in the linkages list. Fixes: #4811


  • Fixed the Transaction List "Clear Filter" button to clear selections in dropdowns. Fixes: #4820


  • Updated the GroupTypeDetail block. When adding new Group attributes the explicit authorizations from the GroupType are copied over to the Group attribute.


  • Fixed issue in Group Member Edit block when using the Member Detail Page block setting.
  • Added new setting to mobile Calendar Event List block to allow for hiding of past events.
  • Updated mobile Group Attendance Entry block to support recording notes (requires Mobile Shell v2.1).
  • Updated mobile Group Member Edit block to allow for deleting of group members (requires Mobile Shell v2.1).
  • Added Connection blocks to Mobile (requires Mobile Shell v3).


  • Fixed Schedule field in Reports to correctly render custom schedules. Fixes: #4809


  • Added a new feature to allow bulk deleting many workflows at one time and added a property to WorkflowType to control auto-deleting old workflows via the RockCleanup job.

Pre-Alpha Version Released November 2, 2021


  • Added QRCode scanning support for browsers and the Rock Windows Check-in Client.


  • Updated the default setting of the Email medium's "CSS Inlining Enabled" to true.
  • Added a new ExpireDate to SMS Pipeline actions so that they can be automatically deleted by the cleanup job if/when they expire.


  • Updated the Connection Request Workflows that are triggered as a result of changes to the Connection Request to set the Initiator from the CurrentPerson who made the change.


  • Fixed issue in Rock Cleanup job where a null exception could occur when matching a nameless person. Fixes: #4813
  • Fixed issue where form fields with conditional display logic were being shown in WorkflowEntry or RegistrationEntry in cases where the condition has not been met when using Campus field type as criteria. Fixes: #4793


  • Updated Person Merge "Reset Login Confirmation" help text to not cut off. Fixes: #4808


  • Improved Next Start Date shown for events by extending the date range to two years. This is to show the date for a scheduled event that is more than 1 year in the future. Fixes: #4812


  • Fixed issue where "Abandoned" credit card transactions would report a warning in the Download Payments job. Fixes: #4805
  • Updated the Business detail block to allow for support of previous address, tagging, history, search keys and attributes.


  • Fixed issue where Group salutation was not properly updating when someone is removed from the family. Fixes: #4804


  • Added a new Security Change Audit page and block (under Admin > Security) to assist when troubleshooting security permission changes.


  • Added an option to the Follow/EventDetail block to "Include Non-Public Requests" if the Event Type is "Person Prayer Request". If selected this option will send a notification for private as well as public prayer requests.


  • Added the ability to filter on note attributes that are qualified to a specific note type.


  • Added new option on WorkflowEntry block to disallow passing WorkflowTypeIds.
  • Fixed issue where a Workflow Attribute and an Action Attribute with the same Key would be loaded incorrectly on an Entry Form. Fixes: #4810

Pre-Alpha Version Released October 19, 2021

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

The class public class Rock.Blocks.Types.Mobile.Groups.AddToGroup has been renamed to Rock.Blocks.Types.Mobile.Groups.GroupRegistration


Added additional parameters with defaults to method Rock.Blocks.Types.Mobile.Cms.WorkflowEntry.GetNextForm. Code making use of this method will need to be recompiled.

  • Before public WorkflowForm GetNextForm( Guid? workflowGuid = null, string formAction = null, List formFields = null, WorkflowFormPersonEntryValues personEntryValues = null )
  • After public WorkflowForm GetNextForm( Guid? workflowGuid = null, string formAction = null, List formFields = null, WorkflowFormPersonEntryValues personEntryValues = null, List supportedFeatures = null )


  • Fixed the Public Profile Edit block so that required adult phone types are not requirements for new child family members. Fixes: #4771


  • Added new capabilities for creating achievement labels for use during the check-in process.


  • Added new automation rules on Connection Request's Connection Status to allow for automatic movement to a different Status.


  • Fixed the Address control to allow the initial value of the State field to be set correctly. Fixes: #4801
  • Fixed required validation issue with the DefinedValues field type that allow the input of new Defined Values. Prior to the fix, the selected value for the DefinedValues attribute was not being saved in some cases. Fixes: #4446
  • Added the ability to hide the 'unknown' option from gender when configuring attributes of this type.


  • Fixed an issue where Registration Form field filters created prior to v12.5 would not work correctly after upgrading to 12.5. Fixes: #4792
  • Fixed an issue where (non-shared) Event Registration Placement Groups created prior to 12.3 would not be visible after upgrading to 12.3. Fixes: #4784


  • Fixed GroupScheduleToolbox block to show schedules starting from the next day instead of 24 hours from current time. Fixes: #4806
  • Fixed an issue on the GroupFinder block where the clear button would hide the map & results instead of resetting the search filter and reloading the results.


  • Added a new Steps filter for Lava.
  • Updated the Split filter to add an option to preserve empty entries.


  • Added new mobile Group Finder block (requires Mobile Shell v3).


  • Fixed an error in the CalculateMetrics job for Metrics partitioning by Campus in a DataView when one or more persons in the DataView does not have a Primary Campus. Fixes: #4787
  • Fixed an issue in the MetricValueList filter where only one value for each EntityType (e.g. DefinedValue) would be used in the filter. Fixes: #4747


  • Updated the workflow action type "Group Member Add From Attribute" with optional settings to limit allowed Groups, GroupTypes, and whether to allow a person to be added to a Security Role Group.
  • Fixed Form buttons incorrectly triggering validation (checking for required fields) when they are configured to cancel form submission. Fixes: #4713
  • Updated Workflow Person Entry so that a new person will be created/matched if LastName or FirstName changes when Autofill Current Person is enabled. Fixes: #4704

Pre-Alpha Version Released October 5, 2021

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

Added additional parameters with defaults to method Rock.Blocks.Types.Mobile.Cms.Register.RegisterUser. Code making use of this method will need to be recompiled.

  • Before: public object RegisterUser(AccountData account)
  • After: public object RegisterUser(AccountData account, bool supportsLogin = False, Nullable<Guid> personalDeviceGuid)

Two of the method Rock.Data.DbContext.SaveChanges signatures have been made virtual for future functionality.

  • public virtual int SaveChanges(bool disablePrePostProcessing)
  • public virtual SaveChangesResult SaveChanges(SaveChangesArgs args)


  • Updated the GetFile.ashx handler to support HTTP byte ranges. This provides better compatibility for services like CDNs.


  • Created a newly-polished communication history list block for use under the Person Profile page's History tab.


  • Added the ability within Connection Types to reorder Connection Opportunities.
  • Fixed an issue with the Connection Board so that Connection Request Activity Types are sorted alphabetically. Fixes: #4783


  • Enhanced privilege classification and checking during person merging and other operations. For certain designated people, it will purposely be more difficult to perform merges or other record matching operations in Rock in order to reduce the possibility of a hijack attempt.
  • Updated the stock Connection Status defined value called "Web Prospect" to be renamed to "Prospect" if it had not already been modified.


  • Fixed the Documents block to not consider Maximum Documents Per Entity on edit. This allows you to edit the details of the document even if the maximum number of documents have been uploaded. Fixes: #4773


  • Updated the EventRegistration block to allow the browser back button to navigate from the Summary screen back to the previous screen. Fixes: #4703


  • Fixed an issue in Giving Analytics where filtering by Data View could display incorrect results. Fixes: #4780


  • Fixed an issue where blocks dragged from one zone to another would not have their new location saved while creating Mobile pages. Fixes: #4566
  • Added the ability to see the number of volunteers needed in the group Schedule Toolbox.
  • Fixed issue in the GroupScheduleToolbox where groups using the same location and schedule would show filled for the given time slot if one of them was filled. For instance, Ushers and Greeters in the Worship Center at 9 AM would both show filled if the Usher group was filled but the Greeters group was not. Fixes: #4785
  • Updated the Group Finder block to allow filtering the campus list by campus type and status.


  • Adjusted the DateDiff filter to handle year differencing more accurately.


  • Added support for person matching in the mobile Registration block (requires Mobile Shell v3).
  • Added support for the Onboarding block to skip personal information screens if the individual is already logged in (requires Mobile Shell v3).
  • Updated the mobile Login block with new settings to specify the return page and cancel page (requires Mobile Shell v3).
  • Updated the mobile Login block to support sending confirmation e-mails and provide better error messages (requires mobile shell v3).
  • Added a new block to display Prayer Requests as cards (requires Mobile Shell v3).


  • Fixed an issue where a Workflow with a Workflow Entry Form could produce duplicate workflows. Fixes: #4789

Pre-Alpha Version Released September 21, 2021

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

The service job class Rock.Jobs.GivingAnalytics has been replaced with Rock.Jobs.GivingAutomation. A migration will create the new job and remove any jobs using the old class. The following changes have been made to support this:

  • The system configuration constant Rock.SystemKey.SystemSetting.GIVING_ANALYTICS_CONFIGURATION for the GivingAnalytics job has been renamed to Rock.SystemKey.SystemSetting.GIVING_AUTOMATION_CONFIGURATION
  • The namespace Rock.Utility.Settings.GivingAnalytics as been renamed to Rock.Utility.Settings.GivingAutomationSettings. The following classes have also been moved/renamed:
    • Rock.Utility.Settings.Alerting to Rock.Utility.Settings.Giving.GivingAlertingSettings
    • Rock.Utility.Settings.GiverBin to Rock.Utility.Settings.Giving.GiverBin
    • Rock.Utility.Settings.GivingAnalytics to Rock.Utility.Settings.Giving.GivingAutomationJobSettings
    • Rock.Utility.Settings.GivingAnalyticsSetting to Rock.Utility.Settings.Giving.GivingAutomationSettings

The Enum Rock.Model.PaymentRedirectVendor has been removed.

The property Rock.Model.RegistrationInstance.PaymentRedirectData has been removed.

The method signature for Rock.Model.RegistrationService.GetRegistrationContext has been updated:

  • From GetRegistrationContext(int registrationInstanceId, Person currentPerson, RegistrationEntryBlockArgs args, out String& errorMessage)
  • To GetRegistrationContext(int registrationInstanceId, Nullable registrationGuid, Person currentPerson, string discountCode, out String& errorMessage)

The property Rock.Model.RegistrationTemplate.PaymentRedirectVendor has been removed.

In the service class Rock.Model.FinancialTransactionService the following methods have been renamed:

  • Rock.Model.FinancialTransactionService.GetGivingAnalyticsMonthlyAccountGivingHistory has been renamed to GetGivingAutomationMonthlyAccountGivingHistory
  • Rock.Model.FinancialTransactionService.GetGivingAnalyticsMonthlyAccountGivingHistoryFromJson has been renamed to GetGivingAutomationMonthlyAccountGivingHistoryFromJson
  • Rock.Model.FinancialTransactionService.GetGivingAnalyticsSourceTransactionQuery has been renamed to GetGivingAutomationSourceTransactionQuery

The following Rock.Model classes had their PreSaveChanges() and/or PostSaveChanges() overrides moved to the SaveHook subclass:

  • Attendance


  • Fixed issue with Universal Search block where the search type was displayed twice.
  • Updated the default styling of the Rock Google Maps theme.


  • Improved Aero Check-in theme to improve rendering with reprinting labels.
  • Added block setting "Prioritize families for this campus" to the FamilySelect block to list families in the same campus as the kiosk before families in other campuses.
  • Updated CheckinBlueCrystal theme to remove the Rock logo in the background.


  • Updated the Communication Entry Wizard block to allow updating alt text on images.


  • Fixed an issue in the ConnectionRequestBoard where people could be added incorrectly or added twice to the connector list under certain conditions. Fixes: #4752 #4763
  • Fixed an issue in the ConnectionRequestBoard where filtering by Connector or Requester would not show all of the ConnectionRequests if there were multiple PersonAliases for the person being used to filter. Fixes: #4632
  • Added query string parameters on the Connection Board when clicking Connection Requests or Connection Opportunities.


  • Fixed an issue where the Authorization cache and EntityAttributeCache wasn't getting updated correctly on other servers in a bus-based multi-server environment.


  • Fixed an issue with Step Program so that new Step Types are arranged in the order they were added. Fixes: #4423


  • Fixed an issue in Event Occurrence to correctly delete a Linkage URL. Fixes: #4744
  • Fixed an issue in Event Registration that prevented copying a Registration Template with a Placement Configuration. Fixes: #4536
  • Added a new optional setting on the Registration Template (used by the Registration Entry block) to allow for launching a workflow for each registrant when a new registration is completed.


  • Added Giving Journeys to the giving automation feature set.


  • Fixed an issue in the MetricDetail block where metrics with Analytics enabled were allowed to have the same Title.
  • Updated the Person Data View filter for 'In Registration Instance' to optionally allow filtering on wait list status.

Pre-Alpha Version Released September 8, 2021

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

Moved the Enum ConnectionWorkflowTriggerType from global to namespace Rock.Model.

The value for Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.CREDITCARD_TYPE_JCB has been corrected to take out a leading space.

Changed the visibility of the class Rock.Lava.LavaFilters from Public to Internal.

The following Rock.Model classes had their PreSaveChanges() and/or PostSaveChanges() overrides moved to the SaveHook subclass:

  • ConnectionRequest
  • ConnectionRequestActivity
  • ConnectionWorkflow
  • ContentChannel
  • ContentChannelItem
  • EventCalendar
  • Note
  • NoteAttachment
  • RegistrationInstance
  • RegistrationTemplate
  • Step
  • Streak
  • Workflow
  • WorkflowType


  • Added load balancing options for automatically selecting locations during check-in. This is based on new Location Selection Strategy options in the check-in configuration.
  • Changed the Check-in Manager's Roster block to always show the person's check-in status.


  • We have taken the next step to remove the old System Emails (Legacy) function by initially hiding the page from the menu. Although it can be accessed by manually navigating from the parent page's child pages, it will be removed in a future version of Rock.


  • Fixed issue where the Toggle control's OnChange events would not work consistently. This fixes an issue where conditional display logic in EventRegistration would not work correctly for Boolean FieldTypes that are configured to use a Toggle control. Fixes: #4772


  • Added change tracking for some Steps-related items on the Person History.
  • Fixed the Step List to restrict from deleting any Step that the user is not authorized for. Fixes: #4775


  • Fixed issue where Lava cache fails inside scoped tag. Fixes: #4672


  • Fixed the Prayer Request Entry block to correctly pass the RequestedByPersonAlias property to a workflow. Fixes: #4731
  • Fixed Prayer Session blocks to ensure the interaction is recorded to the correct channel.
  • Add a new block that provides an additional experience to pray using a card-based view.
  • Updated the location of attributes on the prayer entry block to place them above the request text. This moves them to a more consistent place in the UI.


  • Updated Workflow Entry to only consider gender when person matching if Gender is not marked hidden under Enable Person Entry. Fixes: #4767

Pre-Alpha Version Released August 17, 2021


  • Updated the Family Pre Registration block to allow for launching a workflow for each parent and a workflow for each child.
  • Fixed incorrect HTML markup on Opportunity Search Lava in core themes.


  • Added the ability to specify Group IDs in the checkin query string to automatically configure a Check-in Kiosk.


  • Fixed an issue in Bulk Update where any Memo Attribute with a character limit prevented correct loading. Fixes: #4231


  • Updated the Person Detail Connection Request block. The 'Hide Inactive' block setting has been replaced with the new setting 'Hide Connection Requests With These States' which is able to filter on all of the Request States.
  • Fixed an issue where merging a person from a multi-person family fails with an error. Fixes: #4748


  • Updated the RegistrationEntry block to not exclude registration instructions that contain only an image. Fixes: #4341
  • Fixed an issue in the RegistrationEntry block that would cause a new person to be assigned to a new family under certain conditions. Fixes: #4743
  • Added Show All Events in Detail block setting to the mobile Calendar View block to enable showing all events rather than only the selected day's events.


  • Modified the behavior of the Group Member List block to show error flags on inactive group members who do not meet group requirements.


  • Added new option to the "Children's Names" report field type to allow for including the child's grade.


  • Adjusted the behavior of the Gender field on the Workflow Person Entry Configuration's form so that the "unknown" option is not shown when displaying the Gender field. Fixes: #4555

Pre-Alpha Version Released August 3, 2021


  • Fixed API login endpoints to not allow login for unconfirmed accounts. Fixes: #4723


  • Fixed the Page Properties block to prevent system pages from getting deleted. Fixes: #4732


  • Added security to the System Communication templates which is now used by the Communication History and Communication Detail block when trying to view the Communication record.


  • Connection Types are now sorted in the correct order. Fixes: #4729


  • Added logging to cache update bus events.
  • Added the ability to provide a subset of selectable defined values when configuring an attribute of type Defined Value.
  • Added the ability to to provide a subset of selectable campuses when configuring an attribute of type Campus(es).


  • Added the ability to right-click a Person in Verify Photos List and open their Profile Page in a separate tab.
  • Added a new bookmark and 'quick return' feature for even faster navigation inside Rock.


  • Fixed a bug that in Giving Analytics that caused Data View result options not to appear after filtering by a Data View. This is a duplicate. Leave here so the import process can see the SHA has already been processed.
  • Fixed a bug in Giving Analytics that caused Data View result options not to appear after filtering by a Data View. Fixes: #4712


  • Added the ability to write interactions from the workflow entry block.

Pre-Alpha Version Released July 20, 2021

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes
The public method Rock.Lava.LavaFilters.CreateShortLink now requires a ILavaRenderContext object as a parameter. Old: public static string CreateShortLink(object input, string token = "", int? siteId, bool overwrite = False, int randomLength = 10) New: public static string CreateShortLink(ILavaRenderContext context, object input, string token = "", int? siteId, bool overwrite = False, int randomLength = 10)


  • Updated the API call People/GetByEmail to use a QueryString for the email address in addition to the route. Fixes: #4701


  • Added a new achievement celebrations feature into the check-in system.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Checkin Locations not to display if the the Location associated with a selected campus had a parent location. Fixes: #4705


  • Added the ability to hide secured SMS Numbers for both the Communication Entry and Communication Entry Wizard blocks.


  • Fixed the Connection Request Board to only list user-defined activity types while adding or editing an activity. Fixes: #4692


  • Fixed an issue where the MonthYearPicker was missing code to handle a change in the Year. Fixes: #4629
  • Updated the Process BI Analytics job to populate the new AnalyticsSourceGivingUnit BI Table. Also improved performance of GivingAnalytics job.
  • Added a new property to Schedules to allow automatic inactivating once the schedule has no more occurrences.


  • Added credit card expiration date to Schedule Transaction Edit block
  • Fixed an issue where the Expiring Credit Card Notices job could get an exception if the expiration year is null. Fixes: #4728


  • Added the ability to include heading or footer content to the Dynamic Data block when using the Grid mode.


  • Added options to Workflow Entry to filter which Campuses are listed for the Person Entry form.

Pre-Alpha Version Released July 14, 2021


  • Updated to FontAwesome 5.15.3
  • Fixed Schedule Content Shortcode to return the correct NextOccurrenceDateTime. Fixes: #4741
  • Improved the Calendar Item template on core themes to hide registrations that are not active as indicated by the "Is Active" property.


  • Added a new advanced configuration option to control whether or not the Ability Level Selection should be shown during check-in.
  • Fixed an issue with sequential numeric codes repeating "67" under certain conditions. Fixes: #4726


  • Updated the email transport to remove any new line characters from the email subject. Fixes: #4718
  • Fixed Mobile Communication View block not processing merge fields.


  • Fixed RockPage to replace the Meta Tag with a new one in the same position. Fixes: #4560
  • Fixed inconsistent display of text cursor in Firefox browsers.
  • Moved the Rock Log settings from System Settings > System Configuration to System Settings > Rock Logs.


  • Added settings to the Group Schedule Status Board block to allow easier usage on custom pages.


  • Updated the Address Lava filter to allow retrieving the Guid of the location which is useful when dealing with address field types.


  • Fixed Mobile bundle not including the Info and Brand colors.


  • Fixed an issue with the Send Email (System Email) Send To Email Addresses not working correctly when the field included Lava. Fixes: #3921
  • Updated the SMS Send workflow action to allow setting the From field using a defined value from the "SMS Phone Number" defined type.

Pre-Alpha Version Released July 6, 2021

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes
The field public readonly DateTime Rock.Jobs.GivingAnalyticsContext.Now was changed to a property with a public getter and setter.


  • Added new field type to handle displaying a specific media element video and optionally requiring it be watched by the user.


  • Fixed an issue where the name shown on the group select title was the first person instead of the current person, for Family Check-in with multiple scheduled groups. Fixes: #4727


  • Fixed an issue where the Planned Visit Date was not being hidden correctly on the Family Pre-Registration block. Fixes: #4720


  • Fixed an issue in Event Placement where inactive child groups of a parent group were added when adding multiple groups.
  • Fixed an issue in event placement where detaching a placement group for the registration instance would detach all the groups for the instance and leave only the template groups.


  • Fixed an issue where the Statement Generator didn't include contributions from deceased people. Fixes: #4559


  • Fixed Group Capacity Warning in Leader Toolbox so that blank capacities are not treated as a capacity of zero. Fixes: #4547
  • Updated the Group Finder block to include new features to control zoom behavior and location precision.


  • Added Daily Challenge Entry block to allow for processing daily challenges setup in the system for the user to complete. (Requires mobile shell v3)
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the mobile OnboardPerson block to fail if campus selection was hidden.
  • Fixed an issue in mobile AddToGroup block that could generate an error if the individual was logged in.


  • Fixed an issue in the Mobile Prayer Request Details block that caused an error to display when attempting to add a new prayer request.


  • Updated the Service Metric Entry block with additional filtering settings.


  • Fixed an issue where Send Email With Events was logging events even after the workflow had been completed. Fixes: #4722

Pre-Alpha Version Released June 22, 2021

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

Added the interface IRockClientBlockType to IRockMobileBlockType which forces the implementation of the method GetBlockInitialization().


  • Fixed an issue where Streaks were not being processed when Interactions were being written.
  • Updated the Stark theme's default font family to use modern fonts. Fixes: #4711
  • Added EventItems to Universal Search.


  • Fixed a JavaScript error in Checkin Manager that was causing the 'UpdateProgress' animation to stay visible on Safari. Fixes: #4689
  • Improved the performance of the Welcome page.


  • Fixed an issue with SendGridHTTP communication transport and the Email with Events workflow action not handling bounced emails correctly. Fixes: #4719
  • Added a new CSS Inlining Enabled option to the Email medium.


  • Added new save hooks for developers to use when creating custom models in plugins.
  • Added Azure Blob Storage as a core File Storage Provider.


  • Improved responsiveness of New Family block attributes on mobile devices. Fixes: #4700


  • Added a new StepProgramCompletion model to represent the completion of a set of program steps by a participant.
  • Fixed issue where SmsPipelineDetail, GroupMemberList (mobile), and StepEntry could take a while to load the first time. Fixes: #4627


  • Fixed the Export Calendar Feed function to output exceptions in a format that can be processed by third-party calendar applications. Fixes: #4635
  • Fixed the Export Calendar Feed function to correctly export events with no scheduled end date. Fixes: #4639
  • Updated the Registration Instance Payment Reminder block to save the email in the Communication history.


  • Added a new property to the Scheduled Transaction model to track the date and time a scheduled transaction was inactivated.
  • Fixed issues with the number box (currency) not formatting correctly. Fixes: #4730


  • Fixed an issue where setting a recursive Global attribute value can cause Rock to become unresponsive. Fixes: #4551
  • Fixed an issue where accessing FinancialPaymentDetail attributes may return an error. Fixes: #4519
  • Fixed an issue where the Device List block shows an error message in custom columns. Fixes: #4715


  • Fixed an issue with the Page Parameter Filter block's default values not populating correctly. Fixes: #4694
  • Added logic to the "Process BI Analytics" job to check the formatted value length before trying to INSERT it. Values over 250 characters after applying formatting will be skipped over and not inserted. This will match the behavior of the job when loading unformatted values. This will prevent field types such as "URL Link" from creating a value that is too big for the Analytics table.


  • Added conditional fields to the workflow Form action.

Pre-Alpha Version Released June 8, 2021


  • Fixed an issue where a string could be double-encoded when using the HTML Editor and inserting a image or file. Fixes: #4567
  • Fixed the Internal Communication View block to respect the start date on any content channel item. Fixes: #4546


  • Updated checkin search box to disable spellcheck and autocorrect on iOS based devices.
  • Fixed an issue with the attendance grid using a different date than the chart. Fixes: #4541


  • Added history tracking for Connection Requests and added certain request history events onto the requestor's person history under the new "Connection Requests" category.


  • Added a secure option to the cookie's samesite setting. Fixes: #4579
  • Fixed issues with apostrophes causing errors. Fixes: #4568 #4562
  • Provided additional options for the Attributes block allowing others with Edit access but without Administrate access to be able to edit the 'values' of the attribute.
  • Fixed issue where hitting Cancel on the Note Delete confirmation would delete the note. Fixes: #4659
  • Fixed an issue with OIDC (OpenID Connect) not redirecting to the client site if the user declines permission. Fixes: #4681
  • Fixed issue with Data Encryption where OldDataEncryptionKey values in web.config were not being used to Decrypt older encrypted values.


  • Improved contrast on default tag colors. Fixes: #4706


  • Added several new features to the Rock Statement Generator found in Admin Tools > Power Tools > External Applications.


  • Fixed an issue with the group selector being disabled in certain circumstances. Fixes: #4696
  • Fixed Group Member to allow for deletion if any group member assignments are present. Fixes: #4697


  • Added RandomNumber Lava filter to allow for generation of random numbers.


  • Improved the UI of the Service Metrics Entry block.
  • Fixed an issue with the grid not selecting the correct records and added the Show Launch Workflow option to the Dynamic Data Block. Fixes: #4686
  • Updated Group Participation Report Field to correctly persist the user selection. Fixes: #4556
  • Fixed issue when exporting a report to Excel that caused the Lava fields to not be included. Fixes: #4673
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Giving Amount Data Filter to always exclude deceased individuals, even if "include deceased" was selected on the Data View. Fixes: #4557


  • Updated Workflow Trigger logic to allow comparison to the underlying integer values triggering from fields that use enumerated values (e.g., you may use either "Approved" or "3" for triggering when a Communication entity is approved). Fixes: #4552

Pre-Alpha Version Released May 25, 2021

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes
No breaking changes in this release.


  • Improved the error handling of the Sync Media job to show which specific account(s) had errors.
  • Resolved an issue that caused the Content Channel Item Detail block to remove all tags if any tag was removed. Fixes: #4676
  • Added new mediaplayer Lava short code to simplify building video and audio players.


  • Fixed Live Metrics block to only display count for active checked-in. Fixes: #4665


  • Fixed issue where 'back dating' option notes didn't show the date picker correctly. Fixes: #4682
  • Fixed an issue where an AttributeMatrixItem fetched by Index from an AttributeMatrix did not display any information. Fixes: #4045
  • Added new field type of Captcha to allow using reCaptcha verification in places with custom attributes, such as workflows.


  • Updated Data automation to also consider recent event registrants on Reactivation and Inactivation. Fixes: #4465
  • Updated procedures when saving a person record to clear "Self Inactivated" Review Reasons when the person is re-activated. Fixes: #4645


  • Resolved a bug that prevented modifying Entity-level Security for Steps. Fixes: #4683
  • Fixed a bug that caused an error when viewing Steps if the Step Program was inactive. Fixes: #4617


  • Fixed issue in Event Registration where the discount code text box would not appear if the registrant was taken off the waitlist and there was no cost for the event. Fixes: #4653


  • Improved the load time for the Event Registration Matching block.
  • Updated Financial Payment Details to store the expiration date and name on card un-encrypted.
  • Fixed issue with using wrong Expiration Date property. Fixes: #4695
  • Replaced Contribution Statement Lava block with a new a Contribution Statement Generator block which uses templates found under Finance > Statement Templates. The block is only replaced if you had not previously modified the stock lava template that originally came in the block settings. These statement templates will also be used by the upcoming, new Contribution Statement Generator external application in a future version of Rock.
  • The previous "Currency Symbol" Global Attribute has been replaced with "Organization Currency Code". This new attribute is a Defined Type value which has a 'Symbol' attribute that holds the currency's symbol. Although Rock's internal code automatically uses this, via Lava you could use: ` {{ 'Global' | Attribute:'OrganizationStandardCurrencyCode','Object' | Attribute:'Symbol' }}`


  • Updated the group member list to show a warning indicator for group members who have group requirement warnings and to differentiate between unmet requirements and warnings. Fixes: #4570
  • Fixed issue in birthday following notification for Friday birthdays not sending notification. Fixes: #4634


  • Added dynamic properties to entity commands. See documentation for details.
  • Fixed issue with the Sparkline Chart shortcode where the box displays "Loading..." instead of showing the chart. Fixes: #4693


  • Added new Add To Group block which allows a person to join themselves into a group of your choice (Requires mobile shell v3).


  • Fixed an issue with the Step "Statuses" not displaying correctly on the Data Views edit screen. Fixes: #4674


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Notes created by Workflows from triggering Note Watch notifications.

Pre-Alpha Version Released May 11, 2021

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

The following properties have been changed from DateTime to DateTimeOffset:

  • Rock.Common.Mobile.MobileInteraction.DateTime
  • Rock.Common.Mobile.MobilePerson.BirthDate
  • Rock.Common.Mobile.Blocks.Groups.GroupAttendanceEntry.GroupData.Date
  • Rock.Common.Mobile.Blocks.RegisterAccount.AccountData.BirthDate

The property Rock.Common.Mobile.Blocks.Groups.GroupAttendanceEntry.GroupData.Dates changed from List<DateTime> to List<DateTimeOffset>

The following method signatures have been updated to use DateTimeOffset instead of DateTime:

  • Rock.Blocks.Types.Mobile.Groups.GroupAttendanceEntry.DidNotMeet
  • Rock.Blocks.Types.Mobile.Groups.GroupAttendanceEntry.GetGroupData
  • Rock.Blocks.Types.Mobile.Groups.GroupAttendanceEntry.SaveAttendance
  • Rock.Blocks.Types.Mobile.Groups.GroupAttendanceEntry.SaveSingleAttendance

Changed the following fields from static to const:

  • Rock.SystemGuid.ServiceJob.MIGRATE_INTERACTIONS_DATA

Rock.Jobs.GivingAnalytics.CreateAlertsForTransaction() DateTime in the signature for parameter lastGiftDate is no longer nullable.

The class Rock.Lava.WebsiteLavaShortcodeProvider is no longer static.


  • Fixed an issue with the device id not being saved when entered via the URL. Fixes: #4655
  • Added the ability to control the header text of the blocks that make up check-in. The old "Title" block settings that previously held the block's header text have been removed. Admins should update any custom values in the new Check-in Configuration "Header Text" section.


  • Fixed an issue with the Nameless Person attributes not getting merged correctly. Fixes: #4646
  • Fixed the Communication List Subscribe block to only show active communication lists. Fixes: #4650
  • Updated the Communication List Subscribe block to show the description in the communication list.


  • Security on connections has been implemented consistently. This many mean that some individuals who had access to requests no longer do. This can easily be fixed by adjusting the security on your Connection Types and Opportunities.
  • Prevent a connection from being transferred to the same Connection Opportunity and display the Group Member Attributes in view mode. Fixes: #4660


  • Added PurposeKey to Followings to allow for specifying the custom purpose of the following.


  • Added a System Configuration setting that enables businesses to always display in the Person Picker.
  • Fixed an issue with the Public Profile Edit block that caused it to delete all phone numbers when editing a record.


  • Added Start Date to Person Step List Block.


  • Fixed an issue with inactive accounts showing in the Registration Account Information of an Event Registration. Fixes: #4657
  • Fixed issue in birthday following notification for Friday birthdays not sending notification. Fixes: #4634


  • Updated Giving Analytics block to restore functionality from prior versions allowing you to select all currency types and transaction sources by clicking on the heading. Fixes: #4450


  • Updated the Group Finder Hide Overcapacity Groups block attribute to display when editing the block settings. Fixes: #3945
  • Fixed issue where a group that had a mix of Group Location Schedules with and without configurations caused an error on the Group Schedule Toolbox block.
  • Fixed issue in the Group Scheduler Toolbox block where inactive groups were displayed for blackout dates. Fixes: #4668


  • Improved the 'run metrics' for Data Views to no longer increment when they are being persisted by the Update Persisted Dataviews job.
  • Updated the Service Metrics Entry block to allow selecting multiple Schedule Categories.
  • Fixed an issue with the Step Statuses not displaying correctly on the Data View Edit screen. Fixes: #4674

Pre-Alpha Version Released April 27, 2021

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes
No breaking changes in this release.


  • Added a new Media Account Component model for managing media stored in remote/external systems.


  • Added new En Route block to the Check-in Manager for special cases that are useful to some organizations.
  • Updated the Family Pre-Registration block to have additional options to allow an individual to select the day and service that they plan to attend.
  • Fixed JavaScript change that caused issues with Check-in. Fixes: #4666


  • Added the ability to add security to SMS Numbers to allow for more configuration options on the SMS Conversation's block.


  • Fixed pickers displaying with incorrect heights inside of modals.


  • Fixed issue in the RegistrationInstanceRegistrationList block where filtering the Registrations by Payment Status would not show registrations that have not paid any amount. Fixes: #4613


  • Fixed Group Scheduler to correctly display longer full names. Fixes: #4664


  • Updated the chart inside the metrics block to improve the chart formatting. Fixes: #3533
  • Added the ability for metrics to partition a Person data view by Campus.
  • Added some polish to the settings inside the Dynamic Data block and new setting to allow for automatic inclusion of a panel.

Pre-Alpha Version Released April 13, 2021

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

There was a small change in Rock.CheckIn.RosterAttendee between Rock 12.3 and 12.4. The following method signatures have been updated to use the RosterAttendeeAttendance object instead of the Attendance object.

  • bool AttendanceMeetsRosterStatusFilter(RosterAttendeeAttendance attendance, RosterStatusFilter rosterStatusFilter)
  • IList GetFromAttendanceList(IList attendanceList, GroupTypeCache selectedCheckinArea)
  • IList GetFromAttendanceList(IList attendanceList)


  • Improved KPI shortcode styling to improve appearance and browser compatibility.


  • Performance Improvements for Checkin Manager.


  • Fixed an issue that caused picker controls with categorized items (like Workflows and Data Views) not to fully expand and display items that were previously selected and saved. Fixes: #4504
  • Updated default avatar in connection request to show gendered version if known. Fixes: #4599


  • Fixed issue with person matching where the email address comparison was case sensitive. Fixes: #4640


  • Fixed an issue where an exception can occur if multiple kiosks are getting their configuration at the same time for one time events. Fixes: #4649


  • Fixed issue on the GroupDetail block where the Archive button would be shown for users that do not have Edit access to the group. Fixes: #4630


  • Fixed an issue where the TitleCase filter incorrectly removes special characters. Fixes: #4612
  • Fixed issue where Lava webhook templates were considered that were marked 'inactive' on the defined values.


  • Added new My Prayer Requests and Answer To Prayer blocks.


  • Updated the DataViewDetail and ReportDetail blocks with a new setting called "Add Administrate Security to Item Creator". When this is set to "Yes" then whoever created the item will automatically have the security permission to edit and administrate the item added. The default value for this setting is "No". The behavior of Rock prior to v12.4 was to automatically grant the item creator "Edit" and "Administrate" permissions. As of v12.4 this will not happen unless the new block setting is set to "Yes". This release does NOT change the security permissions for any existing data views and reports.


  • Adjusted the constraint on the "Person Attribute From Fields" workflow action to only require a first name and last name.

Pre-Alpha Version Released March 30, 2021

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes
No breaking changes in this release.


  • Improved security.
  • File Browsers Updates - A permission change has been made on the Rock File Browser to improve security. Many may not realize it, but the file browser modal runs as an iframe that hosts a Rock page. Security on this underlying page has been updated. Individuals who do not have access will no longer see the file browser in their HTML editor. This editor is used in the HTML control and Communication Entry block (among others places). If you want to allow other roles to access this feature, you can adjust security under the Internal Homepage > System Dialogs > Rock File Browser page


  • Added Group Attendance Reporting job to help with the reporting of attendance type metrics onto a person in new attribute values.


  • Added ability to add a person note in SMS Conversations.
  • Updated the Communication Entry Wizard block's Communication Types setting so that if "Recipient Preference" is selected, all active communication transports will be used during the creation of the communication. Fixes: #4588
  • Default Communication Entry Page - Rock ships with a default communication entry page on the Stark External Site. While we don't recommend that people use the pages of the sample External Site (they're a template) we know that many people have used them on their production sites. We adjusted the security of this page to require an individual be an Administrator or Staff member to access the page. You may want to adjust this setting if you are using this page for a production group toolbox.
  • Updated help text to provide additional information on how CSS inlining works with communication templates. Fixes: #4631
  • Updated help text to provide additional information on how CSS inlining works with communication templates. Fixes: #4631
  • Fixed an issue with SMS pipeline actions not sorting correctly. Fixes: #4624


  • Updated the public profile edit block's edit mode with an improved layout.


  • Fixed issue on the RegistrationEntry block where refreshing the page on the summary screen could allow a registration to be saved without the values entered in the registration form under certain conditions. Fixes: #4493


  • Updated the Schedule Toolbox to also send cancellation emails when appropriate.
  • Improved the Group Scheduler Sign Up page. People will no longer be able to sign-up after the Maximum Capacity has been reached. The checkbox will not be selectable and the time will be displayed in muted text and will show "(filled)" after it.


  • Updated the Lava Where filter to add support for complex filter expressions.


  • New block to handle onboarding of a new person into the application.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Group Member Edit block to error if Show Header option was turned off.


  • New block setting for Mobile and Web Prayer Session blocks to enable writing Interactions each time a Prayer Request is prayed for.


  • Updated Page Parameter Filter block to allow misconfigured filters to be deleted and allow for no update, block update, or page updates when filters are updated.

Pre-Alpha Version Released March 17, 2021

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

Moved the following classes to Namespace Rock.Lava.RockLiquid.Blocks

  • Rock.Lava.Blocks.Cache
  • Rock.Lava.Blocks.CalendarEvents
  • Rock.Lava.Blocks.EventScheduledInstance
  • Rock.Lava.Blocks.Execute
  • Rock.Lava.Blocks.InteractionContentChannelItemWrite
  • Rock.Lava.Blocks.Javascript
  • Rock.Lava.Blocks.JsonProperty
  • Rock.Lava.Blocks.RockEntity
  • Rock.Lava.Blocks.Search
  • Rock.Lava.Blocks.Sql
  • Rock.Lava.Blocks.Stylesheet
  • Rock.Lava.Blocks.TagList
  • Rock.Lava.Blocks.WebRequest
  • Rock.Lava.Blocks.WorkflowActivate

Moved class Rock.Utility.RockSerializableDictionary to Rock.Lava


  • Updated Check-in Manager Roster so that the Check-Out button will prompt for service if the selected attendee(s) are checked into more than one service. Also, Check-in Manager will now display the currently selected check-in configuration.


  • Added fullscreen capability to the SMS Conversations block.


  • Added fullscreen capability to Connection Request Board block.
  • Updated so that Connection Requests that come out of Future Follow-up state no longer appear as idle.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed incorrect workflows to be shown. Fixes: #4614


  • Fixed FontAwesome from flashing unstyled squares while loading icon fonts.
  • Added attribute support in Notes.
  • Improved security.
  • Improved security.
  • Improved security.
  • Updated the Model Map with some needed polish.


  • Added support for attributes on Step Types.
  • Fixed an issue with the Step Completed workflows not firing if the step was added via a workflow. Fixes: #4606


  • Fixed issue where groups were not added or detached correctly with multiple Group Placement Tabs. Fixes: #4383


  • Added Decline Reason information to Group Scheduler Analytics, Group Scheduler Status Board, and Group Scheduler.
  • Added fullscreen capability to the Group Scheduler block.


  • Fixed issue in Mobile Group Edit block that would throw an error if Show Header was turned off.
  • Updated Pre/Post-HTML Pre/Post-XAML when editing a Mobile Block.

Pre-Alpha Version Released March 2, 2021

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes
No breaking changes in this release.


  • Fixed issue where the HtmlContent block would sometimes not re-appear correctly when used in Secondary block mode. Fixes: #4572


  • Improved tap sound performance and reliability on core check-in themes.
  • Fixed Rapid Attendance Entry to allow disabling attendance. Fixes: #4498


  • Modified Email Field validation to allow inclusion of Lava commands/shortcodes. Fixes: #3976
  • Added functionality for adding an image to a SMS Conversation.


  • Fixed issue where the Connection Opportunity Signup block does not display default value for attributes. Fixes: #4605
  • Fixed Connection Opportunity Workflow Trigger job to handle connection requests when no future follow-up date workflows are configured. Fixes: #4539


  • Added priority navigation to Person profile pages to improve browsing on mobile.


  • Stop nodes from acting on messages before they are fully started and fixed bug with the node detail showing the wrong node.
  • Added configurable polling wait time and also increased default polling thresholds.


  • Added new giving analytics tools.
  • Fixed issue in Giving Analytics Block where end date is not included in "and did not give between" range. Fixes: #4593


  • Fixed an issue where the Send Group Requirements Notification job would include inactive group members. Fixes: #4583
  • Updated Group Scheduling Response Email to have a "Recipient" merge field. Also updated logic so that two separate emails will be sent: One to the Scheduler and the other to the "Confirmation Cancel" contact.


  • Removed Obsolete tag from IsScheduleActive/IsCheckInActive properties of Schedule model to ensure they remain accessible in Lava code. Fixes: #3471


  • Added functionality for mobile applications to use custom welcome/splash screens on each launch.


  • Fixed an issue with the weekly metrics entry block that would cause a null exception. Fixes: #4553
  • Fixed DataView filtering for Person In Registration Template excluding inactive instances. Fixes: #4607
  • Fixed Page Parameter Filter block to support page routes.

Pre-Alpha Version Released February 16, 2021

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes
No breaking changes in this release.


  • Fixed Lava Webhooks to properly send CORS headers and once again support CurrentPerson merge field. Fixes: #4574 #4575


  • Updated Bootstrap styled select elements to maintain the same style across all browsers (including iOS).
  • Updated KPI Shortcode to use new syntax.


  • Updated preview URL domain to The previous one ( is now defunct and not functional. This fix has been back-ported to 11.4 but is not included in the 12.0 package. Fixes: #4441


  • Updated the Communication Entry Wizard to support using a PersonId query string parameter.
  • Fixed an issue with the Send Grid HTTP integration that required the Save Communication option to be checked for emails to actually be sent via the Send Grid API. Fixes: #4582


  • Fixed issue where merge templates return blank when coming from tags. Fixes: #4590
  • Fixed issue where a new Address would not default to the Organization's country. Fixes: #4581
  • Fixed issue where the Send Group Attendance Digest job would include inactive groups. Fixes: #4583
  • Fixed issue where a Person's email address could be deleted when registering for an event if they weren't logged in, and if email wasn't required for registration. Fixes: #4591
  • Fixed Configuration Value Set on Date Field Type. Fixes: #4576
  • Fixed issue where an Address attribute would show the location's Name instead of Street Address if that same address was used for a campus location. Fixes: #4580


  • Fixed issue where Marital Status was displayed in the wrong spot on the public My Account page. Fixes: #4585


  • Workflow Entry block now allows WorkflowTypeGuid= query string parameter to specify the workflow type.

Pre-Alpha Version Released February 4, 2021

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

public method Rock.CheckIn.CheckinManagerHelper.SetSelectedCheckinAreaGuidToCookie(Nullable checkinAreaGuid) has been renamed to Rock.CheckIn.CheckinManagerHelper.SaveSelectedCheckinAreaGuidToCookie(Nullable checkinAreaGuid)

Removed v1.8 obsolete public method List Rock.Model.PersonService.InactivatePerson(Person person, DefinedValueCache reason, string reasonNote). The replacement method void Rock.Model.PersonService.InactivatePerson( Person person, DefinedValueCache inactiveReasonDefinedValue, string inactiveReasonNote ) returns void since history changes are handled by the Person model.


  • Added ability for a Rock Mobile application to be authenticated for an API in addition to the logged in person.


  • Added ability to specify that a Rock Mobile page should hide the Navigation Bar.
  • Re-added brand-color CSS variable to Rock theme to maintain backwards compatibility.
  • Updated the account creation block and API to better deal with special characters in the user name.


  • Added “In-Room Check-in Experience” enhancements to Check-in Manager.
  • Added a block setting to the Select Check-in Area block to limit which check-in configuration types are available/listed for the check-in manager system.
  • Updated the Check-in Manager's Live Metrics block to allow opening and closing classrooms again. Fixes: #4569
  • Fixed an issue with the Phone Number lookup button incorrectly showing on the Mobile Launcher block.
  • Fixed an issue with the Phone Number lookup button incorrectly showing on the Mobile Launcher block. Fixes: #4447


  • Added new step to RockCleanup job to reset any person or group member's communication preference from SMS to No Preference if they do not have any messaging enabled phones.
  • Updated the Send Communications job to primarily use ReviewedDateTime when getting the list of communications to send. Fixes: #4545
  • The Communication Entry Wizard has been simplified and visually refreshed with a cleaner look and feel.
  • Updated Twilio webhooks to avoid "Invalid Body" warnings from Twilio. Fixes: #4123
  • Fixed SMS Conversations from incorrectly scrolling.
  • Added a "ISmsPipelineWebhook" interface to allow plugin developers to set the webhook URL that appears in the Sms Pipeline Details block. Fixes: #4487


  • Allow connection board to support Markdown in connection request comments. Fixes: #4563


  • Resolved issues with setting Step Program Step Type attribute values on entities with the Entity Attribute Values block. Fixes: #4412
  • Added new Notes block for use with Mobile Applications that allows a user to view and enter entity notes.


  • Added new option to inactivate all family members in the Email Preference Entry block for use with the 'Not Involved' choice.


  • Fixed inability to remove (i.e. set to $0.00) fees during registration. Fixes: #4558
  • Fixed issue where the RegistrationEntry would get an error when loading a registration that is over or doesn't exist instead of the friendly message. Fixes: #4538


  • Added TargetPerson as a Lava merge field to the Contribution Statement Lava block.
  • Added a new Event Registration Matching block for matching existing batch transactions to a corresponding event registration (similar to the Fundraising Matching block).


  • Updated the Group Schedule Toolbox block to prevent a double postback when changing the Starting On date.
  • Fixed issue causing Mobile Group Edit block to give an error when tapping Cancel button in certain configurations.
  • Changed the Group Member Detail block to default new members' communication preference to 'No Preference' so that their normal profile preference is used instead of being overridden unnecessarily.


  • Fixed an issue with a Lava helper not handling null values. Fixes: #4550
  • Implemented new Lava engine called Fluid to increase performance and support move to .Net Core in the future. See for details on how you can switch over to take advantage of the increased performance.


  • Added support for Mobile application processing of a workflow with Person Entry fields on it.


  • Updated the family analytics stored procedures to correctly set the AttributeValue's ValueAsNumeric field. Fixes: #4184
  • Fixed an authorization issue that prevented creation of DataViews for Notes.

Pre-Alpha Version Released January 19, 2021

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes
No breaking changes in this release.


  • Updated the Event Item Occurrences Search Lava block with new settings to filter the search results.


  • Added support for the new Windows Check-in Client v4. Download and install Rock Windows Check-in Client under Power Tools > External Applications.
  • Added the ability to customize the person select button text using a Lava template.


  • Added the ability to copy previous communications from the Communication List block.
  • Replaced old, custom Twilio logging with the standard Rock Logging system.
  • Updated the logic of the Rock job engine to not write communication records when emails are sent regarding failed jobs.


  • Added new advanced settings on connection opportunities to allow for showing or hiding the status field, connect button and campus field (during transfer).


  • Updated the Database Maintenance job to exclude table indexes without names from the list of indexes that should be rebuilt. Fixes: #4464
  • Upgraded Rock Solution from .Net 4.5.2 to 4.7.2.


  • Fixed the Public Profile Lava to avoid repetition of the word "Family" in the family name. Fixes: #4542


  • Fixed Invalid URL to Person Profile on Step Participant List Block. Fixes: #4543


  • Fixed behavior of dynamic reports with "In Group(s)" filters where a group is deselected at run time.

Pre-Alpha Version Released January 5, 2021

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes
No breaking changes in this release.


  • Changed the ShortLinkList block on the Short Links page to support custom grid columns. Fixes: #4529


  • Updated the Connection Request Board to only list Active activities while adding a new activity. Fixes: #4527


  • Fixed username validation on Account Entry block. Fixes: #4530
  • Removed developer.css from Rock.
  • Added a new "Family Inactivate" workflow action that easily inactivates an entire family.


  • Fixed Group Detail block to create its own copy of attribute Values without making any change to the original group. This fixes an issue where attribute values were being lost from the original group when creating a new group using the group copy feature. Fixes: #4509

Pre-Alpha Version Released December 22, 2020

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes
No breaking changes in this release.


  • Added a new API REST endpoint for printing check-in session labels to a particular device printer.


  • Added a new block setting to the Login block to allow customizing the username label.
  • Fixed Public Profile Edit block to sort family members by age. Fixes: #4366


  • Fixed Family Attendance Badge to show correct tooltip. Fixes: #4497


  • Updated the Contribution Statement Lava block to sort the transactions from oldest to newest (was previously set to display newest to oldest).


  • Updated the Group Finder block so that campus filtering will occur when the "Enable Campus Context" is enabled (and a campus is in the context) when the "Display Campus Filter" is disabled. Fixes: #4355

Pre-Alpha Version Released December 15, 2020

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes
No breaking changes in this release.


  • Added new page to allow sending push notifications to all associated devices for a mobile application.
  • Fixed an issue where a communication was always being saved to a person's history, even if the "Save to History" flag is set to false. Fixes: #4507
  • Updated the CC/BCC fields on a Communication Template to allow for using Lava.
  • Added the ability to add video links to emails in the Communication Wizard.
  • Updated communication system and transport to use multiple threads when sending communications and when processing each recipient.
  • Added the ability to show the CC and BCC fields on the simple email editor. This allows the group toolbox to have these features (Idea #1559). Also fixed some alignment issues with the subject line and CC/BCC fields.
  • Fixed an issue where the entire button wasn't clickable inside of an email built with the Communication Entry Wizard. Fixes: #4503
  • Added the ability to add videos in the Email Wizard. Initial support is provided for Vimeo and YouTube. This feature will automatically create the thumbnail and link based off the provided URL to the video hosting provider.


  • Added new configuration option to the My Connection Opportunities Lava block to exclude connection types.


  • Fixed Rock Shop purchased plugin images from cropping incorrectly. Fixes: #4508


  • Added a new block setting to the AccountEntry block to use the person's required email address to be the username.
  • Added Campus Id and Guid page parameters, Number of Columns block attribute, and Communication preferences to the family preregistration block.


  • Added Key Performance Indicators to Step Programs and Step Types.


  • Fixed kiosk transaction entry block to allow giving in cents. Fixes: #4510


  • Changed the group scheduling auto-schedule logic to use the least recently scheduled 'available' person instead of only randomly choosing from the available people.


  • Added new Lava filters for reading and writing cookies.


  • Fixed an issue with the Data View's last refresh date not displaying correctly. Fixes: #4515


  • Fixed issue where the Show HTML workflow action wouldn't display correctly if the Workflow Entry block wasn't named 'Workflow Entry' Fixes: #4521

Pre-Alpha Version Released December 1, 2020

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

Made the property Rock.Model.CommunicationRecipient.PersonAliasId nullable.

Removed setter from property Rock.Model.SchedulerResource.HasSchedulingConflict. The property's value is now determined by checking the new property Rock.Model.SchedulerResource.SchedulingConflicts for any items. This new property is a List and holds any scheduling conflicts.

Removed method Rock.Reporting.DataFilter.Workflow.WorkflowAttributesFilter.workflowTypePicker_SelectItem. Selection functionality will be performed during the ValueChanged event using Rock.Reporting.DataFilter.Workflow.WorkflowAttributesFilter.workflowTypePicker_ValueChanged instead of the SelectItem event.


  • Fixed Public Profile Edit block to edit the correct address when in multiple families. Fixes: #4484
  • Added cache control headers ('Last-Modified' and 'ETag') to the GetImage.ashx to improve PageSpeed metrics.


  • Added optional RockCleanup job setting to perform some automated clean-up on recent attendance records. The job will un-set the DidAttend field if the person was never marked present in cases where the Check-in area configuration has the "Presence" feature enabled.
  • Fixed mobile check-in confirmation code incorrectly auto-filling on iOS. Fixes: #4500


  • Fixed issue where an error would occur when creating a personal communication template from a communication. Fixes: #4481
  • Updated the Send Group Schedule Notifications job to send via either email or SMS based on group / person preference.


  • Fixed bug in Summernote JS to correct reversed paragraph order when using paste from Word. Fixes: #4340
  • Added message bus and web farm to enable communication and coordination of multiple Rock instances.
  • Added database models for upcoming features: Message Bus and Web Farm


  • Updated the warning message shown when merging people who have email addresses and user logins.
  • Updated the Public Profile Edit block to have a 'Require Gender' setting and when true, hide the 'unknown' value from the gender picker.


  • Fixed issue in the RegistrationEntry block where the select family members drop-down would appear empty if the template had Same Family set to Ask and Show Family Members was not checked. The drop-down will not show if Show Family Members is not checked. Fixes: #4478


  • The GroupDetail block has new setting called "Add Administrate Security to Group Creator". When this is set to "Yes" then whoever created the group will automatically have the security permission to administrate the group added. The default value for this setting is "No". The behavior of Rock prior to v12.1 was to automatically grant the Group creator "Administrate" permission. As of v12.1 this will not happen unless the "Add Administrate Security to Group Creator" block setting is set to "Yes". This release does NOT change the security permissions for any existing Groups.
  • Improved Group Leader Pending Notifications to only send communication to active leaders. Fixes: #4489
  • Updated Group Scheduling so that scheduling conflicts in multi-schedule mode would do a better job of handling and displaying what the conflicts are. Also, updated Group Scheduling so that a Group with scheduling disabled would be displayed in a way that indicates that it doesn't allow scheduling. Fixes: #4468


  • Added a feature to allow single and multiline/block comments in Lava templates using the shorthand notation "//-" and "/- -/".


  • Fixed issue in prayer session to not cause validation on clicking next and back button. Fixes: #4488


  • Fixed issue in reports where the Total Giving field would export as a string instead of currency. This fixes an issue where the Grid would left-align the Total Giving column, and show an excel warning that the number is formatted as text. Fixes: #4473


  • Fixed issue in reporting where a Workflow Attribute filter would sometimes lose its configuration. This fixes an issue where a Dynamic Report block does not work with Workflow Attribute filters. Fixes: #3407

Pre-Alpha Version Released November 10, 2020

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes

The setter for property Rock.Model.Page.OutputCacheDuration has been made private. This property is obsolete and set programmically using the new CacheControlHeader property.

Made the property Rock.Web.UI.Controls.PersonBasicEditor.PersonGender nullable.

Changed the setters for the following Cache object properties to private.

  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.AssessmentTypeCache.AssessmentPath
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.AssessmentTypeCache.AssessmentResultsPath
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.AssessmentTypeCache.BadgeColor
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.AssessmentTypeCache.BadgeSummaryLava
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.AssessmentTypeCache.Description
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.AssessmentTypeCache.IconCssClass
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.AssessmentTypeCache.IsActive
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.AssessmentTypeCache.IsSystem
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.AssessmentTypeCache.MinimumDaysToRetake
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.AssessmentTypeCache.RequiresRequest
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.AssessmentTypeCache.Title
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.AttributeCache.IsPublic
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.DocumentTypeCache.BinaryFileTypeId
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.DocumentTypeCache.DefaultDocumentNameTemplate
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.DocumentTypeCache.Name
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.EntityAttributesCache.EntityAttributes
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.EntityAttributesCache.EntityAttributesByEntityTypeId
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.EntityDocumentTypesCache.EntityDocumentTypes
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.EntityNoteTypesCache.EntityNoteTypes
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.GroupTypeCache.RSVPReminderOffsetDays
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.GroupTypeCache.RSVPReminderSystemCommunicationId
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.LayoutCache.LayoutMobilePhone
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.LayoutCache.LayoutMobileTablet
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.NoteTypeCache.AllowsReplies
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.NoteTypeCache.AllowsWatching
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.NoteTypeCache.ApprovalUrlTemplate
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.NoteTypeCache.AutoWatchAuthors
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.NoteTypeCache.BackgroundColor
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.NoteTypeCache.BorderColor
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.NoteTypeCache.FontColor
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.NoteTypeCache.MaxReplyDepth
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.NoteTypeCache.RequiresApprovals
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.NoteTypeCache.SendApprovalNotifications
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.PersistedDatasetCache.BuildScript
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.PersistedDatasetCache.BuildScriptType
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.PersistedDatasetCache.EntityTypeId
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.PersistedDatasetCache.ExpireDateTime
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.PersistedDatasetCache.IsActive
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.PersistedDatasetCache.IsSystem
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.PersistedDatasetCache.MemoryCacheDurationMS
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.PersistedDatasetCache.ResultFormat
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.PersistedDatasetCache.TimeToBuildMS
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.SiteCache.AdditionalSettings
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.SiteCache.ConfigurationMobilePhoneBinaryFileId
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.SiteCache.ConfigurationMobilePhoneFileUrl
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.SiteCache.ConfigurationMobileTabletBinaryFileId
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.SiteCache.ConfigurationMobileTabletFileUrl
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.SiteCache.EnableExclusiveRoutes
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.SiteCache.IsActive
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.SiteCache.LatestVersionDateTime
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.SiteCache.SiteType
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.SiteCache.ThumbnailBinaryFileId
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.SiteCache.ThumbnailFileUrl
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.SmsActionCache.ContinueAfterProcessing
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.SmsActionCache.IsActive
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.SmsActionCache.Name
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.SmsActionCache.Order
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.SmsActionCache.SmsActionComponentEntityTypeId
  • public property Rock.Web.Cache.SmsActionCache.SmsPipelineId


  • Added page cache control header settings similar to the cache settings on the REST actions.


  • Updated the EditLabel block with a new attribute for the label preview URL. This will allow the URL to be adjusted when the Labelary API URL changes. Fixes: #4441
  • Fixed Aero Theme from not scrolling people correctly. Fixes: #4479
  • Fixed Checkin Aero Theme from hiding "Another Person" button on individual checkin.


  • Fixed an issue with the Following Suggestion List not passing the correct items to the bulk update functionality. Fixes: #4474


  • Updated the Group Schedule Status Board to not show inactive schedules. Fixes: #4471


  • Added a new Data View filter and a Report field to make it easy to find and report on Notes created by people within a given period of time.
  • Fixed an issue where a Metric Category Picker might not retain previously selected Metric Categories when editing the field.
  • Updated the Report Detail block to show time to run and run count similar to the Data View Detail block.


  • Added ability to gather individual and spouse information from a workflow.
  • Fixed an issue where the Required property is not correctly enforced for Attribute Matrix and Value List attributes. Fixes: #4393

Pre-Alpha Version Released October 27, 2020

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes
No breaking changes in this release.


  • Updated the Site Detail block to always show the 'Index Starting Location' and renamed it 'Crawling Starting Location' to make this field more re-usable for multiple purposes. Before it was limited to the starting point for the universal search to harvest the pages of the site.
  • Fixed an issue with Universal Search ignoring filters. Fixes: #3672
  • Updated the Interaction Transaction to extract and store any utm_* URL querystring parameter values into the corresponding field of the Interaction record.
  • Allow printing in color in all themes.
  • Fixed issue where a 404 could occur if a route had a space in it (e.g. search terms used in the route path). Fixes: #4453
  • Updated to FontAwesome 5.15.1
  • Fixed "Content Channel Navigation" block settings. Parent category is no longer required. Fixes: #4457


  • A new check-in manager app will allow room attendants to open and close classrooms, mark a person as 'present' in the classroom, etc.


  • Fixed issue where an error would occur when creating a personal communication template from a communication.


  • Updated the Campaign Configuration to allow setting the "Daily Limit of Assigned Connection Requests" when the "All at Once" option is used. When used, this will cause a portion of the created connection requests to be assigned (as many as possible based on the number of available connectors and daily limit). Fixes: #4434


  • Added a new LocationList field type for selecting or adding new locations from a configured parent location.


  • Fixed issue where a non-mandatory Address Field Type does not allow an empty address to be entered. Fixes: #4432
  • Updated the ForgotUserName block and corresponding "Forgot Usernames" system communication to not show the password reset link if the user login type does not support password resets. Fixes: #4438


  • Improved the ability for the RegistrationEntry block to find a person record for a registrant by including the Birthday and Mobile Phone as search parameters. This will help prevent Ted Decker Jr. returning Ted Decker if they share an email address. Fixes: #4454
  • Updated the Event Item Occurrence Detail block and redesigned it to allow quickly adding a slug without a registration or a group.

Pre-Alpha Version Released October 13, 2020

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes
No breaking changes in this release.


  • Added the ability to quickly enable/disable the web cache for the HTML, Content Channel and Internal Communication blocks directly on the admin toolbar.
  • Improved the externally facing Public Profile Edit block (aka My Account page) with a cleaner look and feel and to use a Lava template to control the view mode. Since this change may have affected the current look, Rock administrators should verify the look and style after the update.


  • Updated the attendance code service to avoid duplicate codes in a Redis Backplane environment.
  • Added a new "attendance type" Defined Type used to help classify an attendance occurrence as physical/in-person, virtual/online, etc.


  • Added Person filter to the SMS Conversations block to ease finding messages created by the viewer.
  • Updated Communication Template help text to clarify how the 'template-logo' div works. Fixes: #4333
  • Added progress reporting to the Communication Entry block to prevent timeouts with a large number of recipients. Fixes: #4041
  • Fixed the communication editor to not allow undo to clear the contents of a message.


  • Updated campaign connection to correctly create records when Limit to Head of House is enabled. Fixes: #4461


  • Improved the Campus and Campuses field types to allow them to be filtered by campus type and or campus status based on the attribute configuration.
  • Updated the FieldType code so that the Event Registration Filter could support a boolean Toggle or Checkbox. Fixes: #4379


  • Fixed issue where a communication preference of SMS could be set even when the person didn't have an SMS phone number. Fixes: #4428


  • Fixed issue where images do not show correctly in Registration confirmation and reminder emails. Fixes: #4429
  • Fixed Event Item Occurrence Detail block to properly remove the registration linked to it. Fixes: #4245
  • Updated Event Registration Detail block to correctly update ComparedToRegistrationTemplateFormFieldGuid on copy. Fixes: #4352


  • Fixed issue where an error would occur when editing a Scheduled Transaction. Fixes: #4385
  • Fixed issue where editing scheduled transactions could change currency type to Unknown. Fixes: #4437


  • Updated Group Tree View block to display the correct count of child groups. Fixes: #4449
  • Fixed issue in Group Placement where a member could not be removed unless the user was a Rock Admin, even if the user had Edit or Manage Member permissions on the Group. Fixes: #4395


  • Added new Lava filter "AddResponseHeader" to add Response headers.


  • Added the popular "Change Log" (Notes block) recipe to the Workflow Configuration page.

Pre-Alpha Version Released September 29, 2020

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes
No breaking changes in this release


  • Updated Rapid Attendance Entry block to create cookie with unique key and validate setting on load. Fixes: #4422
  • Updated Rapid Attendance Entry to prevent saving the notes if left blank. Fixes: #4430
  • Updated Rapid Attendance Entry with single save button to clear up any confusion. Fixes: #4384
  • Updated Check-In to only list active devices. Fixes: #4338
  • Updated Mobile Launcher to hide login button if no page is specified in Login page block attribute. Fixes: #4415


  • Added missing ForeignKeys from CommunicationTemplate ImageFileId and PushImageBinaryFileId fields. Fixes: #3582


  • Added a board view for Connection Requests.


  • Fixed Address field type to correctly set the state. Fixes: #4291
  • Fixed typo on Notes Block Attribute. Fixes: #4413
  • Updated the GroupMember code so that the Entity Property Set workflow action would work properly. Fixes: #4407
  • Improved the summary message of the Database Maintenance Job.
  • Fixed issue where a Named location would sometimes display the street address instead of the Name. This fixes an issue where the Group Scheduler would show the group location as a street address instead of the location's name if the group location had a street address. Fixes: #4397


  • Improved saving a person by adding logic that will automatically convert curly single quotes into the standard single quote character (ASCII 39) so that searching and finding match/duplicates works better.


  • Updated the Event Registration block to put the event registration templates in alphabetical order. Also, changed the drop down to be enhanced for long lists. Fixes: #4417
  • Fixed issue where inactive registration templates were shown on the Event Item Occurrence Detail block. Fixes: #4418


  • Fixed issue in Transaction Matching where pressing Enter in an amount box no longer navigated to the next page. Fixes: #4300


  • Added new DataView Results block which can be used to show the results of a Data View. This also introduces an option to launch a workflow from a DataView results grid.

Pre-Alpha Version Released September 15, 2020

Note: This build includes the following breaking Changes
No breaking changes in this release.


  • Fixed a caching issue with the GroupListPersonalizedLava block that would cause the block to crash. Fixes: #4405
  • Added new feature to Content Channel View block to enable easy creation of archive (past) items links.
  • Improved Content Channel View so that attribute filters in the URL will support passing in multiple values for defined values attributes that have 'Allow Multiple' enabled.
  • Fixed an issue with the Parent Grid showing incorrect data. Fixes: #4361
  • Updated to FontAwesome 5.14.0


  • Fixed Aero theme to show all check-in group ability levels. Fixes: #4401
  • Added option to Check-in to determine Kiosk by IP/Name when using URL Configuration option but without specifying KioskId in the URL.
  • Fixed issue with person attribute values not being saved when entered through the Rapid Attendance Entry block. Fixes: #4370


  • Fixed an issue with invalid email addresses not being deactivated when using SendGrid. Fixes: #4279


  • Fixed grid buttons on Rock theme to only override background on .btn-default and .btn-danger Fixes: #4396
  • Updated Public Application Root to require a trailing forward slash. Fixes: #4351
  • Fixed issue with exclusive routes for non-RockRMS sites where the admin toolbar configuration pages got a 404 message. Fixes: #4346
  • Enables Lava for the Initial Instructions, Verification Instructions, Individual Selection Instructions, and Phone Number Not Found Message attributes of the Phone Number Identification block. Fixes: #4389
  • Fixed an issue with the PageZoneBlocksEditor adding multiple controls with CustomerAdminControls. Fixes: #4403
  • Automatically perform block compilation in the background after a restart to improve performance for first viewer of a page's blocks.


  • Fixed an issue with the Show Security Button attribute not being respected on the Documents block. Fixes: #4406
  • Fixed attendance duration badge when duration is weeks. Fixes: #4391


  • Resolved issue with account not being set when creating a new event registration instance through the Event Registration Wizard when cost is set on the registration template. Fixes: #4392
  • Fixed an issue with the currency fields on the Registration Instance Registration List block not exporting to Excel in the co